Science must be be "beyond" questioning. But if you dare question evolution of the benefits of stem cells, you get called a religious nut. - Questions to Ask Scientific Authority
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Tuesday, January 31, 2006
Questions to Ask Scientific Authority
Posted by
1/31/2006 08:49:00 PM PERMALINK
Labels: Science
Sweeping anti-abortion laws proposed
woo hoo...
unless it backfires... then I was asginst this from the start...
Sweeping anti-abortion laws proposed
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Posted by
1/31/2006 04:06:00 PM PERMALINK
Labels: abortion, government
Microsoft clarifies policy on censoring blogs
This is a little better... although a "legally binding notice" from China won't be difficult to get.
Microsoft clarifies policy on censoring blogs | CNET
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Evangelicals are mastering the art of college debate.
Now if we could only rise to this level....
Cut, Thrust and Christ - Newsweek Society -
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Friday, January 27, 2006
What Reagan knew - Opinion
Another one.. not as good though....
What Reagan knew - Opinion
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Reagan's biggest mistake - Opinion
Strange title.. Reagan's "mistake" seems to be in selecting Bush #1 as a VP (and thus setting him up to be president in 1988). He also talks about the mistakes of Bush #2.
If I re-read it maybe I'll find Reagan's mistake....
Reagan's biggest mistake - Opinion
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Liberals Stuck in 1968
I found this very interesting and insightful.
TCS Daily - Stuck on 1968
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7 myths about the Challenger
The only one that I fell for was the "political" pressure linked with the State of the Union addresss.
7 myths about the Challenger shuttle disaster - Space News -
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Thursday, January 26, 2006
Broadcaster says serious news at risk
Someone at CNN with a clue... of course they demoted him for it....
... just kidding, I have no idea why they demoted him...
Broadcaster says serious news at risk
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Britons unconvinced on evolution
There is hope. I would have liked to see the questions though. Some people draw a difference between "creationISM" and just the belief that God "created" everything.
BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | Britons unconvinced on evolution
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Wednesday, January 25, 2006
Students ban Christians in row over gays
It won't be long before this happens in America, if its not already...
Students ban Christians in row over gays
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Google Agrees to Censor Results in China
So much for "Don't be Evil"...
I wonder if Google would fight a request by the Chinese Government for a list of search terms. They are fight a similar US request! Now who do you think would USE such information the most harshly? I think it is strange that Google is more willing to work with the Chinese government than the US government.
Is there a good trade off here? I think in general, the internet, even a cripled internet, will have positive effect on the Chinese people. But I would think Google and Yahoo and Microsoft would stand on principle more (will.. ok.. not Microsoft...)
BREITBART.COM - Google Agrees to Censor Results in China
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Tuesday, January 24, 2006
Florida Today - Reject Judge Alito
First they say reject him because of "his unwillingness during confirmation hearings to give forthright answers..."
Then they say reject him because "he refused during this month's hearings to admit to any less-extreme position." Meaning he refused to admit to something that wasn't true. Isn't refusing the lie a GOOD thing? Isn't refusing to lie being forthright?
Next they say he "has repeatedly come down on the side of government and big corporations in rulings". Should he rule balance his rulings 50/50 between "government/coporations" and "ordinary people". Or should he take each case seperately. Could he not have just gotten more cases where the Government/Corporations are right? Isn't it true that most lawsuits today are frivolous? Yet he has to approve some of them just to keep his image up!!
And don't even get me started on "searches without problable cause". If we're at war and your chating with the enemey, that IS probable cause, by any definition.
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Senate Judiciary Committee endorses Alito
Getting closer !!
Party line votes though.
Which brings up a question to me. Should the Senate vote because of the person's "Beliefs" or because of the person's "qualifications"?
Abortion is always front and center, but even some well respected, liberal, abortion-rights supporting legal experts agree that Roe-v-Wade was a poor decision.
Does believing that the consitituion (which can't possible cover every thing one thinks it should) doesn't inlcude a right to an abortion automatically disqualify a you from being on the SCOTUS?
I'm torn. Personally (if I were in the Senate) I think would vote against a liberal judge even if they were qualified in other respects. But is that RIGHT?
Senate Judiciary Committee endorses Alito - The Changing Court - "Senate Judiciary Committee endorses Alito"
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Monday, January 23, 2006
Can video iPod lead to DMCA reform?
No... it'll never happen. Too much $$ against it.
Can video iPod lead to DMCA reform? | Perspectives | CNET
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Stem-cell research on FLORIDA's agenda
Looks like this will be an election issue...
Stem-cell research on state's agenda - State News
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Legislature To Consider Abortion Ban
Dang, Can't they wait until Alito is confirmed?
No one was supposed to know about this yet... Kinda like the White House easter egg roll...
South Dakota Legislature To Consider Abortion Ban
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The Coming Tug of War Over the Internet
I know.. I know.. done of you care...
But I dare say that you WILL care one day. Hopefully before its too late.
The Coming Tug of War Over the Internet
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Triumph of the Redistributionist Left
We have been assimilated.... resistance is futile!!
Currently the federal government consumes about 20 percent of the GDP... that is on course to rise to 30 percent by 2040. Most of that 30 percent would be redistributed as payments to other Americans, rather than spent on standard government services like law enforcement, transportation, defense, national parks, or space exploration.
Measured according to this, the US government's main function now is redistribution: taking money from one segment of the population and giving it to another segment.
Triumph of the Redistributionist Left |
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Sunday, January 22, 2006
Big Content would like to outlaw things no one has even thought of yet
I know no one here cares, but this IS the next big battle of "the people" vs. "the companies". "The Government" is supposed to balance these two, but the companies have all the money and congress lives on money, so I think "The people" are going to get shafted!
PS - this article is hard to read, even for me.
Big Content would like to outlaw things no one has even thought of yet
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Group Seeks Souter Eviction As Protest
I whish this was closer... I would be there and vote for this. I honestly don't understand what they were thinking or "smoking" when they made the Kelo ruling.
ABC News: Group Seeks Souter Eviction As Protest
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Friday, January 20, 2006
Maryland Judge Strikes Down Gay-Marriage Ban
I don't know the details of the Maryland Constituion, so I guess its possible that this law is unconsitituional.
But I doubt it. "Equal Rights" can be used to justify almost anything. :: AP - Md. Judge Strikes Down Gay-Marriage Ban
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Thursday, January 19, 2006
Study: Most College Students Lack Skills
ahhh...the wonders of a modern US education.....
BREITBART.COM - Study: Most College Students Lack Skills
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A Gay Easter?
I don't know what to make of this, except for the "secretive" nature of their "plan", it seems like nothing big. The event is open to the public on a first-come-first-served basis, so they can do whatever they want. But why try and keep it secret? Families that are just going for fun and not to make a statement are not going to stand in line all night. It would seem that pulbicity would help for a larger turn out, but runs the unlikely risk of the event being canceled. But that would play into their hands too much.
As Bush might say "Bring it on!" The president down't always attend, so he can safely skip it. And I'm sure some of the more radical gays will do something stupid and taint the media coverage of the event.
In the end it will just be a bunch of protesters spoiling a family event. (any type protesters would spoil the event, and I think the media will present it that way.)
However, I do wonder if they will be giving away tosters?
A Gay Easter?
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Add a "BlogThis!" bookmark
Eric, Dave, Matt,
If you read thsi article, you can learn how to make it EASY to post items to the BLOG. I would not fool with the "toolbar" but there is a simple bookmark/link that when clicked allow you to easily make a post about the current page you are reading.
Blogger Help : What is BlogThis! ?
Here it is!
BlogThis! <-- drag this link to your browser's Links bar
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Brokeback Mountain
Ok - Quick comment for you guys. I'm kinda frustrated by some of the commentary lately by some of the conservative talk shows...Glen Beck (sp?) and Bill O'Reilly. I've heard complaints that once again Hollywood is pushing the gay agenda by producing a movie like Brokeback Mountain and then it getting awards. And that Hollywood should stop pushing it's social agenda.
Could someone please explain to me why one movie like Brokeback is attacked like this?
Considering at a minimum gay people make up 5% of the population (my belief is that this number is waay low), then at least 5% of the movies should be acceptable as being gay.
As I pay some attention to this over the years, am I incorrect in actually saying that of the main Hollywood movies it would be unfair for me to expect that maybe 5% should be gay.
As it is there are hardly EVER any gay mainstream movies that get released.
Then I hear that the one time we get a mainstream movie released all of a sudden it's the gay agenda.
Have I EVER condemned heterosexuals for pushing their heterosexual agenda on me???? I see heterosexual love stories all the dang time? It doesn't mean to me that heterosexuals have some agenda. It just means they have an interesting story to tell to entertain people.
Have I EVER condemned the Christ movies out there? As I understand it, when Mel Gibson produced his movie, the Christian Right thought it was the greatest thing since sliced bread. It was wonderful to see another Christian movie on the main screen.
Why is it that when a DIFFERENT view of life is put on the main screen, the conservative right goes up in arms??
Worse yet, I listened to O'Reilly and Beck yesterday and couldn't believe my ears. It was obvious they were attacking it without having even seen it.
Ironically the movie does not make being gay this really cool thing. Ironically it depicts the harm it can do to families and to individuals who are or have to deal with either a spouse or child being gay. It shows how some people accept it, some people don't and how some people have to cope even if they don't want to.
The movie is not an uplifting movie, but it is dramatic and a boldly different movie which is why I think Hollywood does like it.
When I compare it to movies being raved about like Kong, there's no comparison.
Brokeback is different from the average movie. It's not about special effects or retelling a story that's been told upteen times. It's not action adventure, nor comedy, but a movie very different from the standard.
Why is it that conservatives can't stand my viewpoint so much and just have to once again attack it as a "gay agenda"??
There, I've completed my first blog.
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Abused Mass. Girl Responds to Stimuli
This is good news... but I'm glad the court refused to allow the "stepdad" to make the decision. Unlike a similar situation a few years ago, this person is actually charged with abusing the girl and causing her present condition.
And unlike other cases, this girl has only been in this condition for 4 months. Witch is not enough time to make a final conclusion.
Hopefully she can recover significantly.
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Wednesday, January 18, 2006
Tongue Tied - The Double Standard
I have Nothing more to add...
Tongue Tied - The Double Standard
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Tuesday, January 17, 2006
Supreme Court Backs Oregon Assisted-Suicide Law
This is great news.
However, the troubling part is who voted to block the Oregon law. The "conservative" justices are supposed to be "pro state rights" but I guess that only applies when they agree with what the state is trying to do.
If Alito is that same, then maybe the conservative take over of the court is not such a good thing. - Politics - Supreme Court Backs Oregon Assisted-Suicide Law
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Gore: Eavesdropping Program Threatens Structure of Government
THE MAN WHO WOULD BE PRESIDENT - Politics - Gore: Eavesdropping Program Threatens Structure of Government
And to think that this guy was a few votes away from being PRESIDENT at the time of the 9/11 attacks. It's easy to attack what other people do to fight terrorism, but what would he do? Allow Al Queda to call anyone in the US, and then rush to get a warrent before they hangup? It just wouldn't work.
He admits he doesn't know all the details, but that sure doesn't stop him from drawing some harsh CONCLUSIONS about what he doesn't know.
At a time of WAR, it is not "unresonable" for international calls or emails to be considered "non-private". All the Consitution protects against is "unreasonable searches and seizures". Anyone that thinks what has been publicly disclosed is "unreasonable" are not qualified to be our leaders. Anyone speculating about what hasn't been disclosed needs to choose their words better.
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Friday, January 13, 2006
Now just Suggesting an Endorsement of religion is "unconstituutional"
Bucks official's yule card offends some : The Morning Call Online: "''He's in a position of authority mailing this out to a list of his employees,'' said Koepsell. ''It suggests an official endorsement of a particular religion. It is improper, in the least, and probably unconstitutional.''" [This Post Continues after the jump...]
America's pension time bomb
Pension war looms in U.S. as baby boomers start to retire - Jan. 13, 2006
I wonder how this will be worked out?
With Social Security, the system is flawed because you can't Guarantee to pay someone more than they paid into the system. It’s called “insurance” if you do that and that only works when just a few people get paid. Imagine insuring people for something that is absolutely going to happen. Social Security “insures” people against getting old, but everyone gets old. (Some people do die before retiring, but still that’s like insuring people home against NOT burning down, much more people will reach retirement age than don’t)
With Private companies, how long and how much can they pay people who have stopped working for them? It works with a booming economy, or growing company, and when the retirement age and the “life expectancy” age are close. But all of those are changing now.
The only way to deal with this is something like 401k’s or our TSP. Like a pension, the employer pays a certain amount into the fund, but unlike pension, the amount you get after you retire is FIXED to the total in the fund.
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Thursday, January 12, 2006
Syria In Their Sights
I just found this website and find it interesting. It's "old school" conservative, not "neo-con".
Syria In Their Sights
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Wednesday, January 11, 2006
Cocoa OKs Sex Offender Law
I must say that I just don't get this type of law.
So a sex offender can't even pass within 1000 feet of a park unless he's going to see a lawyer? That would rule out even driving on most major roads in Titusville.
Maybe this is good for "punishment" but it doesn't do anything for prevention of future crimes.
Local News
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Create an e-annoyance, go to jail
This is serious folks...
Create an e-annoyance, go to jail | Perspectives | CNET
Here is a detailed explaination of the new law
FAQ: The new 'annoy' law explained | CNET
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Conservatives call for return to core Republican principles / World / US - Conservatives call for return to core Republican principles
I just wish this would happen. Before its too late.
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Friday, January 06, 2006
Wired News: When in Rome ... or Beijing
Microsoft caves in just to keep making money in China!! How Dirty (and maybe even Bloddy) will the money have to get before Micro$oft will refuse it??
Of course they're not alone... way too much of the stuff we all buy is "Made in China". When we all wake up?
Wired News: When in Rome ... or Beijing
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Schwarzenegger proposes huge spending in key speech
Politics News Article | "Schwarzenegger proposes huge spending in key speech"
If you can't beat them, Join Them...
Will anyone be able to tell Californias that they can't affort to constantly spend more than they are taxed??
Will any polititian ever stand on principle and say they will only lead in a responsible way or not run again? nanana...
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Thursday, January 05, 2006
Fla. court strikes down school vouchers
The Florida Supreme Court just outlaw "competition" amoung public/private schools. So if the public schools are failing, there is nothing you can do unless you can afford private school. Without the treat of loosing funding, what will make failing schools improve?
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Wednesday, January 04, 2006
If you want honest government, you need to support smaller government - Glenn Reynolds
Abramoff and the rest - Glenn Reynolds -
Here Here...
I wish it weren't true, but power corrupts and the Republicans have too much power right now. I honestly wounld not mind to see the House change hands, but not the Senate.
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