Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Florida Today - Reject Judge Alito


First they say reject him because of "his unwillingness during confirmation hearings to give forthright answers..."

Then they say reject him because "he refused during this month's hearings to admit to any less-extreme position." Meaning he refused to admit to something that wasn't true. Isn't refusing the lie a GOOD thing? Isn't refusing to lie being forthright?

Next they say he "has repeatedly come down on the side of government and big corporations in rulings". Should he rule balance his rulings 50/50 between "government/coporations" and "ordinary people". Or should he take each case seperately. Could he not have just gotten more cases where the Government/Corporations are right? Isn't it true that most lawsuits today are frivolous? Yet he has to approve some of them just to keep his image up!!

And don't even get me started on "searches without problable cause". If we're at war and your chating with the enemey, that IS probable cause, by any definition.
