Well, I guess if I'm going to criticize Saudi Arabia, then I have to criticize the US also... because we have 1% of our adults behind bars.... China has similar numbers..but they have 4 times our population.
The sad thing is that this is starting to change... not because it's wrong... or because a better way has been proven effective... but merely because it's starting to COST TOO MUCH.
To be fair, a lot of these people deserve to be in prison... but not all of them, even if they are guilty as hell, there has to be a better punishment than just locking them up.
Record-High Ratio of Americans in Prison
also from CNN
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Thursday, February 28, 2008
Record-High Number of Americans in Prison
Posted by
2/28/2008 09:25:00 PM PERMALINK
Labels: Crime
Bring Them Home
Let Bring them home... not US troops, but the millions of displaced Iraqis....but "the Surge" is working.
FOXNews.com - Angelina Jolie Says Troop Surge Creating Opportunity to Help Iraqi Refugees
Staying to Help in Iraq - washingtonpost.com
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Diebold Accidentally Leaks Results Of 2008 Election Early
This is hilarious... mainly because is sometimes seems like it could be true.
Diebold Accidentally Leaks Results Of 2008 Election Early
Thanks to Gizmodo for the link
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Posted by
2/28/2008 02:52:00 PM PERMALINK
Labels: 2008 Election, Fun, VoterFraud
180 Lashes for Having Coffee With Student
I sometimes wonder if all the attention this is getting in the west helps or hurts the situation over there. But with all these reports coming out these days, I can hardly consider Saudi Arabia to be a friend or ally.
FOXNews.com - Professor Faces 180 Lashes for Having Coffee With Student - International News | News of the World | Middle East News | Europe News
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Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Compact fluorescent lightbulbs come with mercury risk
High-efficient lightbulbs come with mercury risk - The Boston Globe
Nothing is "free".... you can have an efficient light bulb, but it's hazardous if broken. I actually had a 7-year CF bulb fail on me (actually it never worked, it was DOA). It's sitting on a shelf in my office because I don't know how to dispose of it. Throwing it in the garbage just didn't seem right, but I don't want to make a special trip to the hazardous dump just for one bulb... and I've always suspected that our local hazardous dump just throws everything away anyways (totally unfounded cynicism on my part)
This bulb isn't broken... but if it had broken...
In addition to this hazard, I've always wonder how much energy is used and pollution is produced in the manufacturing of the bulbs. Since they are more expensive, they must take more energy, more expensive material, or more manpower to make than normal bulbs. So I wonder what the life-cycle cost really is in both energy and pollution terms. Then add to that disposal costs, and I wonder if these things make as much sense as everyone says...If a bulb breaks, get children and pets out of the room. Ventilate the room. Never use a vacuum -- even on a rug -- to clean up a compact fluorescent light. Instead, while wearing rubber gloves, use stiff paper such as index cards and tape to pick up pieces, then wipe the area with a wet wipe or damp paper towel.
Thanks to the Volokh Conspiracy for the link and of course Instapundit which is where I saw it first. [This Post Continues after the jump...]
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Our Mounting Credit Card Debt
I thought this gave some numbers on the total Credit Card Debt but it only says 2.2 TRILLION was spent on credit cards last year. I assume a lot or most of that was paid off, but maybe this is the portion that was not paid off. Either way, we owe a lot of money.
And the US is a consumer driven economy, but we're consuming more than we can pay for. Add this to the government total debt and it looks more and more like everything is based on AIR. How long can this go on?
I really fear the whole system is going to stumble and fall one day. And just because I don't have any debt other than my mortgage, I doubt I will be any better off. We have a tendency of bailing people out -- which might make people with lots of debt that vanishes actually better off then me. But I'm hardly going to run up a huge debt and count on everything crashing and being bailed out by the government. With my luck, the crash would happen the day after I paid everything back or defaulted and they took everything away.
When credit cards put you in jeopardy - CNN.com
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Posted by
2/23/2008 01:28:00 AM PERMALINK
Labels: Consumer Issues, Debt, Economics
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Whole Disk Encryption may not be Secure Enough
This just shows that nothing that is easily accessible to the user can be fully protected from an attacker. Every lock HAS to have a key, and no matter how strong the lock and safe are, the key still has to be protected.
If I understand it, this is similar to how the new BluRay and HD-DVD protection has been broken. Software that plays these disks has the have the KEY somewhere in it, somewhere in memory. All the can do is try and hide it. But you've given the KEY out freely, and just hope no one can find it unless using the authorized software. That's just silly.
Disk encryption may not be secure enough, new research finds | The Iconoclast - politics, law, and technology - CNET News.com
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Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Obama supporter cannot name any of Obama Achievements
Here is Texas State Senator Kirk Watson on national cable television trying to "support" Obama... but he can't...
He says Obama "inspires" and is able to "layout a vision" and "solutions" but apparently none of them can be named. Please don't share with any Democrat in Texas or Ohio until after they nominate this guy.
from InstaPundit
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Posted by
2/20/2008 05:07:00 PM PERMALINK
Labels: 2008 Election, Candidates-D, Obama, Primaries
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Same-Sex Penguin Book Censored
The book "And Tango Makes Three" has been removed from a school library in Virgina. Supporters of the book say it's removal is CENSORSHIP.
Well DUH... you Damn well better believe it is CENSORSHIP. And I'll fight with all I have to for the RIGHT and the RESPONSIBILITY to CENSOR what my child is expose to. Any parent that doesn't is not a fit parent.
Children simply do not need to be exposed to gay propaganda like this. I bet the other books in the library are all censored and age appropriate. Just because this is a cute illustrated story about a baby penguins doesn't make it age appropriate. I can all but garantee you that it was written with the intent to teach children that gay couples raising children is "normal" and "natural" and "acceptable".
This is the one area I will not compromise on. Gay Marriage is fine with me as long as the people vote for it and a court doesn't force it on us. Protection for gays in the work force, fine with me as long the the gay person isn't causing the business to loose customers. Gays in the Military, fine with me as long as codes of behavior are still enforced.
But Gay's adopting children? Absolutely NOT. Children can only be created by a male and female parent and I think they should only be raised by male and female parents. Adoption is not a right, it is a privilege and society has every right to set rules and conditions and to "pass judgment" on who can and who cannot adopt a child. Just like parents have the right to pass judgment on (aka CENSOR) what books their children should be exposed to.
The only possible exception to this is when one member of the gay couple is also the biological parent of the child. The state should never take a child away from his/her biological parent unless actual abuse is taking place. In this case, the partner of the child's biological parent should be given some parental rights to give the child a semblance of the stability of a two-parent household.
I don't know if "Tango" was related to one of the male penguin raising it, but it doesn't matter. Children are no capable of drawing that subtle distinction and should not be exposed to this stuff at their age. period.
FOXNews.com - Children's Book About Same-Sex Penguin Couple Causes Flap in Virginia - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News
[This Post Continues after the jump...]
Posted by
2/17/2008 12:45:00 PM PERMALINK
Labels: Censorship, Gay Rights, Parenting
Government is Good?
Yesterday I turned 37. My loving parents (thanks mom and dad!) sent me an amazon gift card for getting older. I immediately went to amazon.com to start looking for some birthday booty. And I came across this:
Government is Good - An Unapologetic Defense of a Vital Institution
I have yet to read through a lot of it, however, there are some things that make my hair stand on end such as the sections entitled: Taxes are Good, The Case FOR Bureaucracy and Why We Need More Government.
This will obviously require a much more in-depth read on my part.
More later......
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Posted by
2/17/2008 08:48:00 AM PERMALINK
Labels: Goverment Power, government
Saturday, February 16, 2008
US Satellite Shot - Needed for Safety or a Weapons Test?
Well Russia says it's just a veiled weapons test. But has a NASA engineer that has at least heard the word "hydrazine" before today, I think there is room for concern. I was surprised what survived from Challenger, video tapes with data still on them, science experiment data, and other things all survived. This Satellite failed days after launch, so it's tanks are FULL and reasonably could be a hazard to anyone near an impact site.
But that doesn't mean it won't be a great weapons test also!! And if it really has happened like the US says, it is a great SHORT NOTICE test of a weapons system. An excellent opportunity not to be passed up.
Plus, it is very different from China's recent test. First, we are telling everyone beforehand. Second, this satellite is days away from reentering the atmosphere - therefore it is much lower than other operational satellites and the debris will be in the same low orbit and not harm any other satellite. The debris will also re-enter the atmosphere in a few days or weeks. The Chinese satellite was not functioning but in a normal orbit, it's debris caused lots of problems with other operating satellites.
Russia: US Satellite Shot a Weapons Test
As a side thought, wouldn't it be GREAT if this satellite wasn't a "failed" imaging satellite at all? Maybe it was launched just to be a target. They could even have some control over it and have picked the time for this test. If this becomes a conspiracy theory I want credit for mentioning it first!! (I haven't read this anywhere else, but I'm sure others have thought of it or even written about it, but I should get some credit for starting an unfounded rumor, and my NASA credentials might even give it an unfounded air of plausibility.)
Anyways, I would hope our military could pull something like this off, I mean all the alien technology has to be good for something.
[This Post Continues after the jump...]
Posted by
2/16/2008 09:25:00 PM PERMALINK
Labels: Conspiracy, Military, NASA, Science, tech
Superdelegates make winning Elections Irrelevant
Top Clinton Adviser Says Superdelegates Will Decide Election, Obama’s Victories ‘Irrelevant’ - You Decide 08!
This is wonderful. If Clinton wins this way, it will destroy the party. Obama might even be able to run as an independent like Lieberman did when the "party" selected someone the voters of Connecticut did not want. In that case it was the voters of the democratic primary that selected a different candidate, but while they won the primary, they were unable to force that choice onto the voters of Connecticut. And Lieberman won "independent" of the party.
Likewise, the party super-delegates might be able to force the nomination of Clinton, but Obama might be able to run "independent" of the party leadership. But of course, do that would almost guarantee loosing the general election, and Obama may be wise to avoid that.
But if Clinton wins this way, I can see the first question in a debate with McCain.
"Senator Clinton, if elected, how can you be trusted to enforce laws that you disagree with or that harm your political ambitions if you don't even follow the rules of your own party when they are in your way."I think it is interesting to see that the "leadership" of BOTH parties are loosing control of the party. Both Obama and McCain are winning even though they were not the choice of the "establishment". They both appeal greatly to moderates and centrist, but I think Obama will be seen as the more "radical" or "extreme" and "liberal" of the he and McCain. Especially if he ever gives details of exactly what CHANGE he is going to bring. [This Post Continues after the jump...]
Posted by
2/16/2008 08:52:00 PM PERMALINK
Labels: 2008 Election, Candidates-D, Primaries
Florida’s Marriage Amendment - Part 1
Ok it’s time for me to stake out a position on the Florida Marriage Amendment. Florida4Marriage.org has gotten enough signatures to get this proposed Amendment on the Nov 2008 ballot.
“Inasmuch as marriage is the legal union of only one man and one woman as husband and wife, no other legal union that is treated as marriage or the substantial equivalent thereof shall be valid or recognized.”
Opposition Groups
Florida Red and Blue
News Stories
Florida to vote on gay marriage ban amendment [This Post Continues after the jump...]
Posted by
2/16/2008 10:31:00 AM PERMALINK
Labels: Gay Rights, Local, Marriage
Friday, February 15, 2008
Condominium Owners ban Smoking
I'm really getting confused... IS this still a FREE country?
Condominium owners tell smokers: Take it outside
This is indeed a slippery slope - where does it stop?
- Ban watching PG-13 or above movies because someone my hear a bad word.
- Ban non-organic food because the pesticides get into the air and can harm humans.
- Ban certain cleaning or pest control products (even though they are legal) because the residue may be harmful.
- Ban private religious activity because you don't want someone summoning Satan (or the stay puff marshmallow man) next door.
- Ban entering the building if you are sick (germs can spread easier than smoke)
- Ban having a Gun in the building even if you have a license
- Ban scented candles or air fresheners (I'm extremely allergic to some of these items)
- Ban any music or other sound that can be heard outside the condo, even if only during t he time the door is opened to come in or out.
- Ban Sex (it doesn't physically harm anyone, but it makes the people not getting any feel bad and thus effect the mental health of people living in the condos)
Posted by
2/15/2008 01:48:00 PM PERMALINK
Labels: HOA, Rights and Freedoms
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Limits on CIA Interrogations
"Republican presidential contender Sen. John McCain of Arizona, who was tortured as a prisoner of war in Vietnam, voted against the measure Wednesday."WOW!! I had expected McCain to vote FOR this. I wonder what his reasons are. I support limiting what the CIA can do, but maybe not this much.
The CIA should have a window of very harsh methods (including water boarding) for getting current information quickly. But once that window has passed, there are less and less reasons to continue to use the harsh methods. To me "torture" is the POINTLESS inflicting of pain and suffering to punish someone, or to "get even" or just to be cruel or to get a false confession. If there is reasonable reason to believe the person has information that can stop an eminent attack, or lead to the capture of other terrorist, then I say just about anything goes. But if they hold out for days or a week or two then...
A - The info he has is old anyways.
B - He may start giving false info just to stop the interrogation
C - He may not really know anything (or anything more than he already told)
D - He may just be strong willed and have "beaten us".
There comes a time when the risk of option 'D' becomes small enough and the chances of A,B or C (or others) being true become large enough that we must stop the harsh techniques. They have become pointless and therefore I would consider continuing them to be "Torture". He could still be subjected to other less harsh, more long term, techniques but eventually he should become "just a prisoner" and simply held.
Until trial of course.
By the way, the argument that Committee Chairman Jay Rockefeller made that "Retaliation is the way of the world. What we do to others, they will do to us — but worse," is just silly. Terrorist have no limits on what they are willing to do. What we do with our prisoners may be used in propaganda, but will in no way make terrorist attack us more or in "worse" ways. Nor will it make them treat people they kidnap or capture "worse". It shows Mr Rockefeller doesn't know what he's talking about, and is just using this as his own propaganda against President Bush. [This Post Continues after the jump...]
Posted by
2/14/2008 11:01:00 AM PERMALINK
Labels: Military, Rights and Freedoms, terrorism, War on Terror
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Teacher fired for having a legal gun in his truck
So much for the 2nd Amendment!
He can legally carry a gun, but get gets fired for doing just that..... wait.. that would be just like ME... except I don't have a license or a gun... but I could get one... but not bring it to work, even if left in my car....
Polk County teacher fired for having a gun in his truck -- OrlandoSentinel.com
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Congress questions if NASA can afford its priorities
We're giving away 168 BILLION in the "stimulus package" but cutting real work and real jobs by 2.9 Billion.
So much for the laws of mathematics, because this just doesn't add up...
The Congress questions if NASA can afford its priorities
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Posted by
2/13/2008 03:31:00 PM PERMALINK
Labels: Federal Budget, NASA
Clinton Rally at Catholic University - Opps!
Clinton Rally at Catholic University Sparks Controversy
I guess Hillary forgot her strong support for abortion is just a little at odd's with the Catholic Church's
Our Catholic institutions must promote the clear understanding of our deep moral convictions on an issue like abortion, an act that the Church calls 'an unspeakable crime' and a non negotiable issue.Couldn't have said it better myself.... [This Post Continues after the jump...]
Posted by
2/13/2008 02:52:00 PM PERMALINK
Labels: 2008 Election, abortion, Candidates-D, Primaries, religion
Limbaugh is McCain’s most valuable asset?
This is hilarious.. I've been wondering how the conservative talk radio hosts (Limbaugh, Hannity, Coulter) were going to spin their insanely harsh opposition to McCain after he becomes the nominee. Disagreeing with him is one thing, they did it with a viciousness typically reserved for anyone named "Clinton" that it made me sick.
Here's Rush's spin, I wonder if the others will follow suit. Or actually campaign against McCain like Coulter said she would do.
CNN Political Ticker: All politics, all the time Blog Archive - Limbaugh: I’m McCain’s ‘most valuable asset’ « - Blogs from CNN.com
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Posted by
2/13/2008 02:46:00 PM PERMALINK
Labels: 2008 Election, Candidates-R, McCain, Primaries
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Huckabee runs out of gas!
Literally, a van carrying reporters to the Airport for Huckabee's flight to Little Rock actually RAN OUT OF GAS..
I wonder if this has any metaphorical implications for his campaign.
CNN Political Ticker: All politics, all the time Blog Archive - Huckabee press pool runs out of gas « - Blogs from CNN.com
And if anyone is wondering, I'm GLAD Huckabee is staying in the Race. It keeps the Republican's and McCain in the news, and he is building his name recognition for 2012 or maybe a position in a McCain administration. I have to admit I had NEVER heard of him before the first of the year, and then I was unfortunately tainted by the media's habit of calling him "Huckabee-the-former-baptist-minister". I think he will be in a good position in 2012 (McCain might not seek a 2nd term, and we'll all be sick of Clinton or Obama...)
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Posted by
2/12/2008 02:13:00 PM PERMALINK
Labels: 2008 Election, Candidates-R, Primaries
Monday, February 11, 2008
Can McCain Win? - YES!
Polls show McCain beats Clinton but looses to Obama, but all within the statistical margin of error. So the popular vote is evenly split right now.
However, Electoral College analysis show McCain has a good chance at winning in November.
Getting to 270 - WSJ.com
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Posted by
2/11/2008 03:40:00 PM PERMALINK
Labels: 2008 Election, Candidates-R, McCain, Primaries
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Olympic Gag Order
The British have to sign this, All I can say is that I'm glad the US did not force our athletes to sign something like this. If China wants to play on the world's stage, it needs to either defend or change it actions. And we all know CHANGE is what is needed.
Britain kow tows to China as athletes are forced to sign no criticism contracts | the Daily Mail
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Posted by
2/10/2008 08:59:00 PM PERMALINK
America, the land of racism?
A Nobel Laureate, Doris Lessing,has claimed that Obama would be assassinated if he became president. Of course, it would be because he is an African-American and Americans are bigots (that's the way in which I read it). I think that this statement is absolutely ridiculous and is just more garbage from another America-hater.
I'd like to direct you all now to a phenomenal blog with a write-up about this ridiculous statement: America, the land of racism?
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Posted by
2/10/2008 10:18:00 AM PERMALINK
Thursday, February 07, 2008
McCain for President. Or we're really screwed.
I like this just for the bumbersticker slogan..
Confederate Yankee: Biting the Bullet: "McCain for President. Or we're really screwed."
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Posted by
2/07/2008 01:29:00 PM PERMALINK
Labels: 2008 Election, Candidates-R, McCain, Primaries
Mitt to Quit
Romney to Quit Race During CPAC Speech - You Decide 08!
Well, the 2nd place person is quiting, but the 3rd place person isn't? That's odd.
There is a lot of animosity between Romney and Huckabee, so I wonder what Romney will try and do with his delegates. They will more naturally support Huckabee, but Romney might not be willing to officially give him support. But if he officially supports McCain, the delegates might not follow his lead.
This is certainly interesting...
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Posted by
2/07/2008 01:15:00 PM PERMALINK
Labels: 2008 Election, Candidates-R, Primaries
Police collecting DNA samples During Traffic Stops
I'm not sure I like this. Just because you are being pulled over for a traffic violation, doesn't mean you should be forced to give a DNA sample. It just seems too open for abuse. Police can claim to have seen you roll through a stop sign when you really didn't. I trust the vast majority of police officers and will take there word for it for a $30 or even $300 fine. But there has to be a limit for what a police officer and do just on his word.
If we want to give police the right to collect DNA from anyone, then give them that power. Don't tie to to some observation of some minor violation. That puts too much pressure on police to make up a violation to collect information. They should not be put in that position.
I trust police at their mere word for a LOT of things. But there has to be a limit. And DNA collection goes past that limit in my mind.
Police Swabbing Mouths During Traffic Stops In Serial Killer Hunt - Orlando News Story - WKMG Orlando
Daytona Cops to take DNA in all Arrests
This Orlando Sentinel story says DNA is collected in all ARRESTS which is much different from just a traffic stop. It doesn't make it clear that is is ONLY for arrests, but that is implied. This is better and not that much different from finger printing that also happens when a person is officially arrested.
My only concern with DNA use (which is an entirely different issue) is how the common man (myself included) cannot see or examine DNA. Fingerprint match is an art and a science too, but at least I could see both fingerprints and see the similarities and the patterns. I might still be fooled by someone claiming two prints match, but only if they are close to matching. If they were grossly different, then that would be spotted. With DNA you simply have to take the expert's word. [This Post Continues after the jump...]
Posted by
2/07/2008 11:02:00 AM PERMALINK
Labels: Crime, Local, Rights and Freedoms
American Jailed in Saudi Arabia for Sitting With Man at Starbucks
FOXNews.com - American Woman Jailed in Saudi Arabia for Sitting With Man at Starbucks - International News | News of the World | Middle East News | Europe News
Why would any American go to Saudi Arabia? With laws like this, I would be afraid to even be near this country. Maybe the laws are clearly explained to everyone and this woman should have "known better" but I doubt it.
When will Saudi Arabia learn that you can't be reasonable AND enforce laws like these. I'm sure it is a "grave sin" and the woman was "imperiling her soul" (or something like that) by merely sitting with a man in public, but what harm was she doing to others? Why does this need to be a law and enforced? Who are they protecting? If people believe in the religious code, they will follow it naturally, if not, police enforcement just leads to suppression and false appearance of conformity.
I feel sorry for the suppressed people of Saudi Arabia and I question our country's support for a government that allows this. Heck, they don't just "allow it" they purposely have a police force for violations like this.
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Wednesday, February 06, 2008
McCain's Team America
How McCain Beats the Dem Nominee: The Team America Strategy - Townhall.com - Scott Ott
Here's TEAM AMERICA that can win in November (at least according to Scott Ott, whoever he is..)
- John McCain - President and "Commander in Chief"
- Fred Thompson - Vice President and "Constitutional conscience of the administration"
- Mitt Romney - Director of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB)
- Rudy Giuliani - Director of the Department of Homeland Security
- Mike Huckabee - Senate Chaplain (obviously a joke, he must not like the guy...) Personally I think Huckabee would be a good choice for IRS Director...
Posted by
2/06/2008 11:02:00 PM PERMALINK
Labels: 2008 Election, Candidates-R, McCain, Primaries
What Does 'Conservative' mean anymore?
What does it mean to be "Conservative" anyways? I mean, we throw this word around, but I don't know what it really means anymore, and I don't think it means the same thing to any of us.
The dictionary definition of the word "Conservative" means things like
- marked by moderation or caution
- marked by ...traditional norms of taste, elegance, style, or manners [or values, morals, ethics etc]
- tending or disposed to maintain existing views, conditions, or institutions [ie opposed to change ]
I don't see how any of this applies to how people use the word today.
- Romney wants to "Change" Washington (so he's not supportive of existing political thoughts or philosophy]. And it sounds a lot like the entire democratic platform of "change". Especially Obama's.
- Huckabee wants to eliminate the IRS (so he's not wanting to maintain existing institutions).
- If I don't want to change the existing income tax system with a radical sales tax idea.. How is that NOT conservative.
- If I don’t want to change the existing presence of millions of illegal immigrants too quickly or too harshly, and have it have lots of unforeseen consequences, how is that NOT conservative? Going slow and step by step and starting at securing the boarder seems MORE conservative to me.
- If I don't want to cut taxes in time of WAR because I know we wars always cost more than we estimate, how is that NOT conservative?
And you can't just say it's the OPPOSITE of "Liberal". On a world-wide political scale, ALL American politics are very liberal. And I'm proud of it.
- Freedom of speech and press
- Freedom of religion
- Rule of law
- Separation of powers/checks and balances/Independent Judiciary (which sometimes goes too far)
- The Right and Freedom to vote in fair elections.
- A History of smooth transitions of power.
- Some sort of separation between religious and secular powers and authority. (although we argue the degree)
Posted by
2/06/2008 11:31:00 AM PERMALINK
Labels: politics
Tuesday, February 05, 2008
Super Tuesday Results
A Running Tally of Super Tuesday Results.
Huckabee show early strenght
Huckabee Wins West Virginia GOP Contest in Second Round, With Help From McCain
and a possible McCain alliance..
Stocks Plunge on Election Day
Not directly related, but does show that this election is "about the Economy, Stupid"
Obama claims delegate lead
But the Media shill paints it as a Clinton victory.
McCain Didn’t Close the Deal (but still can)
McCain speaks at CPAC Thursday and must do well.
Five reasons Hillary should be worried
I still think I'm more worried about her WINNING than she is about LOOSING.
[This Post Continues after the jump...]
Posted by
2/05/2008 03:49:00 PM PERMALINK
Labels: 2008 Election, Candidates-D, Candidates-R, McCain, Primaries
Monday, February 04, 2008
Florida Lawmaker: Evolution should be ‘theory’
Sounds good to me...
The only thing constant about evolution is that the theory itself keeps evolving. No matter what the data shows, no matter what new information is found, the theory of evolution changes so that it is always "true to the best of our knowledge" at any given time.
This makes it impossible to ever disprove, thus it is kind of pointless as a scientific theory. If they had to rename the theory every time it changed, we would see just how volatile it is, but they don't.
Evolution is NOT a specific scientific theory. It is a broad IDEA that all life today is related to common ancestors of the past, all the way back to one common ancestor (typically some sort of goo). This idea should be taught, but other ideas should also be presented.
Lawmaker: Evolution should be ‘theory’ | floridatoday.com | Serving Brevard County and Florida’s Space Coast
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Posted by
2/04/2008 09:32:00 PM PERMALINK
Labels: Science
Real ID could mean real travel headaches
Real ID could mean real travel headaches | CNET News.com
The really ODD thing is that there is no published law requiring a person to show ANY ID to fly from state to state. So why is there not a requirement to show a certain TYPE of ID.
The constitution requires that "full faith and credit" be given to documents of states by "every other state". Shouldn't this apply to the federal government too? Especially since the federal government doesn't issue ID cards it self. One would think it would be required to give full faith and credit to the ID cards issued by each state.
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Posted by
2/04/2008 09:38:00 AM PERMALINK
Labels: Goverment Power, Rights and Freedoms
$3 Trillion Budget
3 Trillion!! This is UNBELIEVABLE !!
7 years of republican control (many of which when they controlled Congress too) has lead to a hugh federal government. I think Clinton's last budget, loaded with election year pork, was only 1.8 trillion.
Democrats will be worse in this and other areas, but Republicans don't DESERVE to run anything (Congress or the Whitehouse) anymore. Politics has indeed become the lesser of two very bad evils....
oh.. and $400billion of this is borrowed!!
FOXNews.com - Bush Sends Congress $3 Trillion Budget With Big Increases for Defense - Politics | Republican Party | Democratic Party | Political Spectrum
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Posted by
2/04/2008 07:01:00 AM PERMALINK
Labels: government, Tax
Friday, February 01, 2008
Spiders on Mercury
First there were "humanoid" bigfoot like animals on mars, now SPIDERS! on Mercury (I hate spiders..)
Messenger's Pictures From Mercury Surprise Scientists - washingtonpost.com
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Posted by
2/01/2008 08:57:00 AM PERMALINK