Judge rules against Jennings, Democrats to seat Buchanan
I've always said that any voting machine should have its code turned over the the state and independently verified. These machines are not "new" technology and designing one is straight forward and easy. There is nothing "secret" about it unless the company is taking short cuts to save money.
I don't know the merits of this case, but getting a look at the source code should not require any special reason, it should be public information.
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Sunday, December 31, 2006
Source Code used in PUBLIC election is "trade secret"
Posted by
12/31/2006 09:37:00 AM PERMALINK
Media Bias? A tale of two reports on the same poll
One Poll, Two very different reports on it....
Interesting enough, they are both by the AP news service..
Its a perfect, almost textbook, example of how the news can be biased when reporting things.
Poll: Americans See Gloom, Doom in 2007
AP Poll: Americans Optimistic for 2007
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Posted by
12/31/2006 09:24:00 AM PERMALINK
Labels: Media Bias
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
Scrooge and intellectual property rights
Scrooge and intellectual property rights
A medical prize fund could improve the financing of drug innovations
At Christmas, we traditionally retell Dickens's story of Scrooge, who cared more for money than for his fellow human beings. What would we think of a Scrooge who could cure diseases that blighted thousands of people's lives but did not do so? Clearly, we would be horrified. But this has increasingly been happening in the name of economics, under the innocent sounding guise of "intellectual property rights."
Intellectual property differs from other property—restricting its use is inefficient as it costs nothing for another person to use it. Thomas Jefferson, America's third president, put it more poetically than modern economists (who refer to "zero marginal costs" and "non-rivalrous consumption") when he said that knowledge is like a candle, when one candle lights another it does not diminish from the light of the first. Using knowledge to help someone does not prevent that knowledge from helping others. Intellectual property rights, however, enable one person or company to have exclusive control of the use of a particular piece of knowledge, thereby creating monopoly power. Monopolies distort the economy. Restricting the use of medical knowledge not only affects economic efficiency, but also life itself.
We tolerate such restrictions in the belief that they might spur innovation, balancing costs against benefits. But the costs of restrictions can outweigh the benefits. It is hard to see how the patent issued by the US government for the healing properties of turmeric, which had been known for hundreds of years, stimulated research. Had the patent been enforced in India, poor people who wanted to use this compound would have had to pay royalties to the United States.
In 1995 the Uruguay round trade negotiations concluded in the establishment of the World Trade Organization, which imposed US style intellectual property rights around the world. These rights were intended to reduce access to generic medicines and they succeeded. As generic medicines cost a fraction of their brand name counterparts, billions could no longer afford the drugs they needed. For example, a year's treatment with a generic cocktail of AIDS drugs might cost $130 (£65; {euro}170) compared with $10 000 for the brand name version.1 Billions of people living on $2-3 a day cannot afford $10 000, though they might be able to scrape together enough for the generic drugs. And matters are getting worse. New drug regimens recommended by the World Health Organization and second line defences that need to be used as resistance to standard treatments develops can cost much more.
Developing countries paid a high price for this agreement. But what have they received in return? Drug companies spend more on advertising and marketing than on research, more on research on lifestyle drugs than on life saving drugs, and almost nothing on diseases that affect developing countries only. This is not surprising. Poor people cannot afford drugs, and drug companies make investments that yield the highest returns. The chief executive of Novartis, a drug company with a history of social responsibility, said "We have no model which would [meet] the need for new drugs in a sustainable way ... You can't expect for-profit organizations to do this on a large scale."2
Research needs money, but the current system results in limited funds being spent in the wrong way. For instance, the human genome project decoded the human genome within the target timeframe, but a few scientists managed to beat the project so they could patent genes related to breast cancer. The social value of gaining this knowledge slightly earlier was small, but the cost was enormous. Consequently the cost of testing for breast cancer vulnerability genes is high. In countries with no national health service many women with these genes will fail to be tested. In counties where governments will pay for these tests less money will be available for other public health needs.
A medical prize fund provides an alternative. Such a fund would give large rewards for cures or vaccines for diseases like malaria that affect millions, and smaller rewards for drugs that are similar to existing ones, with perhaps slightly different side effects. The intellectual property would be available to generic drug companies. The power of competitive markets would ensure a wide distribution at the lowest possible price, unlike the current system, which uses monopoly power, with its high prices and limited usage.
The prizes could be funded by governments in advanced industrial countries. For diseases that affect the developed world, governments are already paying as part of the health care they provide for their citizens. For diseases that affect developing countries, the funding could be part of development assistance. Money spent in this way might do as much to improve the wellbeing of people in the developing world—and even their productivity—as any other that they are given.
The medical prize fund could be one of several ways to promote innovation in crucial diseases. The most important ideas that emerge from basic science have never been protected by patents and never should be. Most researchers are motivated by the desire to enhance understanding and help humankind. Of course money is needed, and governments must continue to provide money through research grants along with support for government research laboratories and research universities. The patent system would continue to play a part for applications for which no one offers a prize . The prize fund should complement these other methods of funding; it at least holds the promise that in the future more money will be spent on research than on advertising and marketing of drugs, and that research concentrates on diseases that matter. Importantly, the medical prize fund would ensure that we make the best possible use of whatever knowledge we acquire, rather than hoarding it and limiting usage to those who can afford it, as Scrooge might have done. It is a thought we should keep in mind this Christmas.3 4 5 6
Joseph E Stiglitz, professor
1 Columbia University, New York, NY 10025, USA
Competing interests: JES was chief economist of the World Bank from 1997 to 2000 and a member and then chairman of President Clinton's Council of Economic Advisers from 1993 to 1997. He won the Nobel Prize for economics in 2001.
1. Médecins Sans Frontières. People not getting the treatment they need to stay alive. Newer AIDS drugs unaffordable and unavailable. Geneva: MSF, 29 November 2006.
2. Andrew J. Novartis chief in warning on cheap drugs. Financial Times 29 September 2006.
3. Stiglitz JE. Making globalization work. New York: WW Norton, 2006.
4. Hollis A. Optional rewards for new drugs for developing countries. Geneva: World Health Organization, 5 April 2005. www.who.int/entity/intellectualproperty/submissions/Submissions.AidanHollis.pdf.
5. Pogge T. Human rights and global health: a research program. Metaphilosophy 2005;1/2(36).
6. Love J. Submission of CPTech to IGWG. 15 November 2006. www.who.int/entity/public_hearing_phi/summary/15Nov06JamesLoveCPTech.pdf
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Posted by
12/26/2006 01:15:00 AM PERMALINK
Labels: copyright, global, government, Medical, Rights and Freedoms, Science
Monday, December 18, 2006
Uphold Free Speech or Resign
British Lord Stings U.S. Senators Rockefeller and Snowe: 'Uphold Free Speech or Resign'
"I challenge you to withdraw or resign because your letter is the latest in what appears to be an internationally-coordinated series of maladroit and malevolent attempts to silence the voices of scientists and others who have sound grounds, rooted firmly in the peer- reviewed scientific literature, to question what you would have us believe is the unanimous agreement of scientists worldwide that global warming will lead to what you excitedly but unjustifiably call 'disastrous' and 'calamitous' consequences."Ouch...
Full letter here
Posted by
12/18/2006 11:08:00 PM PERMALINK
Labels: Environment, Global Warming, politics, Science
Sunday, December 17, 2006
Gore urges scientists to warn public
Why can't I take this guy seriously anymore? I mean he's right on a few things.. we DO need to think about the future more than we do... we DO need to look at the long term effects of our actions... we DO have too short of an attention span.. and DO need to find a renewable, sustainable way of living...
But I just have little respect for the guy anymore.
Part of the problem is that I have no idea what he and others really want us to do about Global Warming. He makes the problems out to be so big (lost of all arctic ice in 36-40 years), that little changes that I can do (changing out a few light bulbs) won't make a difference.. and the BIG changes often proposed (Kyoto, stop burning fossil fuels) cost too much for anyone to do willing if they have any doubt about "Science" behind global warming.
[This Post Continues after the jump...]
Posted by
12/17/2006 10:16:00 PM PERMALINK
Labels: Environment, Global Warming, Science
Gingrich: Imams should have been arrested
I saw this over at Instapundit and liked it (like I do most things there).
Newt calls them like he see them. This whole Imams thing was staged from the beginning.
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Posted by
12/17/2006 09:49:00 PM PERMALINK
Labels: MiddleEast, religion, Rights and Freedoms, terrorism
Saturday, December 16, 2006
Italy: Judge rejects man’s request to cut life support
Judge rejects man’s request to cut life support
"The (Italian) constitution states that no one can be forced to undergo health treatments unless ordered by law".... but the since "Italy’s medical code requires doctors to maintain the life of a patient." .... no one can legally remove this respirator.
Go figure....
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Posted by
12/16/2006 11:39:00 PM PERMALINK
Labels: government, Right-to-Die, Rights and Freedoms
Painful Execution?
Botched execution likely painful, doctors say
This looks like a very bad situation, but is any amount of pain automatically "cruel"? Can we really make death painless? Certainly there is the emotional pain of knowing you will day on a given day, and just putting the IV needles in causes some real (but trivial) pain.
When we come up with a new mix of drugs, how are we going to "test" it. There will always be some doubt that the person has some amount of pain. The people fighting this because it may be "painful" won't be happy when we make sure it isn't painful.
So even though this is a real bad situation and needs real attention, its hard to take it seriously because I know nothing the state of Florida does will satisfy them
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Posted by
12/16/2006 11:22:00 PM PERMALINK
Labels: Crime, Death Penalty, government, Rights and Freedoms
Friday, December 15, 2006
The Mendacity Of the Liberal Press
Funny, this guy calls the "Drudge Report" liberal because of all the links to liberal newspapers.
Maybe I misunderstood, but I always thought the Drudge Report was "pointing out" the outrageous headlines but not necessarily agreeing with them. I know I post things here that I don't agree with.
Where did I get the idea that the Drudge Report was not liberal? and was actually making fun of the headlines it posts? This is weird..
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Posted by
12/15/2006 04:25:00 PM PERMALINK
Labels: Media Bias
Thursday, December 14, 2006
Mars in Springtime
My First YouTube video post...
first seen at NASA WATCH
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Posted by
12/14/2006 03:24:00 PM PERMALINK
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Dems to Wipe Out Pet Projects in Bills
If this is any indication of what the Dems will do, where do I sign up?
I'm thinking of switching parties anyways so I can vote against Hillary in the primary....
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Posted by
12/12/2006 09:45:00 AM PERMALINK
Labels: government, politics, Tax
Monday, December 11, 2006
"For Sale" sign banned?
Sign case gets rare hearingIn 2003, Pagan parked a 1970 Mercury Cougar with a “for sale” sign in front of his Sharon Road home. But Glendale police threatened to cite him under an ordinance forbidding such signs on vehicles in public areas.
The village has argued in court that commercial signs are regulated for safety reasons, on the chance that “careless, irresponsible people might get run over while looking at them..."
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Posted by
12/11/2006 03:26:00 PM PERMALINK
Labels: courts, HOA, Rights and Freedoms
Cow 'emissions' more damaging to planet than CO2 from cars
By Geoffrey Lean, Environment Editor
Published: 10 December 2006
Meet the world's top destroyer of the environment. It is not the car, or the plane,or even George Bush: it is the cow.
A United Nations report has identified the world's rapidly growing herds of cattle as the greatest threat to the climate, forests and wildlife. And they are blamed for a host of other environmental crimes, from acid rain to the introduction of alien species, from producing deserts to creating dead zones in the oceans, from poisoning rivers and drinking water to destroying coral reefs.
The 400-page report by the Food and Agricultural Organisation, entitled Livestock's Long Shadow, also surveys the damage done by sheep, chickens, pigs and goats. But in almost every case, the world's 1.5 billion cattle are most to blame. Livestock are responsible for 18 per cent of the greenhouse gases that cause global warming, more than cars, planes and all other forms of transport put together.
Burning fuel to produce fertiliser to grow feed, to produce meat and to transport it - and clearing vegetation for grazing - produces 9 per cent of all emissions of carbon dioxide, the most common greenhouse gas. And their wind and manure emit more than one third of emissions of another, methane, which warms the world 20 times faster than carbon dioxide.
Livestock also produces more than 100 other polluting gases, including more than two-thirds of the world's emissions of ammonia, one of the main causes of acid rain.
Ranching, the report adds, is "the major driver of deforestation" worldwide, and overgrazing is turning a fifth of all pastures and ranges into desert.Cows also soak up vast amounts of water: it takes a staggering 990 litres of water to produce one litre of milk.
Wastes from feedlots and fertilisers used to grow their feed overnourish water, causing weeds to choke all other life. And the pesticides, antibiotics and hormones used to treat them get into drinking water and endanger human health.
The pollution washes down to the sea, killing coral reefs and creating "dead zones" devoid of life. One is up to 21,000sqkm, in the Gulf of Mexico, where much of the waste from US beef production is carried down the Mississippi.
The report concludes that, unless drastic changes are made, the massive damage done by livestock will more than double by 2050, as demand for meat increases.
Link:Cow 'emissions'
Posted by
12/11/2006 11:10:00 AM PERMALINK
Labels: Environment, global, Global Warming, Science
Sunday, December 10, 2006
UCF in the News!!
Yes, UCF as in Orlando, as in right here... as in believe it or not!!
UCF mad scientists squeeze 1TB of data onto single DVD
University of Central Florida Chemistry Professor Kevin D. Belfield and his team have cracked a puzzle that stumped scientists for more than a dozen years. They have developed a new technology that will allow users to record and store massive amounts of data ... onto a single disc or, perhaps, a small cube.
Belfield’s Two-Photon 3-D Optical Data Storage system makes this possible.
The UCF team’s work was published in Advanced Materials
(2006, vol. 18, pp. 2910-2914, http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/adma.200600826)
and recently highlighted in Nature Photonics (www.nature.com/nphoton/reshigh/2006/1106/full/nphoton.2006.47.html ). [This Post Continues after the jump...]
Posted by
12/10/2006 11:29:00 PM PERMALINK
RIAA Petitions Judges to Lower Artist Royalties
Oh, when will people wake up? The RIAA wants it both ways. Claim to be looking out for ARTIST when they really are just looking out for the incresingly unnecessary "Middle Men" (Record Companies and publishers)
"We hope the judges will restore the proper balance by reducing the rate and moving to a more flexible percentage rate structure so that record companies can continue to create the sound recordings that drive revenues for music publishers."
The language of this statement reveals a great deal about who the RIAA is looking out for, and it's not artists. Couched in terms of apparent necessity, the RIAA's is insisting that the real musicians be paid less so that the record companies can continue to "drive revenues." (for who??)
Whatever happened to the poor starving ARTIST the RIAA claimed to be protecting before?
RIAA Petitions Judges to Lower Artist Royalties
First seen at Engadget
(http://www.engadget.com/2006/12/09/riaa-petitions-to-lower-artist-royalties-weakens-piracy-argumen/) [This Post Continues after the jump...]
Posted by
12/10/2006 11:14:00 PM PERMALINK
Labels: copyright
Archbishop Ordains Two Married Priests
"Currently, there's one celibate priest for every 3,500 Catholics in the world and frankly, something needs to change."
Milingo has called celibacy "outdated" and noted on Sunday that it was not required of priests until the 12th century.
I've always wondered why Catholic priests had to be celibate. I don't see the requirement in the New testament and most of the disciples are said (assumed?) to have been married. Of all the issues facing the Catholic Church today, I would think this one could be changed without effecting much else. It would just be changing a church/social policy not reinterpreting the Bible or anything.
Archbishop Ordains Two Married Priests
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Friday, December 08, 2006
New York City Bans Science
Its laws like this that make me realize why we need a court system and some protected rights.
Not that this is a protected right, but its a stupid law that shows how even an elected governmental body can trample a man's rights just as much as a king or dictator.
Click on the URL below for the rest of this story:
Posted by
12/08/2006 11:57:00 AM PERMALINK
Labels: politics, Rights and Freedoms, Science
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
Richest 2% hold half the world’s assets
“many people in high-income countries have negative net worth and, somewhat paradoxically, are among the poorest people in the world in terms of household wealth.”So in the US some people are actually POORER than people that have almost NOTHING because we're in so much debt... but is that a real picture of wealth?
FT.com / World / International economy - Richest 2% hold half the world’s assets [This Post Continues after the jump...]
Posted by
12/05/2006 09:59:00 PM PERMALINK
Thursday, November 30, 2006
Universal Music may seek PIRATE TAX from iPOD
Arg me maties... don't forget to pay you PIRATE TAX !!
Microsoft has sold us all out just to get the ZUNE out......
Universal Music may seek royalty deal with iPod | Entertainment | Industry | Reuters.com
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Posted by
11/30/2006 03:03:00 PM PERMALINK
Pastor Joel Hunter doubts Christ hated caring 'liberals'
I need to find his book "Right Wing, Wrong Bird" and read it...
If you think about it, Jesus was very "liberal" for his day.....
Thomas: Pastor doubts Christ hated caring 'liberals' - Orlando Sentinel : News Columnists
more here.......
Religious-right leader snubs Christian Coalition
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Posted by
11/30/2006 02:33:00 PM PERMALINK
Voting Machine Fails Test - Video to be reviewed
I've been against paperless vote from day one.
I think it is ironic that the changes the democrats demanded after the 2000 election may not be hurting them.
The problem is there is not way to recount anything and nothing to do except possibly have a "do over" election which has its own problems and issues. I think the machines should be replaced with ones that have a good paper trail and be ready for the next election.
Under video review: Re-enacted voting - Orlando Sentinel : Elections Under video review: Re-enacted voting - Orlando Sentinel : Elections
More info here..
Sarasota Voters File Lawsuit for Re-vote
I don't know why I'm so against a "Re-vote"... mainly because I think voting is so important that it most be done right the first and only time. If we say we can do "re-votes" (even for what I think is a legitamate reasons) then it will open the door to re-vote anythime something minor goes wrong. Elections should be FINAL very soon after being completed. The congressional term is two years and that is small enough as it is, by the time a court can rule a re-vote is needed and it is setup, and completed the term would be over.
I think we should Punt and make sure it doesn't happen again.
(the only pro-re-vote argument I can think of is its the only way to make sure mistakes like this never happen again. Kind of like throwing out a conviction based on inappropriate police action. The guy is probably still guilty, but the police have to be made to understand the bad guys will get away with it if they are careless...)
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Posted by
11/30/2006 09:47:00 AM PERMALINK
Democrats BREAK Campaign Promise
November is not even over yet and the Democrats are already back peddling...
Democrats Reject Key 9/11 Panel Suggestion - washingtonpost.com
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Posted by
11/30/2006 08:59:00 AM PERMALINK
Labels: politics
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
A public Christmas festival is no place for the Christmas story, the city says.
Christmas without Christ.... humm...
My Way News - 'Nativity' Booted From Ill. Holiday Fair
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Posted by
11/28/2006 02:52:00 PM PERMALINK
Labels: religion
Sunday, November 26, 2006
Colo. subdivision bans wreath peace sign
Is a symbol a "sign"? I don't think so...
Colo. subdivision bans wreath peace sign - Yahoo! News
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Posted by
11/26/2006 09:44:00 PM PERMALINK
Labels: HOA
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
The $65,000 question: do you own an iPod?
Face it.... We're all criminals!!!!
The $65,000 question: do you own an iPod? - Technology - smh.com.au
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Posted by
11/21/2006 05:56:00 PM PERMALINK
Sunday, November 19, 2006
New Copyright Laws Risk Criminalising Everyday Australians
Think about this before you start humming a copyrighted song.....
“As an example,” said Mr Coroneos, “a family who holds a birthday picnic in a place of public entertainment (for example, the grounds of a zoo) and sings ‘Happy Birthday’ in a manner that can be heard by others, risks an infringement notice carrying a fine of up to $1320. If they make a video recording of the event, they risk a further fine for the possession of a device for the purpose of making an infringing copy of a song. And if they go home and upload the clip to the internet where it can be accessed by others, they risk a further fine of up to $1320 for illegal distribution. All in all, possible fines of up to $3960 for this series of acts – and the new offences do not require knowledge or improper intent. Just the doing of the acts is enough to ground a legal liability under the new ‘strict liability’ offences.”
Internet Industry Association - New Copyright Laws Risk Criminalising Everyday Australians [This Post Continues after the jump...]
Posted by
11/19/2006 10:13:00 PM PERMALINK
Labels: copyright
Saturday, November 18, 2006
Movie Studios Sue to Stop Loading of DVDs onto iPods
This is why the DCMA is a bad law. All portable media players are useless without being able to put your legal DVDs on them.
The RIAA has said it is also illegal to rip CDs. Not because of the DCMA but just because of "copy" right laws....
EFF: Movie Studios Sue to Stop Loading of DVDs onto iPods
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Posted by
11/18/2006 01:30:00 PM PERMALINK
Friday, November 17, 2006
HOA Rule Forbids Couple To Smoke In Their Own Home - News - TheDenverChannel.com | KMGH
HOA Rule Forbids Couple To Smoke In Their Own Home - News - TheDenverChannel.com | KMGH
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Posted by
11/17/2006 02:39:00 PM PERMALINK
Labels: HOA
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
A dazzling debunking of climate change science - wildly wrong
Well, I knew it wouldn't go unchallenged.... so in the interest of being fair, here is a rebuttal....
Guardian Unlimited | This is a dazzling debunking of climate change science. It is also wildly wrong
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Posted by
11/14/2006 04:27:00 PM PERMALINK
Labels: Environment, Global Warming
Thursday, November 09, 2006
Elderly harmonica player arrested for performing copyrighted songs at bar - MSN-Mainichi Daily News
This is incredible !!
Just Performing a copyrighted song is now a violation? What about humming a song in the shower???
(Yeah I know, I should be more concerned with the Senate....)
Elderly harmonica player arrested for performing copyrighted songs at bar - MSN-Mainichi Daily News
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Posted by
11/09/2006 10:47:00 AM PERMALINK
Labels: copyright
Universal Music get fee for every Zune sold - Engadget
I should be talking politics or senate control or something like that... but I saw this and it makes me sick... Why should a Music label get a "cut" of a hardware music player?
What if I only play music from another label? They get money for NOTHING.
What if I play music from one of their CDs I bought? They get paid TWICE for the same music...
Some one is ASSUMING I'm going to be playing illegal music from Universal on it... not that I would ever buy a Zune....
Universal Music get fee for every Zune sold - Engadget
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Posted by
11/09/2006 10:12:00 AM PERMALINK
Monday, November 06, 2006
Climate chaos? Don't believe it
Wow, this is interesting... I haven't finished reading it.. and I don't know how trust worthy this guy is... or isn't... but if any of this is true, it's pretty daming...
Telegraph | News | Climate chaos? Don't believe it
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Posted by
11/06/2006 09:20:00 PM PERMALINK
Labels: Environment, Global Warming
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Humans living far beyond planet's means: WWF
There numbers are confusing to me. But the article is still interesting. For example they claim that..
"On current projections humanity, will be using two planets' worth of natural resources by 2050 -- if those resources have not run out by then," the latest report said.
Why is there an IF here? We only have one planet and if we use over 1 planet worth of natural resourse, we will run out and stop (and die). So I don't understand what they are saying.
My Way News [This Post Continues after the jump...]
Posted by
10/24/2006 05:08:00 PM PERMALINK
Labels: Environment, Global Warming, Science
Worldwide Press Freedom Index 2006
This is interesting. For this group to think that they alone define what a "free press" means is just silly.
Nothing about having a "freepress" includes the right to keep sources secret. "Secret" and "Free" (as in speech/press) don't go together.
Liberals all all upset when the government keeps things secret, but they don't mind when journalists keep secrets. They actually fight for the RIGHT to keep secrets. Its a double standard and needs to end. The press is supposed to be about PUBLISHING information, not keeping it secret.
Reporters sans frontières - Annual Worldwide Press Freedom Index - 2006: "Worldwide Press Freedom Index 2006"
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Posted by
10/24/2006 10:41:00 AM PERMALINK
Labels: politics, Rights and Freedoms
Monday, October 23, 2006
Scalia Rips Judges on Abortion, Suicide
The court have said, you know, 'There is nothing in the Constitution on the abortion issue for either side,'
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Posted by
10/23/2006 03:59:00 PM PERMALINK
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Newt Gingrich
Newt is just about the only political leader I still respect. I would love to see him get more involved in '08
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Posted by
10/18/2006 01:08:00 PM PERMALINK
Labels: politics
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Human species 'may split in two'
The Eloi and Morlocks foretold by HG Wells in his 1895 novel The Time Machine may really happen...
BBC NEWS | UK | Human species 'may split in two'
But once we develop Warp Drive we will start mating with aliens and anything goes...
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Posted by
10/17/2006 09:43:00 PM PERMALINK
Labels: Science
Saturday, October 14, 2006
A GOP PRE-MORTEM (Instapundit.com)
This about sums it up for me. I can't actually bring myself to vote democrat, but NOT voting republican will make my point clear.
I would rather it wait 2 years, but I really would like to see the House go Democrat. I think "divided" government is the best option. It has its weakness, especially in time of war, but both parties have proven to me they are not fit to be in total control.
Instapundit.com -
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Posted by
10/14/2006 11:43:00 PM PERMALINK
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Ho-ho-no! Claus cut from play in school
"Any reference to a religious holiday has the potential to offend anyone who is not part of that particular persuasion."
But where is it written that we can't offend anyone? What does free speech and freedome of religion mean if we can't even make references to them?
Ho-ho-no! Claus cut from play in school
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Posted by
10/04/2006 01:51:00 PM PERMALINK
Google Bans Pro-life Ad, Shows Favor to Pro-abortion ads in Enforcing Content Policy - Alain's Newsletter
Google Bans Pro-life Ad, Shows Favor to Pro-abortion ads in Enforcing Content Policy - Alain's Newsletter [This Post Continues after the jump...]
Posted by
10/04/2006 01:48:00 PM PERMALINK
Labels: abortion, Rights and Freedoms
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Friday, September 22, 2006
Microsoft Media Player shreds your rights
If half of this is true at all, then the Media War has begun....
Microsoft Media Player shreds your rights
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Posted by
9/22/2006 10:05:00 PM PERMALINK
Each Household to Have a Firearm
Sounds like a good idea to me....
Proposed Ordinance asks Each Household to Have a Firearm
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Posted by
9/22/2006 02:31:00 PM PERMALINK
Labels: Gun Control, politics
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Gonzales Wants New Web Rules, ISPs Should Preserve Customer Info To Help Fight Kid Porn
Gonzales Wants New Web Rules, Attorney General: ISPs Should Preserve Customer Info To Help Fight Kid Porn - CBS News
I'm not sure I like this. Fighting child porn is noble, but once this data is required to be kept, then it will be used in many different cases, some criminal, some civil (like divorce cases)
What other industry is required to keep data so long? What about international porn sites? Will this just drive the cost of internet access up without providing anything usefull?
Like I said, I'm not sure...
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Posted by
9/19/2006 09:40:00 PM PERMALINK
Labels: politics, privacy, Rights and Freedoms
Monday, September 18, 2006
14,000 languish in American hands with few rights or charges filed
I was very supportive of this type of think at first. Even the US constitution says "habeas corpus" can be suspended during armed rebellion or time of war (or something like that). But its been 5 years since the attack and we should be able to release most of these people now.
I fear the next administration's (of whichever party) is going to have to air some dirty laundry about this...
U.S. detainees face a legal vacuum - U.S. Security - MSNBC.com
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Posted by
9/18/2006 02:57:00 PM PERMALINK
Labels: Rights and Freedoms, terrorism
Sunday, September 17, 2006
Was the 2004 Election Stolen?
Rolling Stone : Was the 2004 Election Stolen?:
This makes the WTC Conspiracy theories look tame...
If this was written in just a little bit more "neural" language I might have read past the first page. But its not, its written to appeal to people's emotions, not their reason. I know when an author is tring to manipulate me and not reason with me. And I don't put up with it. If you have a point to make, MAKE IT!!
Maybe it was just meant to be an introduction, but the first few paragraphs made so many extreme claims with more footnotes than anyone could ever follow. Foot notes are great, but the narrative needs to back up some of these claims better.
I'm posting it here not because I agree with it, but just because its interesting...
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Posted by
9/17/2006 09:05:00 PM PERMALINK
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Is There an Elephant in Here?
The Elephant in the Room: Evangelicals, Libertarians, and the Battle to Control the Republican Party.
Wow, this is great. Now I understand why I'm not so happy with president Bush. I have a large Libertarian streak in me, but as a Christian I'm concerned about some of the social issues of the day.
The Democrats fail on both accounts, so they are not really trying to get my vote at all. But I'm sick of the big spending Bush administration and this Congress.
I hate to say it but I'm kinda hoping Dems win the House this year.
TCS Daily - Is There an Elephant in Here?
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Posted by
9/12/2006 08:57:00 PM PERMALINK
Sunday, August 27, 2006
An Open Letter to Microsoft - Why you shouldn't kill FairUse4WM - Engadget
An Open Letter to Microsoft - Why you shouldn't kill FairUse4WM - Engadget
We know that you're already probably working to fix the, um, hole that's been discovered in Windows DRM 10/11, but we're going to ask you this anyway: please don't stop consumers from using FairUse4WM to remove copy protection from music they've downloaded.
We understand why you put DRM on these files in the first place – the major labels won't grant you (or rather the companies that are using your DRM) a license to sell their music without it – but there are some good reasons why you should let this one slide.
For starters, it'll actually make consumers more likely to buy music and sign up for subscription services like Napster To Go and Rhapsody To Go. This sounds counterintuitive, but it's not. Being able to strip out the DRM on a file actually makes it more useful – and thus more valuable – for the consumer.
Shortly after posting the news, we got a slew of messages from readers and friends telling us they were signing up with a PlaysForSure service provider because they were no longer worried about being able to play the songs they've downloaded on their MP3 player. Since you can already get the same music for free if using P2P networks, all DRM does is make it harder for honest consumers to enjoy the music they're paying for. It's difficult to justify paying for a less useful version of a song when with a little effort you can find it elsewhere in a non-copy protected format.
We're big fans of the subscription services, here at Engadget, but let's face facts: the damn things don't work very well. It's pretty easy to download tracks, but it's a serious pain in the ass to successfully transfer them to a portable device. The only way for DRM to be successful is if it's painless and seamless, and we get tons of emails from consumers complaining about how hard it is to get Napster, Rhapsody, Yahoo Music Unlimited, etc. tracks on to their players, or, god forbid, Macs.
Are a lot of people going to pay $15 to sign up for a subscription service, download a ton of music, and then cancel a month later? Absolutely, but that's not a big deal. Those people were never, ever going to sign up for a service that offers locked down music anyway, so be happy that you squeezed any money out of them at all. (Yeah, this does make it tougher to offer free, unlimited trials, but that's not the end of the world.) Could those same people then put all the music they've just downloaded up on the P2P networks? Sure, but all that music is available there anyway, so it shouldn't make a bit of difference in the grand scheme of things.
So just try and look the other way this time. We've been on the verge of canceling our subscription services for a couple of months now (too many snafus involving DRM licenses and device syncing), but FairUse4WM has changed our minds now that we can actually download music with the confidence that we'll be able to enjoy it. Does the fact that we could quit and "keep" the music that we've been "renting" a problem? Theoretically, but what's going to keep consumers paying those monthly fees isn't the threat of losing access to their collection (though that's part of it); what keeps them paying is the continuing access to a large, frequently updated catalog of new releases and older tunes. DRM makes paying for music less attractive than stealing it; FairUse4WM flips that around and makes paying for music more attractive since you can more easily play the music you've purchased on the device of your choice.
Without a doubt you guys in Redmond are getting an earful from the record labels. You promised them a secure system, and you failed. They might already be threatening to withdraw their licenses for their music, but here's where you have to stand up and explain to the labels why they need to chill. Send Steve or Bill or J or whomever to smooth things over. We aren't assuming this is going to be an easy thing to make happen, but c'mon, you guys are /Microsoft/, if any company has the clout to make this happen and drag the entertainment industry into the 21st century, it's you. The music industry needs to accept that there is always going to be a certain amount of piracy, and then just get on with the business of selling digital. Let 'em keep the DRM in place if they want – we can all pretend that it still works -- just make it possible for anyone who really wants to get rid of it to take that extra step.
Besides, whether the RIAA likes it or not (or realizes it or not), you'll be doing the right thing for both consumers and the music business. (And isn't that the point of all this?) FairUse4WM means that all our PlaysForSure tracks will actually play for sure, so please don't go and spoil it.
Your friends at Engadget
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Posted by
8/27/2006 10:03:00 PM PERMALINK
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
The Fertility Gap
Liberal politics will prove fruitless as long as liberals refuse to multiply.
OpinionJournal - Featured Article
"It would appear liberals have been quite successful controlling overpopulation--in the Democratic Party."
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Posted by
8/22/2006 08:51:00 PM PERMALINK
Monday, August 07, 2006
My Problem with Christianism (Andrew Sullivan)
I'll never understand why some people think their (and my) religion is of so little importance that it can't even effect the way I vote.
I mean, am I supposed to vote the OPPOSITE of my belief just to prove I'm tolerant of different beliefs?
Is my religion supposed to be something I check at the door when I enter a political discussion?
My Problem with Christianism (Andrew Sullivan)
Original Link I found on Tounge-Tied
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Posted by
8/07/2006 04:35:00 PM PERMALINK
Sunday, August 06, 2006
Billy Graham's New Thinking on Politics & the Bible
An interesting read.
I would like to sit down and talk with this man...
Billy Graham's New Thinking on Politics, the Bible - Newsweek National News - MSNBC.com
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Posted by
8/06/2006 10:33:00 PM PERMALINK
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
Apple's Copy Protection Isn't Just Bad For Consumers, It's Bad For Business
Interesting Read...
InformationWeek | Digital Rights Management | Opinion: Apple's Copy Protection Isn't Just Bad For Consumers, It's Bad For Business | July 31, 2006
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Posted by
8/02/2006 11:06:00 PM PERMALINK
Sunday, July 30, 2006
Stem Cells: The Hope And The Hype
Interesting...still reading it...
TIME.com: Stem Cells: The Hope And The Hype -- Aug. 7, 2006 -- Page 1: "Stem Cells: The Hope And The Hype"
Here is a list of the common lies put forth by people who support Embryonic stem cell research. The quoted text is from the article, which surpisingly actually does point out some of these lies (or hype)
Lie #1: A cure is just around the corner for you or your grandpa.
Last month, when President George W. Bush vetoed the bill that would have expanded funding for human embryonic-stem-cell (ESC) research, doctors got calls from patients with Parkinson's disease saying they weren't sure they could hang on for another year or two.
Lie #2 It's not a human life (but then they have to say "compared" to you or me). What gives them the right to compare one life to another? Why can't they just admit it is a human life and deal with it. Oh, we don't experiment on other humans, so admitting embryos are human life would kind of end the discussion.
Opponents of ESC research--starting with Bush--argue that you can't destroy life in order to save it; supporters argue that an eight-cell embryo doesn't count as a human life in the first place--not when compared with the life it could help save.
Lie #3: We only talking about embryos that would be destroyed anyways...
Extracting knowledge from embryos that would otherwise be wasted is one thing, but scientists admit that moving forward would require a much larger supply of fresh, healthy embryos than fertility clinics could ever provide.
Tied to #3 is the possibility that any cure might require embyroic cells related to the patient. So couples might create an embryo for the sole purpose of destroying it to save themselves. This is mentioned offten for some reason!
Lie #4: Bush's VETO a bill that would have fixed everything
Congress tried to address the problem with its bill to allow funding for research on any leftover embryos donated by infertility patients. But even if Bush hadn't vetoed the bill, it wouldn't have solved the supply problems. One study estimated that at best, a couple hundred cell lines might be derived from leftover IVF embryos, which tend to be weaker than those implanted in patients. The very fact that they come from infertile couples may mean they are not typical, and the process of freezing and thawing is hard on delicate cells.
Lie #5: The Scientific community reviews the "ethics" of all research. So I have to ask, just what is the "Scientific" basis for "Ethics"? When you have a bush of Scientists doing "ethics reviews' is it really surprising that they find doing science "ethical"? Also, is the option to shutdown ALL embryonic research really "on the table" in these reviews? It's a joke that they even go through the motions of these "reviews".
After exhaustive ethical review
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Posted by
7/30/2006 10:31:00 PM PERMALINK
Thursday, July 27, 2006
The UN Actually Praises Israel !!
All I can say is WOW...
I still don't understand all that is going on, but Israel is actually getting support from the UN, so something weird is going on.
Maybe I've been watching too much CNN. The UN actually expressed disapproval of CNN and the BBC.
The world is turning upside down (or maybe back right side up...)
TCS Daily : Technology - Commerce - Society
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Posted by
7/27/2006 11:22:00 AM PERMALINK
Labels: MiddleEast
Sunday, July 23, 2006
Shaken and Stirred
An interesting perspective... I've said that I don't agree with or understand what Israel is doing, but this is based on the assumption that they will not be able to actually "destroy" hezbollah.
If they are able to do that, then this attack would make sense. But I still don't think they will be able to do in a few weeks what years of occupation couldn't do before.
But time will tell....
TCS Daily - Shaken and Stirred
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Bush's use of "signing statements"
What does it mean to pass a law aimed at limiting an executive branch practice (such as a Torture ban) if the president says he can just ignore it? Is the president "above" the law?
But then again, if the 3 branches of government are supposed to be "equal" then congress should not be able to limit the President (If they could then congress would be "above" the President, not co-equal)
The whole idea of "equal branches" seems unworkable to me. In my opinion, Congress should be the "first" among equals. The Supreme Court is above Congress because they can strike down any law passes (but supposedly only if it clearly contradicts the constitution), but they can be cut out the loop if congress says they don't have jurisdiction.
The President is the most powerful brach mainly because he is one person and doesn't have to debate issues or work the middle ground. He or She does whatever they want.
Congress is the pass all laws, but is a large body and has to compromise a lot. It is also the most effected by "the people" in many ways.
I'm rambling.. here's the link
USNews.com: Inside Washington: Bar association task force urges Congress to push for judicial review of Bush signing statements
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Posted by
7/23/2006 05:14:00 PM PERMALINK
Labels: government, politics, Rights and Freedoms
Saturday, July 22, 2006
Judge Orders Teen to Cancer Treatment
This is scary to me.
At 16 I don't even see this as a parental rights issue (but it is partly that), but mainly a 16 year old should be able to make their OWN healthcare decisions to a large extent.
I don't know the success rate for Hodgkin's disease, but no one should be forced to take Chemo for anything.
BREITBART.COM - Judge Orders Teen to Cancer Treatment
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Posted by
7/22/2006 11:38:00 PM PERMALINK
Labels: Medical, Rights and Freedoms, Science
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
WorldNetDaily: Where are the Christians?
I hate to say it, but I tend to agree with Pat here...
I just don't understand what Israel hopes to accomplish.
WorldNetDaily: Where are the Christians?
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Posted by
7/19/2006 06:07:00 PM PERMALINK
Labels: MiddleEast, religion
Bush Vetoes Embryonic Stem Cell Research Bill
Thank God that Bush is able to stop this for now. But eventually it will pass, or something like it.
FOXNews.com - Bush Vetoes Embryonic Stem Cell Research Bill - The Executive Branch
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Posted by
7/19/2006 05:54:00 PM PERMALINK
Labels: politics, Stem-Cells
Saturday, July 15, 2006
Israel Going too far
No link here, just my thoughts that I think Israel is going too far. Maybe I don't know all the facts and the US news organizations are not giving any reason for Israel's action, but the response seems disproportionate.
An example would be if a drug cartel in Mexico capture two US boarder patrol agents and the US started bombing Mexico City as a result.
I really don't see what Israel is tring to prove or accomplish. Lebanon has a week government and needs to eventually be held accountable for Hezbollah, but destrying them is not going to help things.
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Tuesday, July 04, 2006
Thursday, June 22, 2006
WSJ.com - 'DRM' Protects Downloads, But Does It Stifle Innovation?
Interesting but too short and just glosses over many isses. The debate is about CONTROL pure and simple. While Mr. Attaway claims the debate is about CHOICES, he fails to realize that once all the entertainment media is "locked down" the choice will evaporate. We have "fair use" choices in the old system, not because the media companies allowed it, or because we made a deal when we bought the material, we have choices in the old system because there was no way to stop people from make those choices. DRM may be sold to use by giving us choices, but once it controls everything, those choice will disappear.
WSJ.com - 'DRM' Protects Downloads, But Does It Stifle Innovation?
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Monday, May 15, 2006
Monday, April 17, 2006
Thursday, April 13, 2006
Friday, March 24, 2006
The Left's Loss of Principles
Some resent examples of how the left is lossing its way. Free Speech is not so important anymore...
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
Pressure Mounts for Way Out on Christian Convert in Afghanistan
The President shouldn't be "deeply troubled" he should take action. How can this government be better than the Taliban if they arrest and try and maybe kill someone for converting to Christianity?
If Afghanistan is a pupet government like many claim, the Bush better start pulling some strings...
FOXNews.com - Politics News - Pressure Mounts for Way Out on Christian Convert in Afghanistan
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Wednesday, March 15, 2006
Monday, March 13, 2006
Moussaoui Death Penalty Case May Be Tossed - Yahoo! News
I don't know the details yet, and maybe there is something fundamental here, but things like this is why we should not consider terrorism a "CRIMINAL OFFENSE". Its an "ACT OF WAR" and should be treated as such.
Moussaoui Death Penalty Case May Be Tossed - Yahoo! News
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Sunday, March 12, 2006
Analysis: States steadily restricting info
"Some things your government doesn't have to tell you about:This is disturbing. Security through obscurity rarely if ever works. Keeping a school's "safety plan" secret won't help anything if the plan sucks. And how will the parents of Iowa know it sucks if its secret? The last two have NOTHING to do with national security, just good lobbying by certain groups.
- The safety plan at your child's school, if you live in Iowa.
- Medication errors at your grandparent's nursing home in North Carolina.
- Disciplinary actions against Indiana state employees."
Analysis: States steadily restricting info: [This Post Continues after the jump...]
Saturday, March 11, 2006
Right to Create: Broken Windows, Broken Patents
Interesting. But I think most ALL civil lawyers make money off of a legal system of overly complex and even stupid laws. Class action cases being the biggest ripoff even imagined
Right to Create: Broken Windows, Broken Patents
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Thursday, March 09, 2006
Tennessee senate wades into abortion fight
I can't help but to think this is too much too soon.
But maybe I'm just over cautious.
I hope it works....
Tennessee senate wades into abortion fight/a>
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Court says urinating in public is illegal under California law
Wow, a California court gets it right for a change....
KCBA FOX 35 -- First at Ten - Court says urinating in public is illegal under California law
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Wednesday, March 08, 2006
At Conservative Forum on Bush, Everybody's a Critic
this is great... I hope who ever runs for th GOP gets this message.
At Conservative Forum on Bush, Everybody's a Critic
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Reich: U.S. headed for 'day of reckoning'
I kinda like ths guy. I can be partisan at times, and I don't necessarily agree with everything he says, but I usually like HOW he says it.
Reich: U.S. headed for 'day of reckoning' | CNET News.com
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Monday, March 06, 2006
Supreme Court Upholds College Military Recruiting Law
If liberals disagree with this, maybe they will realize that with federal money some loss of control. I see no reason for the federal government to be giving 35 BILLION dollars to state colleges every year.
Maybe if people realize how a big federal government is bad for local control, they will start supporting states rights and smaller federal government.
FOXNews.com - U.S. & World News - Supreme Court Upholds College Military Recruiting Law
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Thursday, March 02, 2006
Business 2.0: The Entrepreneur's Guide to Outer Space - Feb. 27, 2006
In stead of "Go West Young Man" it will soon be "Go UP Yound Man"
Business 2.0: The Entrepreneur's Guide to Outer Space - Feb. 27, 2006
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Tuesday, February 28, 2006
Supreme Court Rules in Favor of Abortion Protesters
Wow, I didn't even know this was "in the works". I don't know all the details yet, but its good to know we can protest abortion in a way that actually gets some attention or slows things down or whatever.
Not that I do that offent (or ever) but its a tactic used by other groups, so why not abortion?
FOXNews.com - Politics News - Supreme Court Rules in Favor of Abortion Protesters
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Monday, February 27, 2006
Dear Hillary: Don't Run
Sorry guys, she's runnin'
Seriously, I don't think anyone could turn down such an opportunity.
She'll run, and she might actually win. Depends on who the Republicans counter with.
Dear Hillary: Don't Run:
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Sunday, February 26, 2006
The End of Europe’s Tolerance?
Excellent article. However, the author's tone seems to suggest that what is happening, should not happen, or is some how wrong or foolish.
I think its exactly what needs to happen in Europe and in the US. Immigration SHOULD be the melting pot model, where a person melts into the country he/she is immigrating to. They have a small effect on the whole pot, but the pot has a LARGE effect on them. The "When in Rome" idea of immigrating . Other models like the "salad" model they taught at a NASA multicultural class where people retain their individual culture and just physically "mix" together just doesn't work. The different parts of the salad start fighting and there is no common culture anymore. This is what happened in with the Islamic riots in France last year.
Cartoons: The End of EuropeÃÂÃ’s Tolerance? - Newsweek: International Editions - MSNBC.com
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Friday, February 24, 2006
Black Box Voting : 2-23-06: Someone accessed 40 Palm Beach County voting machines Nov 2004
The phrase "told you so" comes to mind. Democrats were so eager to go "electronic" that these machines were forced on us. The results are predictable.
Electronic voting leaves MORE room for debating the results of an election, not less.
Black Box Voting : 2-23-06: Someone accessed 40 Palm Beach County voting machines Nov 2004
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Wednesday, February 22, 2006
Hollywood vs. Your PC: Round 2
My favorite topic, when will people wake up?
PCWorld.com - Hollywood vs. Your PC: Round 2
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Court Documents: Hospital Gave Lethal Injections to Patients During Hurricane Katrina
This demonstrates a complete lack of a valid "plan"...
I doubt they will ever be able to prove anything. unless someone confesses. People accusing others at this stage will look like they are covering up their own misdeeds or out to frame someone. (assuming they don't already have specific allegations on the record now, but then charges would have already been filed.)
Court Documents: Hospital Gave Lethal Injections to Patients During Hurricane Katrina
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Monday, February 20, 2006
Holocaust Denier Gets Three Years in Jail
Denying the Holocaust is stupid, but is it criminal?
Certainly some of the "facts" will be forever lost to the fog of war, and honest people can argue and disagree on things like how much Hitler actually knew about, how many people were executed versus died from harsh conditions (which is a very minor distinction). Some people could even deny the whole holocaust just to get people to think about it and discuss it.
But I have a big problem with arresting people for merely stating an opinion. What ever happened to "I may disagree with what you say, but I will fight to the death for your right to say it" ??
Holocaust Denier Gets Three Years in Jail
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The Misguided And Cowardly Outrage Of The Press
I love this..
At the same time, the same media outlets that have kept its customers in the dark [about the cartoons.. they] screeched like banshees when Dick Cheney took all of eighteen hours to reveal that he had accidentally shot his hunting partner and friend .... arguing that the story was so important that it could not be trusted to the Corpus Christi local paper to inform the nation.so they really DIDN'T wait, just gave it to the local paper, not the White House Pres Corps. What Cry babies.....
In conclusion this article says...
When our media has the testicular fortitude to report on terrorists honestly, then they will have gained the moral authority to lecture any White House on censorship and the responsibility of fully informing the public. Until then, such demonstrations as we saw this week by the White House press corps only stands as a perverse monument to the media's hypocrisy and venality.
Captain's Quarters
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Copyright sings to a different tune
Oh dear!!
When Mickey Mouse was about to loose his copyright protection, Disney persuaded the US congress to extend the time frame.
I suspect the Beatles hold similar power in the UK, so the time limit will probably be extended there too.
BBC NEWS | Technology | Copyright sings to a different tune
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Thursday, February 16, 2006
Independent Online Edition > Environment
From the article:
...So that is what we can look forward to if we don't act soon. None of the current climate and ice models predict this. But I prefer the evidence from the Earth's history and my own eyes.
So instead of the best models "Science" has to offer, this guy is going with his personal views and anecdotal evidence. But Bush is somehow the one that's "anti-Science" on this one...
Independent Online Edition > Environment [This Post Continues after the jump...]
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
In Rare Briefing, China Defends Internet Controls - New York Times
China is getting smarter. They see our heated argument over civil liberties and the Patriot act, and the NSA spying and tie their censorship into.
It might actually work for some people. We go so myopic about our issues that we fail to see that anything the US government is doing is tame compared to what China is doing.
In Rare Briefing, China Defends Internet Controls - New York Times
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White House Toughens Stance on China Trade
Too Little too late?
better than Nothing?
AP Economics Writer
WASHINGTON (AP) -- The Bush administration on Tuesday announced it will step up enforcement of U.S. trade laws governing China, following a top-to-bottom review of America's trading relationship with the Asian giant.
The increased enforcement will be led by a new chief counsel for China trade enforcement within the office of U.S. Trade Representative Rob Portman.
Portman announced a number of steps during a news conference in which he released a 29-page report detailing the findings of a six-month review of America's economic relationship with China.
"The time has come to readjust our trade policy with respect to China," Portman said. "As a mature trading partner, China should be held accountable for its actions and required to live up to its responsibilities, including opening markets and enforcing intellectual property rights."
Portman vowed to "use all options available" to meet this goal.
However, critics said the administration's failure to aggressively prosecute China's unfair trading practices contributed to last year's record $725.8 billion trade deficit. They faulted the administration for not immediately announcing new cases against China before the World Trade Organization.
Portman told reporters during a news conference that the administration will not hesitate to file new cases against Beijing if negotiations fail to resolve various pending disputes.
Sen. Charles Schumer, D-N.Y., faulted the administration's report for failing to deal with what many manufacturing companies see as a major contributor to the trade gap - Chinese policies that keep China's currency undervalued against the U.S. dollar, giving the country huge trade advantages against U.S. producers.
"It is amazing that in a comprehensive 29-page report, the trade representative fails to mention the 800 pound gorilla in the room - how China manipulates its currency," Schumer said in a statement.
The administration's announcement Tuesday followed news last Friday that America's trade deficit with China rose to $201.6 billion, the largest deficit the United States has ever incurred with a single country.
This soaring trade deficit has increased pressure on the administration from lawmakers who want to see a tough crackdown on what they believe are unfair trading practices by China, such as manipulating its currency and copyright piracy.
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Monday, February 13, 2006
A Surplus Of Embryos
Hardly a "balanced" report... but what should I expect from 60 minutes??
CBS News | A Surplus Of Embryos | February 12
And here's something more..
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Audits show millions in Katrina aid wasted
Why we still think doing things like this at the FEDERAL level is somehow "better" is beyond me. The BIGGER the program, the more the Fraud and Waste.
But we are so quick to turn everything over to the feds.
Audits show millions in Katrina aid wasted - OrlandoSentinel.com: Nation/World
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Thank God for Darwin and evolution ?
To me, all intelligent Design did was to point out, in Science class, that our current Science has HOLES in it. Since this is true, I don't understand why Scientist want to HIDE the holes. The HOLES should be taught if for no other reason but to hope that one of the students will one day FILL THE HOLE.
To ignore the HOLES is saying "Trust us SCIENCE can explain EVERYTHING!" which simply is not true.
MercuryNews.com | 02/11/2006 | Thank God for Darwin and evolution
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Islamo-bullies get a free ride from the West
When the Westerb PRESS itself becomes "terrorised" (afraid to print something due to threats of violence) then we are indeed in trouble....
Islamo-bullies get a free ride from the West - Sunday Times - Times Online
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Sunday, February 12, 2006
Thursday, February 09, 2006
Poll: Democrats Make Gains on Issues
I for one do favor "divided government", However, I would only want dems to take control of the House or representatives. The Senate is still too important for judicial nominations.
This seems to be a "national" poll. I wonder how it breaks down in congressional races that are being seriously challenged. 2 years ago there wasn't even a Democrat to vote for in my District. Given a choice, I might actually vote *cough* for a *cough* Democrat
FOXNews.com - FOX News Polls News - FNC Poll - 02/09/06 FOX News Poll: Democrats Make Gains on Issues
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Bush Details Foiled 2002 Terror Attack
I for one wish more info on this would get out..
It's funny how the "good" stuff doesn't get leaked out.
FOXNews.com - Politics News - Bush Details Foiled 2002 Terror Attack
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Wednesday, February 08, 2006
Some Democrats Are Sensing Missed Opportunities
At least there is some good news....
Some Democrats Are Sensing Missed Opportunities - New York Times
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Evangelical Leaders Join Global Warming Initiative
I've still don't buy into the "global warming" rhetoric. The history of the planet show NATURAL variations in climate, some very extreme.
However, I've always also supported reducing pollution, especially the foolish or lazy pollution that could easily be stopped, and I think there is still a lot of this type around.
However, I am very suspicious of the "global warming" crowd. The more they predict dire consequences from what humans are doing, the more I fear their "solution" will be extreme and costly.
Evangelical Leaders Join Global Warming Initiative - New York Times
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Monday, February 06, 2006
NASA Chief Backs Agency Openness - New York Times
Although I don't think adding the word "theory" after the words "Big Bang" is all that horrible. I mean it IS a theory afterall...
NASA Chief Backs Agency Openness - New York Times
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Thursday, February 02, 2006
Amy Goodman - US media at 'all-time low'
I've just recently become aware of Amy Goodman. And if this is what she thinks, I'm not too impressed. Correct me if I'm wrong, but she seems to be saying that All US media "bad" and "al-Jazeera" is somehow "good" or starting to fill the spot that US journalism used to hold.
She says -- "If people in the US had a true picture of war - dead babies, women with their legs blown off, dead and dying soldiers - they would say 'no'," she said.
Not to sound gib, but "War is Hell". If everyone saw this stuff during WWII they would have said "No" to war and Hitler would rule Europe. If American's had this information during the Revolutionary War, the USA would not exist. And we would be two countries now if the Civil War didn't happen (and who can know how minorities would be treated in the Confederacy).
THE POINT is that war is sometimes necessary. It's never good, but it can leads to better things. She seems to not realize this.
If the Iraq War is "wrong" then it is not wrong because War is Hell, all wars are hell! And the very freedoms she enjoys rests on the US fighting and winning several wars. The very freedom she enjoys was bought with dead babies, women with their legs blown off, and dead and dying soldiers. Ms Goodman should be a little more grateful for their sacrifice.
Guardian Unlimited | Special reports | US media at 'all-time low'
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The real Bush? by Robert Novak
I for one thought this was only his 2nd worse SOTU address. Last years seemed to have much more spending and bigger government in it.
Townhall.com :: Columns :: The real Bush? by Robert Novak - Feb 2, 2006
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Pirates: It Takes One to Know One
Music Industry... heal thyself...
Wired News: Pirates: It Takes One to Know One
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An Energy Revolution
Skip down to "THE ALCOHOL SOLUTION" section.
I for one would support this... with what I know now.
I wonder what the engergy cost for making Enthanol is.
(its probably in here somewhere...)
The American Enterprise: An Energy Revolution
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Wednesday, February 01, 2006
Transcript: Democrats Respond
WOW, I wished I had watched this now. This is Great.
If this is what Democrats actually stand for, then I might actually switch parties. SERIOUSLY.
Read it here.
(I might add it as a comment since I don't know how long it will stay online)
FOXNews.com - Politics News - Transcript: Democrats Respond
Just about EVERY thing the Democrats say Bush is doing wrong can be corrected or done BETTER at the STATE LEVEL. Hallelujah! ANY party that would seriously recommend that this many issues can be dealt with at the STATE level rather than at the Federal level would have my whole hearted support.
If it were only true!!
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End of the Spear Actor is Gay.
I'm glad I didn't know this before I saw the movie. The movie was great. Knowing this now is great. It proves my position that it really doesn't matter. It's when an actor or others make an issue of their offscreen life that it can ruin a good movie.
Is it possible to find a good hollywood actor these days that measure up to the Christian ideal in every way? Maybe. But you would have to look hard and then be stuck with only a handful of stars to be in every Christian themed movie.
Religion: Love the Film, Hate the Sin? Christians Debate. - Newsweek Periscope - MSNBC.com
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Tuesday, January 31, 2006
Questions to Ask Scientific Authority
Science must be be "beyond" questioning. But if you dare question evolution of the benefits of stem cells, you get called a religious nut.
FOXNews.com - Questions to Ask Scientific Authority
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Posted by
1/31/2006 08:49:00 PM PERMALINK
Labels: Science
Sweeping anti-abortion laws proposed
woo hoo...
unless it backfires... then I was asginst this from the start...
Sweeping anti-abortion laws proposed
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Posted by
1/31/2006 04:06:00 PM PERMALINK
Labels: abortion, government
Microsoft clarifies policy on censoring blogs
This is a little better... although a "legally binding notice" from China won't be difficult to get.
Microsoft clarifies policy on censoring blogs | CNET News.com
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Evangelicals are mastering the art of college debate.
Now if we could only rise to this level....
Cut, Thrust and Christ - Newsweek Society - MSNBC.com
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Friday, January 27, 2006
What Reagan knew - OrlandoSentinel.com: Opinion
Another one.. not as good though....
What Reagan knew - OrlandoSentinel.com: Opinion
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Reagan's biggest mistake - OrlandoSentinel.com: Opinion
Strange title.. Reagan's "mistake" seems to be in selecting Bush #1 as a VP (and thus setting him up to be president in 1988). He also talks about the mistakes of Bush #2.
If I re-read it maybe I'll find Reagan's mistake....
Reagan's biggest mistake - OrlandoSentinel.com: Opinion
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Liberals Stuck in 1968
I found this very interesting and insightful.
TCS Daily - Stuck on 1968
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7 myths about the Challenger
The only one that I fell for was the "political" pressure linked with the State of the Union addresss.
7 myths about the Challenger shuttle disaster - Space News - MSNBC.com
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Thursday, January 26, 2006
Broadcaster says serious news at risk
Someone at CNN with a clue... of course they demoted him for it....
... just kidding, I have no idea why they demoted him...
Broadcaster says serious news at risk
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Britons unconvinced on evolution
There is hope. I would have liked to see the questions though. Some people draw a difference between "creationISM" and just the belief that God "created" everything.
BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | Britons unconvinced on evolution
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Wednesday, January 25, 2006
Students ban Christians in row over gays
It won't be long before this happens in America, if its not already...
Students ban Christians in row over gays
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Google Agrees to Censor Results in China
So much for "Don't be Evil"...
I wonder if Google would fight a request by the Chinese Government for a list of search terms. They are fight a similar US request! Now who do you think would USE such information the most harshly? I think it is strange that Google is more willing to work with the Chinese government than the US government.
Is there a good trade off here? I think in general, the internet, even a cripled internet, will have positive effect on the Chinese people. But I would think Google and Yahoo and Microsoft would stand on principle more (will.. ok.. not Microsoft...)
BREITBART.COM - Google Agrees to Censor Results in China
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Tuesday, January 24, 2006
Florida Today - Reject Judge Alito
First they say reject him because of "his unwillingness during confirmation hearings to give forthright answers..."
Then they say reject him because "he refused during this month's hearings to admit to any less-extreme position." Meaning he refused to admit to something that wasn't true. Isn't refusing the lie a GOOD thing? Isn't refusing to lie being forthright?
Next they say he "has repeatedly come down on the side of government and big corporations in rulings". Should he rule balance his rulings 50/50 between "government/coporations" and "ordinary people". Or should he take each case seperately. Could he not have just gotten more cases where the Government/Corporations are right? Isn't it true that most lawsuits today are frivolous? Yet he has to approve some of them just to keep his image up!!
And don't even get me started on "searches without problable cause". If we're at war and your chating with the enemey, that IS probable cause, by any definition.
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Senate Judiciary Committee endorses Alito
Getting closer !!
Party line votes though.
Which brings up a question to me. Should the Senate vote because of the person's "Beliefs" or because of the person's "qualifications"?
Abortion is always front and center, but even some well respected, liberal, abortion-rights supporting legal experts agree that Roe-v-Wade was a poor decision.
Does believing that the consitituion (which can't possible cover every thing one thinks it should) doesn't inlcude a right to an abortion automatically disqualify a you from being on the SCOTUS?
I'm torn. Personally (if I were in the Senate) I think would vote against a liberal judge even if they were qualified in other respects. But is that RIGHT?
Senate Judiciary Committee endorses Alito - The Changing Court - MSNBC.com: "Senate Judiciary Committee endorses Alito"
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Monday, January 23, 2006
Can video iPod lead to DMCA reform?
No... it'll never happen. Too much $$ against it.
Can video iPod lead to DMCA reform? | Perspectives | CNET News.com
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Stem-cell research on FLORIDA's agenda
Looks like this will be an election issue...
Stem-cell research on state's agenda - OrlandoSentinel.com: State News
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Legislature To Consider Abortion Ban
Dang, Can't they wait until Alito is confirmed?
No one was supposed to know about this yet... Kinda like the White House easter egg roll...
South Dakota Legislature To Consider Abortion Ban
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The Coming Tug of War Over the Internet
I know.. I know.. done of you care...
But I dare say that you WILL care one day. Hopefully before its too late.
The Coming Tug of War Over the Internet
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Triumph of the Redistributionist Left
We have been assimilated.... resistance is futile!!
Currently the federal government consumes about 20 percent of the GDP... that is on course to rise to 30 percent by 2040. Most of that 30 percent would be redistributed as payments to other Americans, rather than spent on standard government services like law enforcement, transportation, defense, national parks, or space exploration.
Measured according to this, the US government's main function now is redistribution: taking money from one segment of the population and giving it to another segment.
Triumph of the Redistributionist Left | csmonitor.com
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Sunday, January 22, 2006
Big Content would like to outlaw things no one has even thought of yet
I know no one here cares, but this IS the next big battle of "the people" vs. "the companies". "The Government" is supposed to balance these two, but the companies have all the money and congress lives on money, so I think "The people" are going to get shafted!
PS - this article is hard to read, even for me.
Big Content would like to outlaw things no one has even thought of yet
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Group Seeks Souter Eviction As Protest
I whish this was closer... I would be there and vote for this. I honestly don't understand what they were thinking or "smoking" when they made the Kelo ruling.
ABC News: Group Seeks Souter Eviction As Protest
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Friday, January 20, 2006
Maryland Judge Strikes Down Gay-Marriage Ban
I don't know the details of the Maryland Constituion, so I guess its possible that this law is unconsitituional.
But I doubt it. "Equal Rights" can be used to justify almost anything.
Townhall.com :: AP - Md. Judge Strikes Down Gay-Marriage Ban
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Thursday, January 19, 2006
Study: Most College Students Lack Skills
ahhh...the wonders of a modern US education.....
BREITBART.COM - Study: Most College Students Lack Skills
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A Gay Easter?
I don't know what to make of this, except for the "secretive" nature of their "plan", it seems like nothing big. The event is open to the public on a first-come-first-served basis, so they can do whatever they want. But why try and keep it secret? Families that are just going for fun and not to make a statement are not going to stand in line all night. It would seem that pulbicity would help for a larger turn out, but runs the unlikely risk of the event being canceled. But that would play into their hands too much.
As Bush might say "Bring it on!" The president down't always attend, so he can safely skip it. And I'm sure some of the more radical gays will do something stupid and taint the media coverage of the event.
In the end it will just be a bunch of protesters spoiling a family event. (any type protesters would spoil the event, and I think the media will present it that way.)
However, I do wonder if they will be giving away tosters?
A Gay Easter?
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Add a "BlogThis!" bookmark
Eric, Dave, Matt,
If you read thsi article, you can learn how to make it EASY to post items to the BLOG. I would not fool with the "toolbar" but there is a simple bookmark/link that when clicked allow you to easily make a post about the current page you are reading.
Blogger Help : What is BlogThis! ?
Here it is!
BlogThis! <-- drag this link to your browser's Links bar
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Brokeback Mountain
Ok - Quick comment for you guys. I'm kinda frustrated by some of the commentary lately by some of the conservative talk shows...Glen Beck (sp?) and Bill O'Reilly. I've heard complaints that once again Hollywood is pushing the gay agenda by producing a movie like Brokeback Mountain and then it getting awards. And that Hollywood should stop pushing it's social agenda.
Could someone please explain to me why one movie like Brokeback is attacked like this?
Considering at a minimum gay people make up 5% of the population (my belief is that this number is waay low), then at least 5% of the movies should be acceptable as being gay.
As I pay some attention to this over the years, am I incorrect in actually saying that of the main Hollywood movies it would be unfair for me to expect that maybe 5% should be gay.
As it is there are hardly EVER any gay mainstream movies that get released.
Then I hear that the one time we get a mainstream movie released all of a sudden it's the gay agenda.
Have I EVER condemned heterosexuals for pushing their heterosexual agenda on me???? I see heterosexual love stories all the dang time? It doesn't mean to me that heterosexuals have some agenda. It just means they have an interesting story to tell to entertain people.
Have I EVER condemned the Christ movies out there? As I understand it, when Mel Gibson produced his movie, the Christian Right thought it was the greatest thing since sliced bread. It was wonderful to see another Christian movie on the main screen.
Why is it that when a DIFFERENT view of life is put on the main screen, the conservative right goes up in arms??
Worse yet, I listened to O'Reilly and Beck yesterday and couldn't believe my ears. It was obvious they were attacking it without having even seen it.
Ironically the movie does not make being gay this really cool thing. Ironically it depicts the harm it can do to families and to individuals who are or have to deal with either a spouse or child being gay. It shows how some people accept it, some people don't and how some people have to cope even if they don't want to.
The movie is not an uplifting movie, but it is dramatic and a boldly different movie which is why I think Hollywood does like it.
When I compare it to movies being raved about like Kong, there's no comparison.
Brokeback is different from the average movie. It's not about special effects or retelling a story that's been told upteen times. It's not action adventure, nor comedy, but a movie very different from the standard.
Why is it that conservatives can't stand my viewpoint so much and just have to once again attack it as a "gay agenda"??
There, I've completed my first blog.
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Abused Mass. Girl Responds to Stimuli
This is good news... but I'm glad the court refused to allow the "stepdad" to make the decision. Unlike a similar situation a few years ago, this person is actually charged with abusing the girl and causing her present condition.
And unlike other cases, this girl has only been in this condition for 4 months. Witch is not enough time to make a final conclusion.
Hopefully she can recover significantly.
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Wednesday, January 18, 2006
Tongue Tied - The Double Standard
I have Nothing more to add...
Tongue Tied - The Double Standard
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Tuesday, January 17, 2006
Supreme Court Backs Oregon Assisted-Suicide Law
This is great news.
However, the troubling part is who voted to block the Oregon law. The "conservative" justices are supposed to be "pro state rights" but I guess that only applies when they agree with what the state is trying to do.
If Alito is that same, then maybe the conservative take over of the court is not such a good thing.
FOXNews.com - Politics - Supreme Court Backs Oregon Assisted-Suicide Law
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Gore: Eavesdropping Program Threatens Structure of Government
FOXNews.com - Politics - Gore: Eavesdropping Program Threatens Structure of Government
And to think that this guy was a few votes away from being PRESIDENT at the time of the 9/11 attacks. It's easy to attack what other people do to fight terrorism, but what would he do? Allow Al Queda to call anyone in the US, and then rush to get a warrent before they hangup? It just wouldn't work.
He admits he doesn't know all the details, but that sure doesn't stop him from drawing some harsh CONCLUSIONS about what he doesn't know.
At a time of WAR, it is not "unresonable" for international calls or emails to be considered "non-private". All the Consitution protects against is "unreasonable searches and seizures". Anyone that thinks what has been publicly disclosed is "unreasonable" are not qualified to be our leaders. Anyone speculating about what hasn't been disclosed needs to choose their words better.
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Friday, January 13, 2006
Now just Suggesting an Endorsement of religion is "unconstituutional"
Bucks official's yule card offends some : The Morning Call Online: "''He's in a position of authority mailing this out to a list of his employees,'' said Koepsell. ''It suggests an official endorsement of a particular religion. It is improper, in the least, and probably unconstitutional.''" [This Post Continues after the jump...]
America's pension time bomb
Pension war looms in U.S. as baby boomers start to retire - Jan. 13, 2006
I wonder how this will be worked out?
With Social Security, the system is flawed because you can't Guarantee to pay someone more than they paid into the system. It’s called “insurance” if you do that and that only works when just a few people get paid. Imagine insuring people for something that is absolutely going to happen. Social Security “insures” people against getting old, but everyone gets old. (Some people do die before retiring, but still that’s like insuring people home against NOT burning down, much more people will reach retirement age than don’t)
With Private companies, how long and how much can they pay people who have stopped working for them? It works with a booming economy, or growing company, and when the retirement age and the “life expectancy” age are close. But all of those are changing now.
The only way to deal with this is something like 401k’s or our TSP. Like a pension, the employer pays a certain amount into the fund, but unlike pension, the amount you get after you retire is FIXED to the total in the fund.
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Thursday, January 12, 2006
Syria In Their Sights
I just found this website and find it interesting. It's "old school" conservative, not "neo-con".
Syria In Their Sights
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Wednesday, January 11, 2006
Cocoa OKs Sex Offender Law
I must say that I just don't get this type of law.
So a sex offender can't even pass within 1000 feet of a park unless he's going to see a lawyer? That would rule out even driving on most major roads in Titusville.
Maybe this is good for "punishment" but it doesn't do anything for prevention of future crimes.
Local News
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Create an e-annoyance, go to jail
This is serious folks...
Create an e-annoyance, go to jail | Perspectives | CNET News.com
Here is a detailed explaination of the new law
FAQ: The new 'annoy' law explained | CNET News.com
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Conservatives call for return to core Republican principles
FT.com / World / US - Conservatives call for return to core Republican principles
I just wish this would happen. Before its too late.
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Friday, January 06, 2006
Wired News: When in Rome ... or Beijing
Microsoft caves in just to keep making money in China!! How Dirty (and maybe even Bloddy) will the money have to get before Micro$oft will refuse it??
Of course they're not alone... way too much of the stuff we all buy is "Made in China". When we all wake up?
Wired News: When in Rome ... or Beijing
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Schwarzenegger proposes huge spending in key speech
Politics News Article | Reuters.com: "Schwarzenegger proposes huge spending in key speech"
If you can't beat them, Join Them...
Will anyone be able to tell Californias that they can't affort to constantly spend more than they are taxed??
Will any polititian ever stand on principle and say they will only lead in a responsible way or not run again? nanana...
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Thursday, January 05, 2006
Fla. court strikes down school vouchers
The Florida Supreme Court just outlaw "competition" amoung public/private schools. So if the public schools are failing, there is nothing you can do unless you can afford private school. Without the treat of loosing funding, what will make failing schools improve?
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Wednesday, January 04, 2006
If you want honest government, you need to support smaller government - Glenn Reynolds
Abramoff and the rest - Glenn Reynolds - MSNBC.com
Here Here...
I wish it weren't true, but power corrupts and the Republicans have too much power right now. I honestly wounld not mind to see the House change hands, but not the Senate.
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