The sad thing is that I like NPR.. mainly because there is no other FM news station in my area.
But they do slant their news, mainly by OMITTING a lot of things or just in the choices of stories.
Little Green Footballs - NPR Rewrites Rathergate History to Cover Up Fraud
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Tuesday, December 23, 2008
NPR Rewrites Rathergate History to Cover Up Fraud
Posted by
12/23/2008 02:07:00 PM PERMALINK
Labels: Media Bias
Monday, December 22, 2008
Friday, December 19, 2008
Music Industry to Abandon Mass Suits
Well, it's about time... the lawsuits haven't work..
interesting, this comes just days after Saddam Hussein's spokesman admitted the US did successfully invade Iraq in 2003.
Music Industry to Abandon Mass Suits -
[This Post Continues after the jump...]
Posted by
12/19/2008 11:31:00 AM PERMALINK
Labels: copyright, Music and Movies
The "One in 10 Jobs Tied to Autos" Lie
This has been soundly discredited, but people keep using it.
It proves the old saying that if you keep saying a lie enough times, people will start to believe it.
ABC News: One in 10 Jobs Tied to Autos? Not so Fast
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Posted by
12/19/2008 11:23:00 AM PERMALINK
Was Choosing Rick Warren a mistake?
Kathryn Kolbert thinks so. but why?
The only objective negative thing that she can say about Warren is that he repeated the "lie" that marriage equality would threaten free speech. Everything else is just differences of opinion and belief. The left is all about UNITY and INCLUSIVENESS expect with people they disagree with. It's pathetic. (Has she condemned the lies and deception used by the pro-gay-marriage advocates in Florida? I doubt it.)
She simply doesn't want Obama to do what he said he would do. Be the President of ALL Americans and try and bring some unity and respect to Washington. She wants the inauguration to be a liberal/progressive party only...and somehow considers that unity.
Commentary: Choosing Rick Warren was a mistake -
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Posted by
12/19/2008 10:27:00 AM PERMALINK
The Fight Over The Fairness Doctrine
Keep an eye on this one too...liberal radio can't compete so they're going to cut conservative radio off at the knees.
Radio stations will shut down or switch to music or something because there just isn't enough liberal talk shows to run (or so I'm told)!
Pajamas Media » Battle Lines Being Drawn in Fight Over Fairness Doctrine
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Posted by
12/19/2008 09:58:00 AM PERMALINK
Labels: Fairness Doctrine
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Church Plans to Make a Memeber's Sins Public
This article makes this sound like a horrible thing the church is doing. But is it?
They are following biblical teaching and apparently it was something the tell every member about.
Now, certainly it is weird that the Church is continuing to deal with this after she's left. But even that has a positive side to it, If a friend cuts off your relationship for the wrong reasons, wouldn't you keep pursuing them at least for awhile?
If this woman had a drug problem and was on a binge, should her friends in the church just forget about her? Well, this isn't a physical problem, but it is sin, and her friends aren't giving up on her.
But even that analogy breaks down, there are good ways and bad ways to deal with many different problems. This seems, from this one-sided slanted article, to be a bad way to deal with this. - Florida Woman Says Former Church Plans to Make Her Sins Public - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News
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Obama's Second Bill or Rights
Keep an eye out for this.. I think they will really try this and it's scary.
The idea that we have a "right to a job" as opposed to a "right to work" is silly.
We have a right to marry according to the rules set by society, but this doesn't mean society will provide me a wife.
Rights are opportunities, not guarantees!
Obama's Second Bill or Rights
[This Post Continues after the jump...]
Posted by
12/18/2008 10:24:00 AM PERMALINK
Labels: Obama
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Some interesting information about the Mars Phoenix Lander
NEVER underestimate the importance of a good receiving inspection!
Some interesting information in a Nature story about Phoenix - The Planetary Society Blog | The Planetary Society
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Sunday, December 07, 2008
Iowa high court takes on gay marriage - Crime & courts-
Now Iowa's courts think they know better than the people of Iowa.
It's only a matter of time, short time, before voters will approve gay-marriage, why do the courts need to poking us in the eye about it? I can all but guarantee you that the people who approved the Iowa state constitution would have overwhelmingly opposed gay-marriage, yet some judge can magically read into the constitution that gay-marriage is a right.
Regardless of you opinion on marriage, this is NOT how our system is supposed to work.
Iowa high court takes on gay marriage - Crime & courts-
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Wednesday, December 03, 2008
Atheists Want God Out of Kentucky Homeland Security - Atheists Want God Out of Kentucky Homeland Security - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News
This is pretty absurd. I'm all for public and government display of religious concepts like "In God we Trust" and "One Nation, Under God". But this seems to go a little too far.
I don't know why people waste time and effort defending stuff like this. It's one reason this country is becoming less and less religious.
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Monday, December 01, 2008
Disney accused of corrupting children's minds
I tend to agree with this, but I know of no way for Disney to do any better? Does "Veggietales" (a very good animated Christian cartoon) not also have 100's of toys and games and dolls and new DVD's for sale? Don't they make money off being popular with the kids.
Disney is pretty low on my preferred activities for my daughter. Too many of the the stories feature magic or spells or super-beings with no ties to Christianity, and in some cases, opposed to a Christian world view.
I prefer TV on Nogin or Nick Jr. But it's only marginally better.
But at least it's commercial free (at times). It's the commercials more than any of the shows or Movies that get kids to crave items. Limit the commercials and you're 80% better off to begin with.
Disney accused by Catholic cleric of corrupting children's minds - Telegraph
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Posted by
12/01/2008 12:16:00 AM PERMALINK
Labels: Cultural Issues, religion, Television
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Florida court strikes down ban on gay adoptions
I see another constitutional amendment coming. But this will be much harder to pass or even get on the ballot. But then again, I though the gay-marriage amendment would fail. So I'm not a good person to ask about this sort of thing.
Ironically, I care more about banning gay-adoption than I do gay-marriage. So this ruling strikes at one of the main reason I supported the gay-marriage ban. Ideally, Adoption would only be allowed by married couples, then there would be no need for a gay-adoption ban. But this would prevent singles from adopting too, and although I'm OK with that, most people aren't
I fully support giving a lot of the rights associated with marriage to gay couples. However, adoption is one that I am adamantly against! (Exclamation point). There is just no reason to place a child into a family structure that could in no way (under any circumstances natural or using any medical technology short of cloning) have produced a child of their own. And by their own, I mean the couple together, with the child being equally biologically related to both of them.
I think gay-couples should admit that they are not in the family making business and shouldn't be in the family raising business either.
Florida court challenges state's ban on gay adoptions --
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Posted by
11/26/2008 10:16:00 AM PERMALINK
Labels: Adoption;, courts, Gay Rights
Monday, November 24, 2008
Dave Barry: And the winner is . . .
too true... the last few days of the campaign was nothing but name calling. Although Obama (since he was ahead) did focus more on what he would do if elected, McCain was mostly talking about coming from behind and winning.
Dave Barry: And the winner is . . . the man with the martini - Dave Barry -
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US Automakers Forced to Pay 85% to Non-Working Union Members
I say let them go into bankruptcy and cancel the UAW contracts (if they can) or go bust if they can't. Yes, I know that would be devastating to the economy in ways I don't understand right now, but something has to give. We can't bail out a fundamentally unsound company. - Automakers Forced to Pay 85- to 95-Percent of Wages to Union Members Who Are Not Working
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Friday, November 21, 2008
Earth has COOLED since Bush Took Office
So will Bush go down in history as the President who STOPPED global warming??
.: U.S. Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works :: Minority Page :.
...the planet has not only cooled since George W. Bush took office – pause and let the significance of that one sink in – but began to chill significantly at almost precisely the moment that we signed the Kyoto Protocol, exactly ten years ago today.
WOW! [This Post Continues after the jump...]
The calendar year isn't exactly over yet, but the people who watch such things --- namely the National Climatic Data Center --- are reporting that through its first 10 months 2008 is shaping up to be the coolest year in the United States since 1997.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Federal Judge Orders Release of 5 Terror Suspects Held at Guantanamo
I think this has been TOO LONG in coming. I think it's important to be able to hold people initially without detailed charges, but SEVEN YEARS is long enough to come up with some charges. If the government can't do that, or chooses not too, then the people should be released.
It's a harsh requirement, but the power to lock someone up indefinitely just because our government says they're "dangerous" is too big a power for ANY government to wield. - Federal Judge Orders Release of 5 Terror Suspects Held at Guantanamo Bay Prison - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News
[This Post Continues after the jump...]
Federal Judge Orders Release of 5 Terror Suspects Held at Guantanamo
I think this has been TOO LONG in coming. I think it's important to be able to hold people initially without detailed charges, but SEVEN YEARS is long enough to come up with some charges. If the government can't do that, or chooses not too, then the people should be released.
It's a harsh requirement, but the power to lock someone up indefinitely just because our government says they're "dangerous" is too big a power for ANY government to wield. - Federal Judge Orders Release of 5 Terror Suspects Held at Guantanamo Bay Prison - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News
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Sunday, November 16, 2008
NASA's Global Temp Blunder - The world has never seen such freezing heat
The world has never seen such freezing heat - Telegraph
A surreal scientific blunder last week raised a huge question mark about the temperature records that underpin the worldwide alarm over global warming.Read the whole thing to see how little scientific scrutiny is give to the Global Warming data... [This Post Continues after the jump...]
GISS did not have resources to exercise proper quality control over the data it was supplied with. [Yet they]... are not only one of the four data sets that the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) relies on to promote its case for global warming, but they are the most widely quoted, since they consistently show higher temperatures than the others.
Are you an idiot to keep paying your mortgage?
What a deal this is going to be.... stop paying your mortgage and get one or all of these..
1 - Reducing the interest rate (always good, but strangely this is only for 5 years?)Are you an idiot to keep paying your mortgage? [This Post Continues after the jump...]
2 - Extending the term of the loan (which isn't really a good idea - unless you're really in trouble)
3 - Reducing the principal (to be paid back only when you sell - a free loan!)
Friday, November 14, 2008
Would-be Obama aides must disclose... everything!
Would-be Obama aides must disclose Web posts, Facebook profiles | Politics and Law - CNET News
This seems Draconian... I don't think I could possibly supply all the info they are asking for.
And who would have time to read it all anyways?
The Gun ownership question is particular disturbing too...
But to be honest, a lot of this is normal for a job at this level. But shouldn't they keep it limited to things that matter? Like policy issues or cheating on income tax laws? I don't think posting a comment to a website should automatically matter.
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Saturday, November 08, 2008
State Recognition of Marriage: not a Fundamental Right
I couldn't have said this better myself...
Actually I can't say it at all without being called homophobic or worse. But maybe this guy, "GayPatriotWest" (I'm not sure his real name, but it's apparently not Bruce Carroll) but maybe he can say it and have a few people listen.
GayPatriot » State Recognition of Marriage: not a Fundamental Right
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Friday, November 07, 2008
Obams's Chief os Staffl Was A Director Of Freddie Mac During Scandal
This this asking the fox to guard the hen house or what?
Freddie Mac was the central player in the sub-prime mortgage disaster...
Now one of the same people will be running the white house...
It's change... but not one I can believe in....
ABC News: Emanuel Was Director Of Freddie Mac During Scandal
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Tuesday, November 04, 2008
Saturday, November 01, 2008
Obama's Civilian Security Force
YouTube - Obama Civilian Security
A Civilian Security Force that is:
Just as strong as our military.
.... The "strength" of a military is generally summed up as it's size
.... so we're talking a 100 thousand or more members!
Just as powerful...
.... the "Power" of a military is generally related to it's weapons
.... so a group that is well armed!
Just as well funded
.... so we're talking Billions of dollars.
and what exactly will this large, heavily armed, group do?
.... I have no idea!
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Posted by
11/01/2008 07:51:00 PM PERMALINK
Labels: 2008 Election, Military, Obama
McCain and Obama Differ even as They Both Reject Gay Marriage
If Elected ... - Hopefuls Differ as They Reject Gay Marriage - Series -
This is a fairly good read... and pretty balanced (from what I know about the candidates positions)
[This Post Continues after the jump...]
Posted by
11/01/2008 07:40:00 PM PERMALINK
Labels: 2008 Election, Gay Rights, Marriage, McCain, Obama
Friday, October 31, 2008
BTW I'm Voting For Mccain / Palin
This is great... everyone thinking of voting for Obama should watch this...
YouTube - BTW I'm Voting For Mccain / Palin
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Obama Claus - Gifts for everone
Here is a rather long list of all the new spending Obama says he'll do
Just today in Sarasota, Fla., the Democratic presidential nominee said that he'd:
- "give a tax break to 95 percent of Americans who work every day and get taxes taken out of their paycheck every week";
- "eliminate income taxes on Social Security for seniors making under $50,000";
- "give homeowners and working parents additional tax breaks";
- not increase taxes on anyone if they "make under $250,000; you will not see your taxes increase by a single dime –- not your income taxes, not your payroll tax, not your capital gains tax";
- "end those breaks to companies that ship jobs overseas";
- "give tax breaks to companies that invest right here in the United States";
- "eliminate capital gains taxes for small businesses and start-up companies that are the engine of job creation in this country";
- "create two million new jobs by rebuilding our crumbling roads, and bridges, and schools -- by laying broadband lines to reach every corner of the country";
- "invest $15 billion a year in renewable sources of energy to create five million new energy jobs over the next decade";
- "reopen old factories, old plants, to build solar panels, and wind turbines";
- build "a new electricity grid";
- "build the fuel efficient cars of tomorrow";
- "eliminate the oil we import from the Middle East in 10 years";
- "lower premiums" for those who already have health insurance;
- "if you don't have health insurance, you'll be able to get the same kind of health insurance that members of Congress give themselves";
- "end discrimination by insurance companies to the sick and those who need care the most";
- "invest in early childhood education";
- "recruit an army of new teachers";
- "pay our teachers higher salaries, give them more support. But ... also demand higher standards and more accountability";
- "make a deal with every young person who's here and every young person in America: If you are willing to commit yourself to national service, whether it's serving in our military or in the Peace Corps, working in a veterans home or a homeless shelter, then we will guarantee that you can afford to go to college no ifs ands or buts";
- "stop spending $10 billion a month in Iraq whole the Iraqis have a huge surplus";
- "end this war in Iraq";
- "finish the fight and snuff out al Qaeda and bin Laden";
- "increase our ground troops and our investments in the finest fighting force in the world";
- "invest in 21st century technologies so that our men and women have the best training and equipment when they deploy into combat and the care and benefits they have earned when they come home";
- "No more homeless veterans"; and
- "no more fighting for disability payments."
This on top of his 30-minute infomercial last night, and the myriad other pledges and promises he's made throughout the last 21 months.
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Posted by
10/31/2008 03:45:00 PM PERMALINK
Labels: 2008 Election, Obama
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Monday, October 27, 2008
Obama Bombshell Redistribution of Wealth Audio Uncovered
YouTube - Obama Bombshell Redistribution of Wealth Audio Uncovered
Obama's recent talk of redistribution of Wealth wasn't his first. This guy actually BELIEVE'S its good to simply take money from one person and give it to someone else. Listen to this and see what you think.
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Sunday, October 26, 2008
Obama tax plan's roots date back 30 years
Obama tax plan's roots date back 30 years --
Yet Obama calls it "Change" and gets away with it. Under Obama, 44% (or more) of all American's will pay NO INCOME TAX. All they need is another 6% or so and they can elect anyone they want.
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Is NASA's Ares doomed?
Sentinel exclusive: Is NASA's Ares doomed? --
It's not looking good. Personally I've always thought the "just use a SRB with a 2nd stage" idea was too simplistic. It's a great idea...but was it the BEST idea for a first stage? We'll never know because other ideas weren't fully investigated, or so it seems.
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The Obama Temptation
The Corner on National Review Online:
"Obama's entire campaign is built on class warfare and human envy. The 'change' he peddles is not new. We've seen it before. It is change that diminishes individual liberty for the soft authoritarianism of socialism. It is a populist appeal that disguises government mandated wealth redistribution as tax cuts for the middle class, falsely blames capitalism for the social policies and government corruption (Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac) that led to the current turmoil in our financial markets, fuels contempt for commerce and trade by stigmatizing those who run successful small and large businesses, and exploits human imperfection as a justification for a massive expansion of centralized government."Silly me was hoping he would win the primary instead of Hillary. But I thought America was smart enough to see through this guy. He's pure style of substance. He promises UNITY but he's too far left for me. He Promises CHANGE but it's really nothing new. I hope we wake up before he's elected or at least soon thereafter. [This Post Continues after the jump...]
Distributism and Socialism:
Distributism and Socialism: Part Two:
"Why must there be institutions so large that they cannot be permitted to fail, and must be rescued by the common purse?"This has been my point all alone. I don't think we need much detailed oriented regulation. Big we do need "size" regulation. Not just size limits on monopolies like Standard Oil or AT&T but size limits on single companies within a sector. If a company gets "Too Big" to be "allowed to fail" then it must be broken up into smaller companies at CAN be allowed to fail. If it's a bank or investment firm, there needs to be some protection to the money in the accounts, but the organization that runs the company should be allowed to totally fail.
The real fear of that real possibility of failure will do more to control the market and the risk the company takes than any regulation could hope to do. [This Post Continues after the jump...]
Posted by
10/26/2008 09:22:00 AM PERMALINK
Friday, October 24, 2008
Problems with the Sequoia AVC Advantage Voting Machine
Wow, and this is the redacted version the court allowed to be released.. imagine what's in the full report!!
Using all electronic voting, run by one hardware/software setup is just stupid!
Center for Information Technology Policy » Insecurities and Inaccuracies of the Sequoia AVC Advantage 9.00H DRE Voting Machine
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Thursday, October 23, 2008
Fusion projects
Fusion projects hang in limbo - Cosmic Log -
We're not spending nearly enough in this area....
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Posted by
10/23/2008 12:57:00 PM PERMALINK
Labels: Alternative Fuels, Energy Policy, Science, tech
Obama's Red Shirts - ACORN not "nonpartisan"
Why should taxpayer dollars fund a "nonpartisan" organization that proclaims "Obama needs ACORN, and we need Obama."why indeed? [This Post Continues after the jump...]
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Obama and the Tax Tipping Point
TaxProf Blog: Obama and the Tax Tipping Point
In 2006, the latest year for which we have Census data, 220 million Americans were eligible to vote and 89 million -- 40% -- paid no income taxes. ... This will jump to 49% when Mr. Obama's cash credits remove 18 million more voters from the tax rolls.
But that's OK, he's only going to tax the "rich", right?
- They came first for [those making $250,000], And I didn’t speak up because I [didn't make $250,000];
- And then they came for [those making $150,000], And I didn’t speak up because I [didn't make $150,000];
- And then they came for [those making $100,000], And I didn’t speak up because I [didn't make $100,000];
- And then . . . they came for me [because I made $75,000] . . And by that time there was no one left to speak up.
Why I'm Voting Democrat
I got this in an email from a Friend...
Why I'm Voting Democrat
- I'm voting Democrat because I'm way too irresponsible to own a gun, and I know that my local police are all I need to protect me from murderers and thieves.
- I'm voting Democrat because I love the fact that I can now marry whatever I want. I've decided to marry my horse.
- I'm voting Democrat because I believe oil companies' profits of 4% on a gallon of gas are obscene, but the government taxing the same gallon of gas at 15% isn't.
- I'm voting Democrat because I believe the government will do a better job of spending the money I earn than I would.
- I'm voting Democrat because freedom of speech is fine… as long as nobody is offended by it.
- I'm voting Democrat because when we pull out of Iraq I trust that all the bad guys will stop what they're doing because they now think we're good people.
- I'm voting Democrat because I believe that people who can't tell us if it will rain this weekend or not somehow CAN tell us that the polar ice caps will melt away in ten years if I don't start driving a Prius.
- I'm voting Democrat because I'm not concerned about the slaughter of millions of babies so long as we keep all death row inmates alive.
- I'm voting Democrat because I believe that business should not be allowed to make profits for themselves. They need to break even and give the rest away to the government for redistribution as THEY see fit.
- I'm voting Democrat because I believe liberal judges need to rewrite the Constitution every few days to suit some fringe kooks who would NEVER get their agendas past the voters.
- I'm voting Democrat because my head is so firmly planted up my rear it's unlikely that I'll ever have another point of view.
Posted by
10/22/2008 10:11:00 AM PERMALINK
Labels: 2008 Election, Fun
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
The comprehensive argument against Barack Obama
Table Of Contents
Hot Air » Blog Archive » The comprehensive argument against Barack Obama
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Posted by
10/21/2008 09:18:00 PM PERMALINK
Labels: 2008 Election, Obama
Florida Red & Blue ask for investigation
Amendment 2 opponents ask for investigation | | FLORIDA TODAY
I wonder if there is any merit to this. I don't know about the financial issues (but they should be fully enforced).
However, the SayNo2 (or similar group) ads have been down write untruthful - saying the amendment would stop unmarried couples of any gender from getting existing benefits. This is demonstrably false. So SayNo2 can hardly take the high ground on this one even if their claims are true.
I just went to their website and their ad is so close to an outright lie that it's no different from one. They hid behind the word "could". What they say "could" happen would require an existing and recent Florida supreme court ruling or over-ruled. Possible - but hardly likely. Yes that "could" happen, but I also "could" win the lottery or start a successful "write-in" campaign for President... but give me a break.. none of those are really going to happen and they know it.
It's a shame they can't argue for the REAL issue.
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San Francisco weighs decriminalizing prostitution
San Francisco weighs decriminalizing prostitution
The ballot question technically would not legalize prostitution since state law still prohibits it, but the measure would eliminate the power of local law enforcement officials to go after prostitutes.This is interesting... regardless of the issue of prostitution itself, do a city have the "power" to inforce state law or the "responsibility" to do so. If I just have the power to do something, then I can choose to do it or now. But I can't choose to not do my responsibilities.
I'm all in favor of putting power and responsibility at the lowest level possible, and if this was a part of a larger "cities rights" package (as in "states rights") I could support it as a compromise. But as it is, I don't think a city has the right to NOT enforce a state law (just like a city can't ignore a right guaranteed in the state constitution, or ignore a state court ruling, etc)
Interesting times we live in these days.... [This Post Continues after the jump...]
Plenty of rich people that we can tax
YouTube - Barney Frank: Plenty of rich people that we can tax
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Posted by
10/21/2008 07:27:00 PM PERMALINK
Labels: 2008 Election, Candidates-D, Economy, Obama, Tax, taxes
Monday, October 20, 2008
Obama will be tested - and his response will be unpopular
Funny what they say when they think no one but loyal supporters are listening.
Commentary » Blog Archive » Re: Don’t Worry
Biden is saying two things about an Obama presidency: first, that Obama will be tested by America’s rivals; and second, that Obama’s response to such a test will likely be unpopular with the American people.[This Post Continues after the jump...]
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Friday, October 17, 2008
A Liberal Supermajority
A Liberal Supermajority -
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Thursday, October 16, 2008
Secret Service says "Kill him" allegation unfounded
So now Obama is making stuff up to make McCain supporters look bad and hateful and racist. It's NOT TRUE so they (the media) have to make it up and Obama is more than happy to repeat it in the debate.
Secret Service says "Kill him" allegation unfounded | Wilkes-Barre breaking news | - The Times Leader
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Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Obama's 95% Illusion
It makes a get tag line, but is it real??
Obama's 95% Illusion -
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Posted by
10/15/2008 10:04:00 PM PERMALINK
Labels: 2008 Election, Obama, Tax, taxes
Media Selectively Outraged by Campaign ‘Hate’
Pajamas Media » Media Selectively Outraged by Campaign ‘Hate’
Gateway Pundit has the photos of shirts calling Palin a word that normally would have feminist types clamoring for blood. But as Palin is a conservative, all bets — and common decency — are off.See here for a list of the "hate" from the left... and it goes unreported most of the time...
Michelle Malkin » Crush the Obamedia narrative: Look who’s “gripped by insane rage” [This Post Continues after the jump...]
Posted by
10/15/2008 08:55:00 PM PERMALINK
Labels: 2008 Election, Media Bias
Ill-Informed Palin-haters
If the press treated Hillary the say way they do Palin, there would be an uproar of protest. But no one cares this time around....
GayPatriot » Ill-Informed Palin-haters
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Posted by
10/15/2008 08:50:00 PM PERMALINK
Labels: 2008 Election, Media Bias
The “Ideology-Free” Election of 2008
GayPatriot » The “Ideology-Free” Election of 2008
"If people voted this year on which party’s general philosophy more closely matched their own view of government, John McCain would win in a walk"
So as Rush Limbaugh would say, this election is about STYLE over SUBSTANCE. Obama's got Style in spades, but McCain's got substance... not that it matters... [This Post Continues after the jump...]
Posted by
10/15/2008 08:45:00 PM PERMALINK
Labels: 2008 Election, Goverment Power, politics
Obama's Tax Cuts = "Welfare"
Obama plans to "cut" the taxes of the 46 millions Americans that pay NO Income tax. How? How can he "cut" zero? by giving away money, that's how. People that pay NO TAXES will get what is called a "refund". It's not really a refund or a tax cut because they paied no taxes, so its just free oney.. i.e. "welfare"
If it just wanted to say he plan on increasing no strings attached welfare payments, that would be one thing, but disguising it as tax related is just silly, and dishonest.
Donald Lambro : Obama's Tax Cuts Look Like "Welfare", -
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Posted by
10/15/2008 08:39:00 PM PERMALINK
Labels: 2008 Election, Obama, Tax, taxes, welfare
Interview with ‘Spread the Wealth Around’ Plummer
An interview with Joe Wurzelbacher, the plumber who's wealth Obama wants to spread around...
So a 2 man plumbing business is going to pay more taxes so a NASA Engineer like me doesn't have to... now THAT is change I can believe in!! (I believe it's a crock)
Family Security Matters » Publications » Exclusive: Obama – ‘Spread the Wealth Around’ Reveals Socialist Plan for America
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Posted by
10/15/2008 12:50:00 PM PERMALINK
Labels: 2008 Election, Obama, Tax, taxes
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
State By State Voter Fraud List
This is will only grow...
but does anyone care?
GayPatriot » State By State, Fraud By Electoral Fraud
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Posted by
10/14/2008 04:31:00 PM PERMALINK
Labels: 2008 Election, VoterFraud
ACORN voter fraud proven
This is great..
I think the left talked too much about how Bush "Stole" both the 2000 and 2004 election. It was great for whipping up support and bashing bush, but some of their supporters actually believed it and are acting similarly now. If Bush supporters did it (and got away with it) then they can do it too, right? The only problem is they are getting caught. Bush supports never got caught, which strongly suggests to me that no one cheated in 2000 or 2004, but conspiracy theories will still prevail.
My only concern is that NO ONE CARES. There will be actual evidence that Obama supporters stole (or tried to steal) this election, but no one will care. We've heard so much about how the republicans have done it (despite no evidence) that a lot of people think it's OK and expected now.
Our Democracy is indeed in trouble...
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Posted by
10/14/2008 02:58:00 PM PERMALINK
Labels: 2008 Election, VoterFraud
If Elected, Obama will be "My President" ?
Dang, if that's not going to be hard to do!
I don't go for bumper stickers or t-shirts much, so no one will really know how I truly feel. And a lot of it will depend on Obama himself and how he governs. He talks about unity a lot, but I fear once elected he will govern from the left. He has done nothing to really tempt me to vote for him other than vague promises of "change". I fear he will change things for the worse.
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Posted by
10/14/2008 11:28:00 AM PERMALINK
Labels: 2008 Election, Obama
Monday, October 13, 2008
Debtor Nation
This says it all...
Going from "avoiding debt" to thinking we can "manage debt" is like
going from "avoiding fire" to thinking we can "play with fire"...
and the results were predictable... we got burned!
Debtor Nation - Real Clear Politics - Elections 2008 - TIME
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Posted by
10/13/2008 11:03:00 PM PERMALINK
Labels: Consumer Issues, Debt
Obama wants to 'Spread the Wealth Around'
So now the guy's Robin Hood... Obama is sounding more and more like a socialist to me... and I fear once's he's in office he will unveil his real plans.
Obama to Plumber: My Plan Will 'Spread the Wealth Around' - Elections
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Posted by
10/13/2008 05:52:00 PM PERMALINK
Labels: 2008 Election, Obama
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Trillions Disappear - But Where Did Money Go?
If the company is still in business, then their stock still has some "real" value. But if the company goes bust, then their stock is indeed worthless and the money is really gone.
The whole stock market could be trading "baseball" cards and I think people would understand the risk they are taking by buying stock. It's only worth what the company pays in dividends (if anything) or what someone else is willing to pay for it. Like a baseball card is only worth whatever someone is willing to pay for it, it has not real value itself.
Stocks do have some real values, and I think ALL stocks should pay dividends. If owning stock is ownership in the company, then you should get a part of the profits the company makes. But I don't think it really works like that anymore, if it ever did. - Trillions Disappear in Stock Market, but Where Did Money Go? - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News
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Posted by
10/12/2008 01:54:00 PM PERMALINK
Wednesday, October 08, 2008
What Obama and McCain won’t tell you
Very interesting...
It's going to get harder
It's going to take longer
Not everyone should own a home
Borrowers share some of the blame (not just the predatory lenders)
Your home isn't worth what you think it is
Taxes will eventually go up
Learn about how money works before you complain
.. and more
The Truth: What Obama and McCain won’t tell you about your money | I Will Teach You To Be Rich
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Posted by
10/08/2008 01:19:00 PM PERMALINK
Labels: 2008 Election, Bailout, Economy, McCain, Obama
Tuesday, October 07, 2008
FDR's Policies Prolonged Depression by 7 Years
I hope someone is Washington is reading this...
FDR's Policies Prolonged Depression by 7 Years, UCLA Economists Calculate / UCLA Newsroom:
"In an article in the August issue of the Journal of Political Economy, Ohanian and Cole blame specific anti-competition and pro-labor measures that Roosevelt promoted and signed into law June 16, 1933."
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Posted by
10/07/2008 01:52:00 PM PERMALINK
Monday, October 06, 2008
How much is that in Apollos?
How much is that in Apollos? - Cosmic Log - "How much will $700 billion get you? Roughly speaking, the widely publicized cost of the financial bailout … er, rescue package … is equal to seven Apollo programs,"
Note that the Sweeteners alone equal ONE Apollo program (in today's dollars).
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Posted by
10/06/2008 09:42:00 AM PERMALINK
Saturday, October 04, 2008
Flawed but Necessary?
I still don't buy it...
.. but like I said, we'll never know if this is better or worse than doing nothing would have been.. but waiting for a better bill.
I still think this is TOO flawed....TOO complex... and TOO expensive to be a good thing.
Today in Investor's Business Daily stock analysis and business news
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Posted by
10/04/2008 12:09:00 PM PERMALINK
Bailout bill includes unrelated things
I hate this bill and anyone that voted for it...
I guess I'll never know if it was really needed or not.
Kinda like the Iraq war, we'll never know if Saddam would have eventually given WMD to terrorist or not.
And like Global warming, we'll never know what would have really happened if we did nothing.
Bailout bill loops in green tech, IRS snooping | Politics and Law - CNET News
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Posted by
10/04/2008 12:04:00 PM PERMALINK
Monday, September 29, 2008
Pelosi Attacks Bush, Praises Clinton
This is INCREDIBLE. Pelosi can't resist blaming the "Bush" policy's for something he didn't cause. Federal spending didn't cause this, and the recession actually started when Clinton was sill in the Whitehouse, Bush didn't inherit surpluses, he inherited a burst "dot com" bubble. Clinton did NOT cause the dot-com bust, and Bush did not cause this one. This was cause by the "sub-prime" mortgage lending, and it was liberals in Washington that insisted on lending to people that couldn't afford houses, and they told Fanny Mae and Freddie Mac to do just that. Then the real estate bubble hit (again not caused by anyone in DC) and home values got unreasonable. However there was still a "lend to anyone" mentality. So now we have a lot of foreclosures on loans given to people that shouldn't have had one, on a home that was unrealistically overpriced. This led to a lot of bad debt being traded and whoever got stuck holding the "hot-potato" when the music stopped is in serious trouble. And just how did Bush cause all of this?
I agree then needs to be some more regulation in how mortgage backed securities are packaged and bought and sold. But that doesn't need to be in this bill. This bill just needs someway for the federal government to buy these assets and then deal with them.
Regardless, this speech is poor leadership right before a "must pass" bill.
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Posted by
9/29/2008 08:36:00 PM PERMALINK
Sunday, September 28, 2008
How The U.S. Government Engineered The Current Economic Crisis
This is what I was thinking... these loans were called "sub-prime" for a REASON.. and it wasn't Wall Street that wanted to make these loans, it was Washington!! No, once it got rolling, Wall Street ran with it while the times were good... so they aren't innocent by any means..
How The U.S. Government Engineered The Current Economic Crisis
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Posted by
9/28/2008 09:55:00 PM PERMALINK
A new way to make Stem Cell
Stem Cell Alchemy Refined | Wired Science from
All the talk about having to kill embryos to get their stem cells is being proved wrong.
Stem cells are great and we should research how to use them to cure people, BUT not by
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Posted by
9/28/2008 12:56:00 PM PERMALINK
Labels: Stem-Cells
Saturday, September 27, 2008
CNN’s Spin
Commentary » Blog Archive » CNN’s Poll vs. CNN’s Spin
THIS is what I mean when I say the media is Bias....
The Headline say "The poll" says Obama won.. but the poll was known to be bias and when that is taken into account, it was a "Tie".
It was only a CNN Political Researcher (aka "an opinion") that says Obama won...
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Posted by
9/27/2008 10:11:00 AM PERMALINK
Labels: Media Bias
Friday, September 26, 2008
The Key to Passing the $700 Billion Bailout Is Insurance
Note to Paulson: The Key to Passing the $700 Billion Bailout Is Insurance - Michael Barone
Wow, this explains it better than anything else I've seen. I heard this morning on the news that the republicans wanted to use "loan garuntees" instead of purchases, but that didn't mean anything to me then (just financial gobbly-goop) but now the term means something..
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Posted by
9/26/2008 01:32:00 PM PERMALINK
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Mistrial for RIAA's $222,000 defendant
This is great... the "make available" argument was bogus to begin with.
Mistrial for RIAA's $222,000 defendant | Politics and Law - CNET News
A federal judge on Wednesday threw out the verdict against Jammie Thomas, the peer-to-peer network user ordered to pay the recording industry $222,000 for allegedly sharing music online.
U.S. District Judge Michael Davis of Duluth, Minn., declared a mistrial in the case against Thomas, who was charged in October with violating copyright law by making 24 songs available for others to download on the Kazaa network.
Davis set aside the verdict on the grounds that he misguided the jury, telling jurors that simply the act of making a copyrighted song available for sharing amounts to infringement. The judge first indicated in May that he was considering granting a new trial.
In June, the Electronic Frontier Foundation and other consumer and industry groups weighed in, also claiming the jury instructions were erroneous.
The Recording Industry Association of America argued that the jury instructions were valid.
"Requiring proof of actual transfers would cripple efforts to enforce copyright owners' rights online--and would solely benefit those who seek to freeload off plaintiff's investment," RIAA attorney Timothy Reynolds wrote in a court filing.
Thomas is the only individual charged with copyright infringement by the RIAA who has taken her case to trial.
Posted by
9/25/2008 01:47:00 PM PERMALINK
Labels: copyright, Music and Movies
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Republican anger at ‘financial socialism’ / In depth - Republican anger at ‘financial socialism’
I too don't like this idea... I don't know the details, but the idea stinks..
If these are bad loans, then they need to be sold at significantly less than face value... the people that gave out these loans need to be taught a lesson, the same with the people that bought them. I know the 2nd part is harder, these loans were hidden in bundles with "A+" credit ratings. The system failed and no government regulation is going to fix it. The companies that rated these loans too highly NEED to go out of business. The NEW companies that take their place will have stronger rules... other investment companies that survive will have stricter rules on what they buy.
In other words ALLOWING these companies to fail will correct the market more and anything congress can do. Primarily the mortgage compies that gave out these bad loans should be allowed to FAIL, anyone that invested in them should loose their money. Also the credit rating companies and their stock owners should be allowed to fail.
Finally, people and compianies that bought over rated bad loans should be helped out, buy the loans back for 80% of its value or something like that... then the government can work with the borrowers to pay back only 75% or something like that. (some people would still pay 100% of their loan back, maybe that's unfair, but I'm paying 100% of my loan, so others can too, there are no real "innocent" victums here)
Most People get to keep their houses, the broader market gets most of it's money back (enough to keep them afloat) and the government only pays the different (what they by the loans for plus whatever they can get from the homeowners).
This can be done without costing 700 Billion if it's done right...
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Posted by
9/23/2008 09:21:00 PM PERMALINK
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Gay Marriage Is Issue Candidates Would Rather Avoid
Gay Marriage Is Issue Candidates Would Rather Avoid - America’s Election HQ
I think both candidates are smart to avoid this issue. It could only hurt McCain and according to this article, it's unknown if it would help or hurt Obama... so he'll avoid it...
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Posted by
9/20/2008 10:34:00 AM PERMALINK
Labels: 2008 Election, Gay Rights
Friday, September 19, 2008
Al Qaeda’s Defeat In Iraq
The Democrats and Obama keep trying to separate Iraq from Al Qaeda. But they can't. The Invasion of Iraq is old news... but they keep talking about Iraq as if it were the pre-invasion Saddam Hussein's Iraq. It isn't anymore. The insurgency is mostly Al Qaeda and similar terrorist groups that kill more Iraqis than Americans.
Fighting in Iraq today IS fighting Al Qaeda and other terrorist groups. There is no long any legitable "insurance" fighting to free Iraq.
Obama needs to quit saying Iraq IS currently a distraction from the real fight. Maybe it was at one time, and maybe not, but today it very much IS the center of our efforts to fight terrorism.... and we're winning...
Commentary » Blog Archive » Al Qaeda’s Defeat In Iraq
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Posted by
9/19/2008 08:51:00 PM PERMALINK
Labels: Iraq War, terrorism, War on Terror
Cell Kept Calling Loved Ones After Man Died
Train Victim's Cell Kept Calling Loved Ones After He Died
This is just weird... if it were just one number I wouldn't think anything of it... but different numbers makes it interesting... of course they could all be single digit speed dialed number or something like that....
but even then, what's the root cause?
it's interesting how these people interpret it though... the calls could be interpreted as calls for help... but they choose to think of them in a good way....
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Posted by
9/19/2008 01:44:00 PM PERMALINK
Do Political Beliefs Have a Biological Basis?
Do Our Political Beliefs Have a Biological Basis? | Newsweek Health |
This is interesting... but I take such things with a grain of salt... even though in this case I LIKE it. Seeing a threatening image SHOULD make a person want to protect themselves and others. But I think liberals also want to help people in need.. they just might think of "in need" differently.
Plus the article touched on things that I hope the researchers filtered out.. such as School Prayer and the truth of the Bible. It's hard to tell if that was a part of the study or the authors interpretation of the study.
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Wednesday, September 17, 2008
USA Attitudes are changing
and we're doomed...
Three Questions:
• What should be the role of government?
• Should moral absolutism or moral relativism guide our actions?
• Should our foreign policy primarily pursue unilateral interest through military power or a multilateral approach grounded in diplomacy?
The answers seem to be changing...
For the record, I think the 3rd question is biased and worded in a very liberal way (of course this is an Op-Ed so it is allowed). The question shouldn't be military vs diplomacy. It's not like conservative want to close the State Department and liberals want to close the Defense Department. And it's not even about a balance between the two. It's really about the UN and how much it should effect us. Opinions of allied democracy should effect our foreign policy, but the UN is neither an ally nor a democracy and should not drive or limit US foreign policy.
Op-Ed Contributor - Another Country - Op-Ed -
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Posted by
9/17/2008 05:23:00 PM PERMALINK
Labels: Economy, government, polls
Sanchez Introduces Border Search Bill
Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez - September 11, 2008: Sanchez Introduces Border Search Bill
I have no idea what else the congresswoman has done, but this is VERY MUCH needed and I hope it passes.
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Posted by
9/17/2008 10:02:00 AM PERMALINK
Labels: Goverment Power, Rights and Freedoms
In capitalism, failure is not a dirty word
Private companies make enormous profits and justify it saying they are taking the risk, they should reap the benefits when things work out. But are they really taking any "risk"? The fact is some of the companies are just "too big" to be allowed to fail. If that's the case, then they should be split up like monopolies are split up. Monopolies are "too big" to allow for competition and they can legally be split up.
Likewise companies that get so large that their failure would hurt too many people must be split up somehow. If that can't be done, then we need to be willing to allow these large companies to actually fail. If a company gets too large that we are unwilling to let it fail, then there is no longer any "risk" for that company and therefore there is no justification of private ownership and huge profits. If the government/people guarantee the company, then the govt/people should reap the benefits/profits.
But I don't like government/public ownership of private companies. I prefer limiting company size (as we already do in some cases of media ownership, monoplies, utilities, etc) rather than some kind of public ownership. » Archive » Lehman bankruptcy: In capitalism, failure is not a dirty word
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Posted by
9/17/2008 09:50:00 AM PERMALINK
Labels: Consumer Issues, Economy
Monday, September 15, 2008
John McCain and Gays
Interesting... but not really surprising to me...
It's a myth that all Republicans are homophobic...
GayPatriot » An Emerging Pattern with John McCain and Gays
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Posted by
9/15/2008 10:49:00 AM PERMALINK
Labels: 2008 Election, Gay Rights, McCain
Use of brain scans in courts
Wow.. this is incredible.... actually it's NOT credible which is the point.
Reminds me of the Star Trek episode where Kirk is convicted based on "infallible" computer evidence. Or a few others where they had a high tech lie detector in trials. But this seems to go further than just detecting a lie. This seems to suggest that a brain scan can read what a person remembers.. chilling....
India's use of brain scans in courts dismays critics - International Herald Tribune
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Posted by
9/15/2008 09:58:00 AM PERMALINK
Labels: courts, Crime, Medical, Medical Ethics, Rights and Freedoms, Science, tech
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Florida will require I.D. match for all would-be voters
sounds like a good idea to me.... I've never understood opposition these type of requirements....
McClatchy Washington Bureau | 09/10/2008 | Florida will require I.D. match for all would-be voters
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Posted by
9/10/2008 12:22:00 PM PERMALINK
Labels: 2008 Election, Florida, VoterFraud
Tuesday, September 09, 2008
Bishops criticize Biden's abortion statements
My Way News - Bishops criticize Biden's abortion statements
Attention all Catholic Democrats. Please consult with a priest before commenting on Catholic Church teaching.
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Posted by
9/09/2008 10:04:00 PM PERMALINK
Labels: 2008 Election, abortion, Obama, religion
Obama Campaign Calls In The Cavalry
So Obama's going to flip-flop on 527's.
He hasn't changed the democratic party, he hasn't changed how elections are run, and he won't change Washington, it'll change him...
And remember he also flip-flopped on public financing when he realized how much he could raise.
Marc Ambinder (September 09, 2008) - Quietly, Obama Campaign Calls In The Cavalry
Of course, this is just rumor now. and Obama might sill keep a lid on things like he is doing with Palin's family. But outside groups won't be so kind.
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Posted by
9/09/2008 06:22:00 PM PERMALINK
Labels: 2008 Election, Obama Sliming Palin
Well, this is not surprising .
There so disparate to find SOMETHING bad about Sara Palin that they are grasping at staws.... Sliming Palin | Newsweek Politics: Campaign 2008 |
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Posted by
9/09/2008 08:27:00 AM PERMALINK
Labels: 2008 Election, McCain
Monday, September 08, 2008
Poll: 55% of Fla. voters support gay marriage ban
I don't want to focus on this, but it is news... I'm more concerned with how this being on the ballot effects turnout... I can't decide who it helps (if anyone)....
Right now only 55% support for the Gay Marriage ban, it needs 60% to pass, but that's 60% of the total people that actually vote one way or the other on it... some might think simply ignoring it is like voting against it. But I don't think that's true. If one person votes FOR it and no one votes against it, I think it passes.
Poll: 55% of Fla. voters support gay marriage | | FLORIDA TODAY
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Posted by
9/08/2008 09:56:00 AM PERMALINK
Labels: Florida, Gay Rights, Marriage
DVD ripping goes legit with RealDVD
This should have been "legal" years ago... And while this is a good first step, it still has a long ways to go. Paying more money to watch your movies on other PC is silly, only being able to rip the movie "uncompressed" is lame.
And the whole idea of having to pay for the right to copy and watch your own DVD's is just silly....
DVD ripping goes legit with RealDVD | Crave, the gadget blog - CNET
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Posted by
9/08/2008 09:21:00 AM PERMALINK
Labels: Consumer Issues, copyright, Music and Movies, tech
Thursday, September 04, 2008
US Might have to Abandon the ISS to the Russians
This is sad... we're caught in between the shuttle and Orion. I hope Congress extends the shuttle flights. We have more stuff to fly and it would fill in the Gap... but it'll cost a lot... so... who knows what will happen.. | The Flame Trench | Florida Today's Space Team Blog
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Posted by
9/04/2008 09:03:00 PM PERMALINK
Friday, August 29, 2008
ABC News: Grandma Refuses to Return Library Book, Could Face Jail Time
ABC News: Grandma Refuses to Return Library Book, Could Face Jail Time
Books like this should not be in the public library. Banning something from the public library is not the same as totally banning the book. But a library should only keep books that an overwhelming majority (maybe even 100%) of the community supports.
It simply should not be a place for controversial children's books. I shouldn't have to keep my kids away from the library over one or two books. It should be a "super" safe environment for kids. I'm not worried about adults, but kids view the library as authoritative. If it's in the library then it's true, factual, appropriate, etc. Unlike an adult, they don't realize that a book can be in the library and still be wrong or incorrect.
For people that say it's unfair for my beliefs to taint the public library. I would argue that a library without this book is not tainted, even if you like the book, the library is still a good, safe but maybe "incomplete" library. However a library WITH this book, the library become UN-good and UN-safe to me and my kids. Which is more unfair? All libraries are "incomplete" because it's impossible to have every book. But not all libraries are UN-safe. And I'm willing to bet that every adult in the contry could find at least one book that they thought would make a library unsafe for children. So think think about that before you give away your right to limit your own public library.
If stocking ONE book keeps on parent from allowing their kids to come to the libaray, then stocking that book needs to be seriouly reconsidered. For any given community there are 1000's of books that literall NO ONE (in that community) would question. Libraries should focus on those books first.
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Posted by
8/29/2008 11:00:00 AM PERMALINK
Labels: Censorship, Parenting, Rights and Freedoms
Obama's confusing blend of left-right economics.
Commentary: Obama's confusing blend of left-right economics -
[Paraphrasing Obama] "Simply put: You have to do what you can for yourself, but that you also have to do for others."
There is the rub: If everyone were to adhere to the first part, there will be no need for the second. Besides, even if we buy the idea that, as Obama said, "I am my brother's keeper, I am my sister's keeper," there is still the question of whether government should do the keeping.
My answer is NO, government is not anyone's keeper. But the democrats fatal flaw is that they think Government should be everyone's keeper.
As far as the confusing "left/right" blend on any subject, what else would you expect. Obama presents himself as the savor of America. How else can he say that unless he says he's do BOTH liberal and conservative things? It doesn't matter that he contradicts himself constantly, people tend to hear what they want to hear. If he says "People should help themselves" that's what some hear. It doesn't matter that later he says essentially that government should help those who ignore this first statement. And that's what others hear. So it's a win-win for Obama but we still have no idea what he will REALLY do once elected.
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Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Avoiding a Lieberman Disaster
Avoiding a Lieberman Disaster by Robert D. Novak on - A Syndicate Of Talent
I'm one that kind-of-sort-of thinks picking Lieberman as VP would be a good idea. Obama "talks" about unity and coming together, but McCain/Lieberman would actually be DOING it. Bringing both parties (or at least parts of them) together to some extent. I have no idea if it would work, but on paper it would undermine a large part of Obama's playbook.
But this idea about Secretary of State is also good.... probably better...
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Posted by
8/27/2008 09:43:00 PM PERMALINK
Labels: 2008 Election, McCain
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Not Above My Pay Grade - Are the Dems Dodging Abortion?
Opinion: Are the Democrats Dodging Abortion? | Newsweek Religion | "'Human development begins at fertilization when a male gamete or sperm (spermatazoon) unites with a female gamete or oocyte (ovum) to produce a single cell—a zygote. This highly specialized, totipotent cell marked the beginning of each of us as a unique individual.' That is the science. It's quite specific, and understanding the science here is surely not above the 'pay grade' of a president who will be making public-policy decisions based on that science." [This Post Continues after the jump...]
Posted by
8/26/2008 01:37:00 PM PERMALINK
Labels: 2008 Election, abortion, Obama, religion
Monday, August 25, 2008
Joe Biden's Tech Voting Record
Joe Biden's pro-RIAA, pro-FBI tech voting record | Politics and Law - CNET
It's not like I had any chance of liking this guy... but dang if it isn't worse than I thought!!
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Tuesday, August 05, 2008
Prosperity & Its Discontents
Jonah Goldberg on Prosperity & Its Discontents on National Review Online:
"Capitalism is the greatest system ever created for alleviating general human misery, and yet it breeds ingratitude.
People ask, “Why is there poverty in the world?” It’s a silly question. Poverty is the default human condition. It is the factory preset of this mortal coil. As individuals and as a species, we are born naked and penniless, bereft of skills or possessions. Likewise, in his civilizational infancy man was poor, in every sense. He lived in ignorance, filth, hunger, and pain, and he died very young, either by violence or disease.
The interesting question isn’t “Why is there poverty?” It’s “Why is there wealth?” Or: “Why is there prosperity here but not there?”"
read the whole article....
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Saturday, August 02, 2008
Travelers' Laptops May Be Detained At Border
This is disturbing on so many levels. I personally just bought a laptop and one of the first thing I did was to install "whole disc encryption" on it. I have nothing illegal to hide, but I do have private info on the laptop. I'm more concerned about the laptop being stolen than the "authorities" looking at it.
but now the authorities might "steal it" for an undetermined amount of time. And it's going to be longer since they will try and break the encryption on it. My concern now is that the mere present of encryption software might make them think they are all the more justified to violate my privacy in this manner. So it become a vicious circle feeding on itself.
Travelers' Laptops May Be Detained At Border (
PS - Although I would never vote for Obama, just the thought that he might change this policy is a good reason not to be upset if he should get elected. It's THAT significant to me.
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Posted by
8/02/2008 12:32:00 AM PERMALINK
Labels: Goverment Power, privacy, Rights and Freedoms
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Honda Civic GX - Natural Gas Powered
This sounds good... I wonder why this isn't talked about more.
This is technology that is on the road now.. using a fuel that is naturally abundant.
I don't know what the Carbon foot print is and I really don't care. Natural gas is cleaner in regard to real pollutants, cheaper than gasoline, a and if "they" let us, there is lots of natural gas in the gulf of Mexico.
So where is the "down side" that is stopping this? - 2008 Honda Civic GX - FOX Car Report
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Posted by
7/31/2008 01:37:00 PM PERMALINK
Labels: Alternative Fuels
Monday, July 28, 2008
Global Warming: Not So Bad?
Yet we keep acting like it IS so bad.
Pollution in general needs to be cleaned up, we need to be more effient and explore alternatives to fossil fuels.
But the doom and gloom of the "global warming" nuts is over blown.
Global Warming: Not So Bad? | Popular Science
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Friday, July 25, 2008
What Bush and Batman Have in Common -
But Batman is a "superhero" and Bush is the "devil" or just hated.
Of course if Batman was a real person, the left would hate him too...
What Bush and Batman Have in Common -
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Thursday, July 24, 2008
The World Is Powering Up While America Powers Down
I think the out-of-control environmentalism is going to destroy this country faster than "Global Warming" ever could.
I was just at a local meeting Tuesday where I learned that 57% of the land in my own country is environmentally protected one way or another. But the county keeps buying more land at inflated prices.
Now, the same people are stopping us from building new power plants. How are we supposed to power our electric cars without them? If they really want to help the environment, they need to allow some kind of new power generations to be built. But now, nothing is safe enough for them, and nothing is clean enough for them.
I'll say it now.
We need to start drilling anywhere there is oil or natural gas.
We need to keep using coal.
We need to keep using Nuclear.
I also think we should invest in and research wind, solar, and wave power. And I think electrical vehicles are the best way to go for personal transportation and even trucking. But that requires MORE power generation, not less.
But we need to become energy independent ASAP. We need to be smart about it, but we need to just ignore the people that want to stop pollution completely. It just won't work.
Morning Bell: The World Is Powering Up While America Powers Down » The Foundry
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Sunday, July 20, 2008
How reliable is DNA in identifying suspects?
I've always wondered about this.
If I were on a jury, how much stock would I put into DNA evidence. On TV and in the News it is offend presented as "iron clad" proof. To me it's a "blackhole" or reather a "blackbox" something that works and I trust, but I can't see "inside" it, I can't see or even understand "how" it works. I just have to trust it.
So it's not really physical evidence, it's "expert" testimony. Physical evident must be something that I, as jury member, can actually see. A fingerprint is a good example. While matching fingerprints isn't always as easy, I could at least see them both and make my own judgement.
But with DNA evidence, there is nothing for a jury to "see". So I've always wonder if DNA alone could make me change my conclusion.
The use of science in the courtroom is great, but it does raise a concern for me. It move the decision away from the jury. The jury is already operating "in the blind" to a large extent. Evidence is suppressed, we are told to "disregard" something we just heard. We can't ask our own questions of witnesses. Now we are asked to just accept scientific evidence that we ourselves cannot understand. Why not just made the decision for us, why ask us to make our own decision in such an isolated mannor?
How reliable is DNA in identifying suspects? - Los Angeles Times
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Posted by
7/20/2008 12:52:00 AM PERMALINK
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Congress's Rules Governing Video is Absurd
Why are the Democrats trying to limit free speech? Do they not use the internet as much? - House Atwitter Over Rules Governing Video, Blog Posts - Politics | Republican Party |
Democratic Party | Political Spectrum
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Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Obama has removed Surge criticism from his website.
Jonathan Martin's Blog: Surge meets purge -
So was he against the Surge before he was for the surge, or what?
Is this the kind of "Change" he's going to do in Washington? Just delete anything that makes him look bad?
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Moonlighting NASA Engineers Say They've Created a Better Rocket
I have mixed emotions on this. NASA certainly should allow better ideas to float to the top and be implemented. But what is "better" is largely a matter of opinion and trade offs between cost, schedule, and capabilities.
It's hard to objectively say one set of trade-offs is definitively "better" than another. - Moonlighting NASA Engineers Say They've Created a Rocket Better Than NASA's - Science News | Science & Technology | Technology News
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Monday, July 14, 2008
Send the ISS to the Moon (and back again?)
Interesting idea... but silly.. it would be easier and less expensive to build a new lunar station than to retrofit the ISS for that purpose. I don't think people realize how uniquely designed space hardware is for a specific mission.
Besides.. what can the ISS do in lunar orbit that it can't do in earth orbit?
It's All Decked Out. Give It Somewhere to Go. -
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Sunday, July 13, 2008
Barack Obama's Christian Journey
An interesting read...
I just can't get over how this journey lead him to the Democratic party. He's campaigning on "Change" meaning he'll somehow change Washington. But I think change needs to start closer to home. If he can't change the position of the Democratic party but rolls with the punches in order to get nominated and then maybe elected President, then I can only assume that Washington DC will withstand his attempts to change it.
But I digress... and I know I shouldn't feel this way, but I just don't like how comfortable he is as a Democrat.
Cover Story: Barack Obama's Christian Journey | Newsweek Politics: Campaign 2008 |
Well, I couldn't stop thinking about this post. I wrote it quickly and it left me with the feeling I was saying one could not be both a Christian and a Democrat at the same time. Religion and politics are not the same thing but they do overlap a lot. There are many fringe political parties out there and I assume that just about anyone could find a party that match their belief 100%. But to really be involved in politics you would need to join one of the major parties, and to do that requires compromise on many of your positions and beliefs.
So neither Democrats nor Republicans are any way close to being a "Christian" party. But the Democrat party has always seemed actually "hostile" towards Christian belief. They embrace a lot of other religions and causes and belief systems, but not Christianity. It's this hostility on the part of the party itself that makes me wonder why any self professing Christian would be a part of it. So again, I wonder how Obama's Christian Journey lead him to the Democrat party? I wonder if Obama can "change" the party of if the party will change him.
He talks a lot about his personal beliefs, but will any of his beliefs be reflected in the party platform? He was able to make Jesse Jackson mad by saying the Black fathers need to stay around throught he tough times and actually help raise their kids. But is he willing to anger the feminist by truthfully saying that women should "stay" pregnant through the tough 9 months and actually give birth to their child? I doubt he's willing to even say that, and he'll never do any to limit "abortion rights". Where's the Christianity in that?
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Posted by
7/13/2008 02:50:00 PM PERMALINK
Labels: 2008 Election, Obama, religion
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Did Jesse Jackson really get "caught"?
This makes more sense..
I mean Jackson was on "FoxNews" for crying out loud, and he doesn't think he has a hot mic?
Either Jackson is an idiot and like Bill Clinton, can't control his temper, which admittedly is an option, or FoxNews got rolled.
Vodkapundit » Conspiracy Theory
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Posted by
7/12/2008 02:25:00 PM PERMALINK
Labels: 2008 Election, Obama
Wednesday, July 09, 2008
Barack Obama: You need to make sure Your Child Can Speak Spanish
Foreigners come to OUR county but WE are the ones that have to change and learn THEIR language.
That's not "Change I can be believe in"
Why is being "bi-lingual" somehow better? Why "must" we do it? If I want to stay in the US and I don't want to move to Mexico, why "must" I learn Spanish? It's a silly statement.
Why is he comparing immigrants (people permanently moving to the US to live and work here) with US tourist (people just visiting) in Europe. It's not a fair comparison and he's smart enough to know that. He just can't pass up an opportunity to "blame Americans". We want to "require" English just because we are too lazy to learn a 2nd language like the rest of the world. Nevermind the simple fact that we have no NEED to learn a 2nd language, we still "must" do it because we have to be the ones in the wrong somehow.
It makes me sick. We are told we must show respect to the culture and language of the people that come here with on respect for our language and culture. It's bass-ackwards if you ask me.
YouTube - Barack Obama: Your Children Should Learn To Speak Spanish
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Posted by
7/09/2008 04:47:00 PM PERMALINK
Labels: 2008 Election, Immigration, Obama
Climate Change Delusion
PSYCHIATRISTS have detected the first case of "climate change delusion" -- And it's NOT Al Gore.
Doomed to a fatal delusion over climate change | Herald Sun
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Posted by
7/09/2008 04:27:00 PM PERMALINK
Labels: Environment, Global Warming
Apparently, one third of us have been copying DVDs
WOW, one third!
I didn't realize it was so high since there is no legal software for doing it. But a lot of th is has to be legitimate DVD copies of legally owned DVDs. I mean do the studios realize what the expected life time of a DVD is in the hands of a 6 year old? Or when left in a hot car for use on the road.
Not using (and not allowing us to make) homemade backup copies of movies in this case is just silly.
Also, my biggest pet peeve is that my bedroom TV is an old VCR/TV comb. I have a DVD connected but the silly Macrovission analog copy protection makes the color and brightness look awful. (as If I would want a VHS copy of a DVD anyways!!!) So I have to make backup copes just to disable that.
So I hope they don't consider this 1/3 number to just be people that copy DVD's they don't really own. Some of us still buy them and just use copies in certain situations to keep them safe.
Apparently, one third of us have been copying DVDs! | Crave, the gadget blog - CNET
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Posted by
7/09/2008 01:05:00 PM PERMALINK
Monday, July 07, 2008
Ghostly Gridlock
I guess it really doesn't matter why a traffic jam occurs, but it is frustrating to know there might not be a "real" reason for the jam. Just people making little mistakes or getting distracted.
No wrecks, so why am I in this traffic jam? --
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Tuesday, July 01, 2008
AT&T’s Text Messages Cost $1,310 per Megabyte
Cooperate Greed at it's finest..
(2nd only to Microsoft charging me for a new OS when my computer died and I built my own replacement. I could reuse the hard-drive, monitor, keyboard, and all my other software but not a perfectly good copy of the OS)
AT&T’s Text Messages Cost $1,310 per Megabyte
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Posted by
7/01/2008 05:02:00 PM PERMALINK
Labels: Consumer Issues, Corperate Power, tech
Monday, June 30, 2008
Obama’s Fatal Flaw
well said...
But Obama’s willingness to use abortion as an example of how people of faith must learn to communicate their universal values more reasonably, then fighting for the exact opposite, is insulting, and frightening.
Senator Obama’s fatal flaw is his unwillingness or inability to be consistent in word and deed on some very basic issues, of which, abortion is only one. His excellent speech on the urgency of ridding our country of racism, coupled with his simultaneous and strange embrace of pastors spewing reverse racism, was another.
Obama’s Fatal Flaw « FOX Forum «
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Posted by
6/30/2008 04:49:00 PM PERMALINK
Labels: 2008 Election, abortion, Obama, Racism
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Big sugar took its lumps, then made a deal
I don't know much about this, and for 1.75 Billion, I probably should.
But there is ONE feature of it that I love. We are not passing some environmental law that will cost someone 1.75 Billion, we are not dictating more and more what people can and cannot do with their own land. We (The state of Florida) is BUYING the land. Then as the new owners we will rightfully dictate what happens on that land.
It's a lot of money, and maybe the tide was turning and we could have made the land worthless (for Sugar production or anything else) by passing more and more environmental restrictions. But we didn't, we choose to buy the land. And this is one of my pet peeves. If we want to right to tell someone what they can and cannot do with their own land, whether its environmentalists or home owner associations, the only honorable way to do that is to BUY THE LAND.
Granted, the pollution from sugar production was about runoff from the land, not stuff that stayed on the land. But the idea is the same. By buying the land, we're putting our money where our values are and probably saving money in the long run with all the court costs that this sort of thing would require. Plus this way is also quicker.
Plus I LOVE the fact that a republican governor is making headlines with an environmental deal that he himself seems to have championed. Whatever you think of this, it is taking some of the ammo away from the liberals.
Big sugar took its lumps, then dealt --
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Posted by
6/29/2008 08:21:00 PM PERMALINK
Labels: Environment, Florida
Friday, June 27, 2008
Baby Dies, Comes Back to Life
Miracle or explained medical phenomenon?
I think this is why "belief" is so hard in the modern world. Even when we can't fully explain something, we pretend we can. - Baby Who Fell Into River Dies, Comes Back to Life - Health News
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Posted by
6/27/2008 02:22:00 PM PERMALINK
North Pole May Be Ice-Free This Summer
What will Santa Do? Go South (as in South Pole) for the summer? - Report: North Pole May Be Ice-Free This Summer - Science News | Science & Technology | Technology News
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Posted by
6/27/2008 08:48:00 AM PERMALINK
Labels: Environment, Global Warming
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Obama filp flops his position on guns
"Inartful", "overheated"....
.... but never just plain WRONG.
Of course it is a matter of opinion, so I don't know if it can be "right" or "wrong" in an absolute sense. But the problem is that Obama's position changes depending on what's going on and who he needs support from.
All from a man who is supposed to CHANGE Washington.. but this sounds like the same ole politics to me.
Hot Air » Blog Archive » Next in Bus & Driver: Obama’s position on guns
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Posted by
6/26/2008 03:46:00 PM PERMALINK
Labels: Gun Control, Obama
Supreme Upholds Individual Right to Keep and Bear Arms
Militia's are a thing of the past, but the need to "keep and bear arms" is very much needed today. - Supreme Court Strikes Down D.C. Gun Ban, Upholds Individual Right to Keep and Bear Arms - Politics | Republican Party | Democratic Party | Political Spectrum
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Posted by
6/26/2008 01:34:00 PM PERMALINK
Labels: Gun Control, Supreme Court
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Giant Wheel will offer bird's eye view of Central Florida
Wow.. lots of stuff coming to the area..
Wheel offers bird's eye view of Central Fla. | | FLORIDA TODAY
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Posted by
6/25/2008 04:31:00 PM PERMALINK
FPL plans solar power facility in Brevard
This is cool... except for the 31 cents per month part..
FPL plans solar power facility in Brevard | | FLORIDA TODAY
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Posted by
6/25/2008 04:29:00 PM PERMALINK
Labels: Energy Policy, Local
Obama: Dobson Is ‘Making Stuff Up’
The battle has started...
Obama: Dobson Is ‘Making Stuff Up’ With Bible Criticism - America’s Election HQ
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Posted by
6/25/2008 09:46:00 AM PERMALINK
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Americans: My faith isn't the only way
Very interesting... but I question the validity because of the way words are used. Asking if there are "other ways" to God might be interpreted as only meaning other "styles" of the same beliefs, not belief in a completely different god.
But still it's disturbing how shallow true "belief" seems to be in America.
Americans: My faith isn't the only way - Faith-
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Posted by
6/24/2008 09:25:00 AM PERMALINK
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Obama Breaks Promise
Obama Opts Out of Public Financing for General Election
Political Punch [This Post Continues after the jump...]
Posted by
6/19/2008 11:57:00 AM PERMALINK
Labels: 2008 Election, Obama
Muslims barred from picture at Obama event
I guess Obama's Staff is not better than the rest of us. You certainly can't pin this type of behavior on Republicans only... but they will try, after all Democrats are 'inclusive' while Republicans are 'intolerant', right?
Muslims barred from picture at Obama event - Ben Smith -
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Posted by
6/19/2008 11:53:00 AM PERMALINK
Labels: 2008 Election, Obama
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Obama Adviser: Pooh Bear, Luke Skywalker Hold Lessons for Foreign Policy
Interesting analogies... though I would prefer a Charlie Brown inspired foreign policy....
Obama Adviser: Pooh Bear, Luke Skywalker Hold Lessons for Foreign Policy - America’s Election HQ
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Posted by
6/18/2008 05:16:00 PM PERMALINK
Labels: 2008 Election, Obama
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
New rule restores rights to Florida's Ex-Cons
This seems like a good thing to me. If you did you time, then you should be released and have most of your rights restored. In some cases, voting rights might need to be taken for good, but not most cases.
New rule restores rights to 115,000 Fla. ex-felons | | FLORIDA TODAY
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Posted by
6/17/2008 09:37:00 PM PERMALINK
Labels: Crime, Florida, Rights and Freedoms
Friday, June 13, 2008
McCains report more than $100,000 in credit card debt
I wonder if this is really a balance they have left on the credit cards or if this is just a typical monthly balance.
But it still doesn't look good.. the democrat is "debt free" while the republican is loaded down pretty good. - McCains report more than $100,000 in credit card debt
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Posted by
6/13/2008 10:44:00 AM PERMALINK
Labels: Consumer Issues, McCain
Monday, June 02, 2008
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Court Rules Officials Did Not Have Right to Seize Children
It's good to see the court view taking a child away from thier parents to be an "extreme" measure only authorized if the children were in immediate danger or when authorized by a court.
Taking all 400 children at once overloaded the system and prevents individual cases from getting the attention they need. It also keeps children waiting way too long.
I'm not defending this cult because I don't know what did or did not happen. But the state abused it's power when it took all the children at once. Only 31 were even thought to be underage teenage girls (only 16 were really underage). So why did the state take all 400 children? Basically because they COULD, and that is wrong. - Texas Appellate Court Rules Officials Did Not Have Right to Seize Polygamist Ranch Children - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News
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Posted by
5/22/2008 04:10:00 PM PERMALINK
Labels: courts, Crime, Rights and Freedoms
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
NBC admits "inadvertent" broadcast flag use
NBC admits "inadvertent" broadcast flag use, still doesn't explain why it actually worked - Engadget HD
This is why this "flag" was a bad idea to begin with. MS should release a patch to disable this.. but they won't...
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Posted by
5/20/2008 12:35:00 PM PERMALINK
Friday, May 16, 2008
Golden State Gay Marriage Ban Struck Down
Pajamas Media » Golden State Gay Marriage Ban Struck Down: "
As a gay man who supports the ideas the institution of marriage embodies, I should be pleased. To some degree, I am grateful that this issue has received the attention it is getting, but I’m also troubled by the decision. To be sure, the court makes some valuable arguments about the merits of recognizing same-sex unions, but I believe those arguments should be made to the citizens of the Golden State, 62% of whom voted in 2000 to define marriage as the union of one man and one woman."
But the court overstepped its bounds in redefining an institution which has long been limited to monogamous relationships between individuals of different genders. In a democracy, the people and their elected representatives should make decisions of this magnitude.
Read on for more great comments... [This Post Continues after the jump...]
Posted by
5/16/2008 11:13:00 AM PERMALINK
Labels: Gay Rights, Marriage
Obama's sniper tale? Nobody clapped?
Obama's sniper tale? When he stood up to Detroit's 'cold' shoulder : Top of the Ticket : Los Angeles Times
He says nobody clapped -- but they did...
(but give me a break, is this really an issue? People were clapping but were they really happy to hear what he said? we're they really agreeing with him, or just being polite?)
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Posted by
5/16/2008 11:00:00 AM PERMALINK
Labels: 2008 Election, Obama
Thursday, May 15, 2008
GOP could lose 20 more congressional seats
GOP cancer: Party could lose 20 more seats - John F. Harris and Josh Kraushaar -
Well, it's not like we haven't seen this coming. The Republican congress under Bush has been shameful and now they have to pay up...
Hopefully we will be stronger in a couple of years..
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California's Top Court requires gay-marriage - California's Top Court Overturns Same-Sex Marriage Ban - Politics | Republican Party | Democratic Party | Political Spectrum
Four people just change the fundamental structure of our society. In doing so they have overturned the will of the people as expressed through the democratic legislative process. I can all but guarantee you that whatever phrase they used in the California constitution -- it was never intended to allow (rather long "require") gay-marriage and if this use of that phrase were know to the people that wrote it, they would have re-written it or removed it from the constitution.
But the judges know better than WE THE PEOPLE.. don't they? They know what the writers of the constitution REALLY meant.. and what the voters that approved the constitution SHOULD have meant. Right.
No need for reasoned debate. No need to bother with the sometimes slow process of convincing people that you are right. Just get four people to agree with you and you can get your way.
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Monday, May 12, 2008
Pastors to Challenge Ban on Political Activity
TaxProf Blog: Pastors to Challenge Ban on Political Activity by Endorsing Candidates From Pulpit on Sept. 28
Interesting.... right now I support the Ban.. if you are tax-exempt, you can't get political. There should be a little more wiggle room maybe, but without this rule, all sort of "churches" would spring up that would really be political groups.
But am I selling out? I see lifting the Ban as hurting me more than helping me (the the issues I support). So is that the reason I support giving up this "right"? I don't know.
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Ron Paul's forces quietly plot ....
I wonder how true this really is... and how much of this is just the liberal media WANTING it to be true.
I won't put it past the Republicans to go into "self destruct" mode like the Democrats are, but I doubt it will be as bad as the democrats and I doubt Ron Paul can lead squat in the Republican party.
The Media would LOVE something like that... but I doubt anything will come of it...
Ron Paul's forces quietly plot GOP convention revolt against McCain : Top of the Ticket : Los Angeles Times
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Saturday, May 10, 2008
Pope Condemns Contraception, Warns Sex Can Be like a Drug - Pope Condemns Contraception, Warns Sex Can Be a 'Drug' - International News | News of the World | Middle East News | Europe News
I must say I have never understood this teaching. The only reference in the Bible about it is "spilling" your "seed on the ground". But this story seems to be more about a specific case where this was wrong, not that spilling your seed is ALWAYS wrong. Plus I doubt the man in the story (Onan) invented the "withdrawal" technique of contraception on the spot. They seems to already know that doing this would "keep her from having a baby". Onan just took it to an extreme of ALWAYS doing it that way to avoid having a son that was not his heir (see Gen 38).
Verse 10 clearly says "But the LORD considered it a wicked thing for Onan to deny a child to his dead brother. So the LORD took Onan's life...". The sin was clearly "denying a child to his dead brother, not how he did it (spilling his seed).
So I don't see how this restriction can be supported Biblically.
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Thursday, May 08, 2008
Why is the US producing so little energy?
"With the world's largest reserves of coal, after creating the nuclear power industry ex nihilo, and with billions of oil still under our soil and waters, it makes no sense to produce less energy while blaming and taxing those who produce what we have, rather than drilling, digging, and saving, as we find ways to transition to the alternate energies."
Is it really better to pay or enemies and fair-whether "friends" for oil when we really could be independent if we really wanted to?
The Corner on National Review Online
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Wednesday, May 07, 2008
Data recovered from hard drive in Columbia shuttle disaster
Blocks and Files: "Data recovered from Seagate drive in Columbia shuttle disaster" [This Post Continues after the jump...]
Tuesday, May 06, 2008
Newt Gingrich Warns the GOP
You gotta love Newt.... I sure wish congressional republicans would listen to him....
Newt Gingrich Warns the GOP: 'Real Disaster' is Coming - Swampland - TIME
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Monday, May 05, 2008
The Post-American World
Food for thought...
I still haven't read it all and posting it here is not saying I agree with it.
But the first page sounded interesting... I just don't know where it's going...
Excerpt: Fareed Zakaria’s ‘The Post-American World’ | Newsweek International |
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Friday, May 02, 2008
'An Evangelical Manifesto' criticizes politics of faith
This will be interesting to read when it comes out...
'An Evangelical Manifesto' criticizes politics of faith -
more here
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Posted by
5/02/2008 11:34:00 PM PERMALINK
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Gingrich: Wright May Be Deliberately Trying to Hurt Obama
Political Radar: Gingrich: Wright May Be Deliberately Trying to Hurt Obama
I Love Newt... he tells it like it is....
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Posted by
4/29/2008 10:47:00 AM PERMALINK
Labels: 2008 Election, Candidates-D, Candidates-R, Obama
School Silencing Dr. Gray Over Global-Warming Views
Where's the uproar about "Academic Freedom" ?
oh...wait.. that only applies if you are liberal... - Hurricane Expert: School Silencing Me Over Global-Warming Views - Science News | Science & Technology | Technology News
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Posted by
4/29/2008 10:35:00 AM PERMALINK
Labels: Academic Freedom, Global Warming, Science
Monday, April 28, 2008
Wright to Obama: 'Coming after you'
Now this is interesting. Wright seems to be saying that he expects Obama to make the changes Write has been preaching on for years. Obama has heard all of these and to some degree agrees with them. Otherwise he would have naturally left the church long ago. So it's hard to think Obama will not try to implement sopme of what Wright preaches.
Therefore is is NOW a legitimate campaign issue. Obama IS going to be pressured to implement all the stuff he's tacitly agreed to all these years. So Wright has just made the last 20 years of his sermons legitimate targets. What has Wright preached on? What issues keep coming up? What is the tone of those sermons. Etc etc etc..
Wright to Obama: 'Coming after you' - Mike Allen -
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Posted by
4/28/2008 03:26:00 PM PERMALINK
Labels: 2008 Election, Candidates-D
Parents Who Prayed as Daughter Died to Face Murder Charges
This is disturbing. The girl died from an UNdiagnosed condition. She was healthy except for the last two weeks of her life. Some could call this poor judgment by the parents, but I won't even go that far. It was a mistake, yes.... but not 2nd degree murder.
I suspect it will not go far... - DA: Wisconsin Parents Who Prayed as Daughter Died to Face Murder Charges - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News
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Posted by
4/28/2008 03:13:00 PM PERMALINK
Labels: Medical, religion, Rights and Freedoms
Supreme Court upholds photo ID law for voters
Well, this is good news.
I've never understood the silly arguments against this.
I can't board a plane without showing a photo ID, I can't buy a beer without one, heck I'm not even allowed to drive a car without one.
But vote? Sure, just show up and vote, we don't care who you are....
Utterly ridiculous, and now the Supremes agree...
Supreme Court upholds photo ID law for voters in Indiana - Yahoo! News
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Posted by
4/28/2008 10:36:00 AM PERMALINK
Labels: Supreme Court, VoterFraud
Friday, April 25, 2008
Chinese Nationalism
Chinese Nationalism and Tibet | Newsweek The Council on Foreign Relations |
This is good reading, but I don't know enough about Chinese history to know if this is bias or not. It's too easy to pick and choose historic events to make your point.
The reads as if the Chinese government if just doing the best it can to move the country forward.
I support the right of the Chinese people to demonstrate against American or French actions, I just wish they had the same right to demonstrate against their OWN Government's actions without being shot.
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Posted by
4/25/2008 01:39:00 PM PERMALINK
Labels: China
Renewable energy cannot make a dent in fossil fuel usage
Can renewable energy make a dent in fossil fuels? | Green Tech blog - CNET
Well, it's officially hopeless. If Al Gore is right, then were all doomed. Because there is nothing we can do to quickly stop carbon emissions.
So I for one hope he was exaggerating a little...
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Posted by
4/25/2008 01:21:00 PM PERMALINK
Labels: Alternative Fuels, Global Warming
Police not guilty in groom's death
Police not guilty in groom's death -
I always struggle with cases like this. Police have to have the ability to defend themselves without be second guessed by armchair quarterbacks like me.
On the other hand, the great power and authority we give police offices MUST be balanced by great responsibility. Therefore an officer must be held accountable for bad decisions EVEN if they have a dangerous job and EVEN if they feared for their life. If you can't take the heat... don't be a NYC police officer.
One of the officers fired 31 times without stooping to reassess the situation. He though the guy had a gun, but didn't seem to notice no one was shooting back. He thought they were trying to use the car to run him over, but didn't simply get out of the way. Instead he reloaded and kept shooting.
Added to all of this, the police officers were in PLAIN CLOTHES. If a normal looking guy pulls a gun on me in New York. My first though is not going to be "Oh, he's a police man who just wants to ask me a few questions". No!! If I'm already in or near my car, I'm going to jump in it and try to get away.
I honestly don't know how to balance all of this. But I do think the guy that fired 31 times should be held accountable for his foolish and unnecessary action that night. At a minimum, he should no longer be allowed to carry a gun in NYC because he simply can't be trusted with one.
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Posted by
4/25/2008 09:55:00 AM PERMALINK
Thursday, April 24, 2008
California gay marriage ban ready for Nov ballot
Well Florida and California will both be voting on gay-marriage this fall. I'm not sure who that will help in the Presidential race this time, but similar amendment in 2004 supposedly help Bush get reelected.
Backers of Calif. gay marriage ban ready to submit petitions
[This Post Continues after the jump...]
Posted by
4/24/2008 04:40:00 PM PERMALINK
Labels: Gay Rights, Marriage
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Establishing the Vision for Space Exploration
Good reading for any NASA fan or space buff....
Establishing the Vision for Space Exploration | SpaceRef - Your Space Reference
[This Post Continues after the jump...]
Posted by
4/23/2008 11:56:00 AM PERMALINK
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
I HAVEN'T been able to get very excited about the big global-warming debate - but I am excited about some solutions to global warming.[This Post Continues after the jump...]
Posted by
4/22/2008 01:09:00 PM PERMALINK
Labels: Environment, Global Warming