Thursday, February 07, 2008

American Jailed in Saudi Arabia for Sitting With Man at Starbucks - American Woman Jailed in Saudi Arabia for Sitting With Man at Starbucks - International News | News of the World | Middle East News | Europe News

Why would any American go to Saudi Arabia? With laws like this, I would be afraid to even be near this country. Maybe the laws are clearly explained to everyone and this woman should have "known better" but I doubt it.

When will Saudi Arabia learn that you can't be reasonable AND enforce laws like these. I'm sure it is a "grave sin" and the woman was "imperiling her soul" (or something like that) by merely sitting with a man in public, but what harm was she doing to others? Why does this need to be a law and enforced? Who are they protecting? If people believe in the religious code, they will follow it naturally, if not, police enforcement just leads to suppression and false appearance of conformity.

I feel sorry for the suppressed people of Saudi Arabia and I question our country's support for a government that allows this. Heck, they don't just "allow it" they purposely have a police force for violations like this.