Monday, February 04, 2008

Florida Lawmaker: Evolution should be ‘theory’

Sounds good to me...

The only thing constant about evolution is that the theory itself keeps evolving. No matter what the data shows, no matter what new information is found, the theory of evolution changes so that it is always "true to the best of our knowledge" at any given time.

This makes it impossible to ever disprove, thus it is kind of pointless as a scientific theory. If they had to rename the theory every time it changed, we would see just how volatile it is, but they don't.

Evolution is NOT a specific scientific theory. It is a broad IDEA that all life today is related to common ancestors of the past, all the way back to one common ancestor (typically some sort of goo). This idea should be taught, but other ideas should also be presented.

Lawmaker: Evolution should be ‘theory’ | | Serving Brevard County and Florida’s Space Coast