Monday, January 23, 2006

Triumph of the Redistributionist Left

We have been assimilated.... resistance is futile!!

Currently the federal government consumes about 20 percent of the GDP... that is on course to rise to 30 percent by 2040. Most of that 30 percent would be redistributed as payments to other Americans, rather than spent on standard government services like law enforcement, transportation, defense, national parks, or space exploration.

Measured according to this, the US government's main function now is redistribution: taking money from one segment of the population and giving it to another segment.

Triumph of the Redistributionist Left |


Michael said...

Keep in mind that when the government taxes us and then uses that money to BUY something or BUILD something, then it is adding to the economic activity of the country.

But when it taxes us and then just gives that money away in exchange for nothing, it is SHORT CIRCUTING the economy. It it taking money that you or I WORKED for and giving it to someone who is not working for it.