Thursday, January 19, 2006

Brokeback Mountain

Ok - Quick comment for you guys. I'm kinda frustrated by some of the commentary lately by some of the conservative talk shows...Glen Beck (sp?) and Bill O'Reilly. I've heard complaints that once again Hollywood is pushing the gay agenda by producing a movie like Brokeback Mountain and then it getting awards. And that Hollywood should stop pushing it's social agenda.

Could someone please explain to me why one movie like Brokeback is attacked like this?

Considering at a minimum gay people make up 5% of the population (my belief is that this number is waay low), then at least 5% of the movies should be acceptable as being gay.

As I pay some attention to this over the years, am I incorrect in actually saying that of the main Hollywood movies it would be unfair for me to expect that maybe 5% should be gay.

As it is there are hardly EVER any gay mainstream movies that get released.

Then I hear that the one time we get a mainstream movie released all of a sudden it's the gay agenda.

Have I EVER condemned heterosexuals for pushing their heterosexual agenda on me???? I see heterosexual love stories all the dang time? It doesn't mean to me that heterosexuals have some agenda. It just means they have an interesting story to tell to entertain people.

Have I EVER condemned the Christ movies out there? As I understand it, when Mel Gibson produced his movie, the Christian Right thought it was the greatest thing since sliced bread. It was wonderful to see another Christian movie on the main screen.

Why is it that when a DIFFERENT view of life is put on the main screen, the conservative right goes up in arms??

Worse yet, I listened to O'Reilly and Beck yesterday and couldn't believe my ears. It was obvious they were attacking it without having even seen it.

Ironically the movie does not make being gay this really cool thing. Ironically it depicts the harm it can do to families and to individuals who are or have to deal with either a spouse or child being gay. It shows how some people accept it, some people don't and how some people have to cope even if they don't want to.

The movie is not an uplifting movie, but it is dramatic and a boldly different movie which is why I think Hollywood does like it.

When I compare it to movies being raved about like Kong, there's no comparison.

Brokeback is different from the average movie. It's not about special effects or retelling a story that's been told upteen times. It's not action adventure, nor comedy, but a movie very different from the standard.

Why is it that conservatives can't stand my viewpoint so much and just have to once again attack it as a "gay agenda"??

There, I've completed my first blog.


Michael said...

I would have to see the movie to comment on the movie itself. However, it appeard to me that it was getting awards JUST because it was a GAY movie. This is kinda like how Michael Moore's movie got awards JUST because it bashed Bush -- the movie was false and misleading and while maybe entertaining to some, should never have been awarded anything as a "documentary". People ignored that and awarded it honors because of the topic.

Brokeback Mountain seems to be similar in that it seems to me that it just got attention because of the topic.

As far as Mel Gibson's movie, I think it WAS PROTESTED and DENOUNCED, etc. And I don't think it won many if any major awards. It just made a lot of money. Whereas Brokeback is winning awards but not making a lot of money.

Overall Hollywood is much more hostile to my beliefs than to yours. "The Passion" was a fluke. It worked because one person wrote, directed, and paid for it and kept it true to his vision.

Michael said...

I've read up on the movie some and I wonder if it were a married man and a married woman who loved each other but couldn't be together, would the movie get the same awards?? I don't think so, However, I think Chirstian would condemn a movie like that just as much. Adultry is still a sin.

You say the movie is just a good Human drama, but I don't think it would have gotten the publicity if it were a good human drama about heterosexuals who worked together and love each other but each married someone else.

From what I read, I agree that it is NOT a policital movie, and that it doesn't try to make a statment.

But sometime the most powerful statments are the subtle ones.