Thursday, May 15, 2008

California's Top Court requires gay-marriage - California's Top Court Overturns Same-Sex Marriage Ban - Politics | Republican Party | Democratic Party | Political Spectrum

Four people just change the fundamental structure of our society. In doing so they have overturned the will of the people as expressed through the democratic legislative process. I can all but guarantee you that whatever phrase they used in the California constitution -- it was never intended to allow (rather long "require") gay-marriage and if this use of that phrase were know to the people that wrote it, they would have re-written it or removed it from the constitution.

But the judges know better than WE THE PEOPLE.. don't they? They know what the writers of the constitution REALLY meant.. and what the voters that approved the constitution SHOULD have meant. Right.

No need for reasoned debate. No need to bother with the sometimes slow process of convincing people that you are right. Just get four people to agree with you and you can get your way.