3 Trillion!! This is UNBELIEVABLE !!
7 years of republican control (many of which when they controlled Congress too) has lead to a hugh federal government. I think Clinton's last budget, loaded with election year pork, was only 1.8 trillion.
Democrats will be worse in this and other areas, but Republicans don't DESERVE to run anything (Congress or the Whitehouse) anymore. Politics has indeed become the lesser of two very bad evils....
oh.. and $400billion of this is borrowed!!
FOXNews.com - Bush Sends Congress $3 Trillion Budget With Big Increases for Defense - Politics | Republican Party | Democratic Party | Political Spectrum
Monday, February 04, 2008
$3 Trillion Budget
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2/04/2008 07:01:00 AM PERMALINK
Labels: government, Tax
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I must admitt, I am truly dissapointed in this too. This is why we need somebody who is driven by principal not by politics in the White House. Tell me, do you think McCain is going to be any different? Huckabee and Paul are the only two with enough principals to change this IMHO.
Dave, you outline one of the reasons I was a Ron Paul fan from the start. He was the only one I felt had enough gonads to instill some fiscal discipline into our over-sized and bloated federal government.
Unfortunately, for many, the idea of voting for someone who likes and adheres to the constitution is just too friggin radical.
I'd actually like to see the emergence of a strong third party in this country. There are too many similarities between the dems and repubs. I would love to see a strong libertarian party which would challenge both dem and rep ideals.
I think McCain will do better than Bush on controlling spending. He will be much more willing to VETO spending even if (through some miracle) the Republicans gain control of some part of Congress.
Even if spending is too high, I think he'll keep spending/revenue more in line. As much as I hate BIG government, BORROWED BIG government is worse.
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