Thursday, July 24, 2008

The World Is Powering Up While America Powers Down

I think the out-of-control environmentalism is going to destroy this country faster than "Global Warming" ever could.

I was just at a local meeting Tuesday where I learned that 57% of the land in my own country is environmentally protected one way or another. But the county keeps buying more land at inflated prices.

Now, the same people are stopping us from building new power plants. How are we supposed to power our electric cars without them? If they really want to help the environment, they need to allow some kind of new power generations to be built. But now, nothing is safe enough for them, and nothing is clean enough for them.

I'll say it now.
We need to start drilling anywhere there is oil or natural gas.
We need to keep using coal.
We need to keep using Nuclear.

I also think we should invest in and research wind, solar, and wave power. And I think electrical vehicles are the best way to go for personal transportation and even trucking. But that requires MORE power generation, not less.

But we need to become energy independent ASAP. We need to be smart about it, but we need to just ignore the people that want to stop pollution completely. It just won't work.

Morning Bell: The World Is Powering Up While America Powers Down » The Foundry