Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Refusal to present ID sparks test of rights

Rocky Mountain News: Local: "'We don't believe the federal government has the legal authority to put Deborah Davis in jail, or even make her pay a fine, just because she declined the government's request for identification,' said Mark Silverstein, legal director of the American Civil Liberties Union of Colorado, which has taken up the case.

'She was commuting to her job,' Silverstein said. 'She wasn't doing anything wrong. She wasn't even suspected of doing anything wrong.'

'Passengers aren't required to carry passports or any other identification documents in order to ride to work on a public bus,' he said." [This Post Continues after the jump...]

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Bush to China: Emulate Taiwan

FOXNews.com - Politics - Bush to China: Emulate Taiwan

I just wish he could be stronger on this point.... [This Post Continues after the jump...]

Iraqi WMD?

Fascinating article on the search for WMD? What if this guy is right? Hmmm... [This Post Continues after the jump...]

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Dissapointed in Alito

Well this is quite dissapointing. In an earlier post I hoped that Alito's abortion "outing" would force Republicans to say that believing abortion is unconstitutional does not make you a whacko. But it appears that Alito himself is backing down.

"Supreme Court nominee Samuel Alito distanced himself Tuesday from his 1985 comments that there was no constitutional right to abortion, telling a senator [Fienstein] in private that he had been "an advocate seeking a job."

This is dissapointing to me not only in the fact that nobody is standing for the "pro-life = normal" position, but that it shows weakness in his character. He is saying that he lied to get a job then and he didn't truly believe what he said. The other possibility is that he is lying to Fienstien now (kinda like lying to the Devil I suppose), but that is dissapointing because he is still lying and refusing to stand for his beliefs. The message then would be that it is acceptable to lie to accomplish the "greater good" (get on the SC). I suppose this is the way politics functions these days, but it is what is killing us.

Is there no one in this country willing to say that our country was founded on the principle of "Inalienable Rights" and among those listed prominently is LIFE and not abortion? If one takes an honest look at the original intent there is no basis for the "right to abortion" in the Constitution. Interpreting the Constitution based on original intent is NOT out of the mainstream and somebody needs to stand up and say so.

I'm dissapointed... [This Post Continues after the jump...]

In There Own Words

GOP.com has a video of what Democrats said going all the way back to the Clinton administration. Now they are changing their tune!!

Here is the direct link to the video..
http://media1.streamtoyou.com/rnc/111505.wmv [This Post Continues after the jump...]

More on the Jordan Bombings

The Irony just keeps on coming. Apparently the wedding party that was bombed was from "prominent Palistinian families". I have to admit something feels good to me on this. I know these families are suffering and I should feel bad for them, but I'm having troubles feeling sympathy when I see crowds of Palestinians dancing in the street rejoicing for succesful "martyrdom operations". Well this "operation" took out many of their own and the head of their military intelligence. Funny, no dancing in the street for this one? The article goes further to point out the hypocrisy of the Muslim/Arab world. Apparently, they had no problem condeming the Jordan attacks, but yet they can't quite seem to see the issue the same way when the targets are Jewish or Americans. The Palestinians have let the genie of terrorism is out of the bottle and apparently they are now realizing that it may be a little more difficult than they thought to control it. Hopefully they will learn a lesson and maybe begin trying to stuff the genie back in the bottle. [This Post Continues after the jump...]

Real News from Iraq

Fascinating insights into what is going on in Iraq. Discusses weapons, tactics, moral, & progress. A good read for anybody interested in what is going on over there. [This Post Continues after the jump...]

Monday, November 14, 2005

Supreme Court turns down Florida voting case

Supreme Court turns down Florida voting case - OrlandoSentinel.com: State News

This is interesting. I don't think this is racial at all, so the Voting Rights Act of 1965 shouldn't apply. But I do think that if someone is released and has served their time, they should be able to vote again.

Any comments? [This Post Continues after the jump...]

Alito Nomination

Well it looks like the Liberals have discovered Alito's position on Abortion. Apparently he has stated that "the Constitution does not protect a right to abortion". Well there is a surprise! Now begins the effort to paint him as "out of touch with the mainstream". There are many points to be discussed here, but I'll just rant on the fact that I am glad he has been "outed". I guess it is easier to get a "stealth" nomination (like Roberts) through the confirmation process w/o having to discuss his position on abortion and just avoiding the conflict. However, I think conservatives will now have to stand up and fight the whole "pro-lifers are whacko's" image the Democrats have been painting. To date it seems Republicans have not countered this, offering instead stealth nominations to avoid the issue. It will be interesting to see if perhaps the Republicans "grow some balls" (for lack of a less crude way of saying it) and take the issue head on or if they try to avoid and minimize it by saying the statement was made 20 years ago and he should be judged by his time on the bench. [This Post Continues after the jump...]

Alito rejected abortion as a right

Alito rejected abortion as a right - Nation/Politics - The Washington Times, America's Newspaper: "'The issue is not Judge Alito's political views during the Reagan administration 20 years ago,' the Republican official said. 'It's his 15 years of jurisprudence, which can be evaluated in hundreds of opinions. And in none of those opinions is it evident what his political philosophy is. "

Well, no one can complain now that they are NOT getting enough information. This is what I've been waiting and praying for for years. I just hope the President isn't too weak politically right now to fight this battle. [This Post Continues after the jump...]

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Al-Qaeda kills the head of Palestinian Military Intelligence!

Too Funny! The Palestinians are getting a taste of their own medicine from their supposed defenders! Apparently the head of Palestinian Military Intelligence was killed in the Jordan hotel bombings which Al Qaeda claimed responsibility for. The whole thing is quite ironic. Anyway, the good news here is that perhaps this will help turn moderate Arabs/Muslims against terror/Al Qaeda. Seems that the Jordanians are none to happy with Zarqawi. Good for them. [This Post Continues after the jump...]

Calif. Lawsuit Targets Sony

Security Fix - Brian Krebs on Computer and Internet Security - (washingtonpost.com): "'What Sony is saying with this software is that 'Our intellectual property is more deserving of protection than your intellectual property,' and Sony can't be allowed to get away with that.'"

Here's a list of the effected CD's
http://www.eff.org/deeplinks/archives/004144.php [This Post Continues after the jump...]

Are you "Racist"

Here is an interesting article about Gay marriage that really makes you think. Once legalized, speaking out against it can be legally interpreted as "hate speach". Further, you can expect children to be taught homosexuality as a normal alternative in school and since the 9th circuit court has said that parents have no rights in determining what their children are taught and since you would be racist to protest it anyway, there won't be anything you can do. [This Post Continues after the jump...]

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

The Evolutionists Are Wrong!

Wired News: Evolutionists Are Wrong!: "We 'copyright liberals' have been highly critical when IP owners enforce an ideological litmus test for permission to use a work. "

Suppressing alternative views is a sure sign that you think they actually are on to something... [This Post Continues after the jump...]

Will Voters Veto One-Party Rule in 2006?

FOXNews.com - Views - Martin Frost - Will Voters Veto One-Party Rule in 2006?: "However, we do know that in two-thirds of the elections in the past 50 years, voters have refused to give one party total power."

I for one am becoming a fan of Divided Government. Academically I don't like it, but in reality, its the only thing that seems to provide the necessary checks and balances. The current Republicans have proven to me that they can't be trusted.

Because of this, I will probably vote for Nelson as Senator again. I would rather have Democrats control the House rather than the Senate, but I doubt they will field a good candidate in our district. So I'm stuck support a Dem. Senator.

[This Post Continues after the jump...]

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

California Church Vows to Fight IRS Investigation of Sermon

California Church Vows to Fight IRS Investigation of Sermon -- Beliefnet.com

I heard this on NPR this afternoon, and I think it would be presented in a different light if the Church Supported Bush. The Left just can't handling religous support for Bush, and watches conservative organizations for this sort of thing like a hawk. But since the church in this case was anti-bush, it was painted as the "victim", and the left suddenly remembers they are for free speech and free religion

Regardless of that, I do think the IRS is going to far here. Maybe the NPR story left something out, or glossed over the "real" reason for this, and I would agree with the IRS if I knew it. But with what I know now, the church should be left alone. [This Post Continues after the jump...]

Russian Wisdom

The Russians have some great advice for France and for the US regarding imigrants. I just wonder how many Americans have to die before we put aside our liberal based PC mentality and do what is required:

Also Tuesday, nationalist parliament deputy Dmitry Rogozin urged Russia's interior ministry to increase checks on immigrants and identify "potential instigators" of riots. "The interior ministry should take preventive measures against those who could organise unrest, up to and including detention and deportation," Rogozin said in an interview with the Nezavisimaya Gazeta daily. Rogozin said law enforcement forces should increase checks on diasporas from the Caucasus and Central Asia "with the aim of preventing violent action by illegal immigrants in Moscow and other cities."

My paraphrase: Don't let the people in and if they are in and participating in this type of activity, throw them in Jail for 10 years or deport them (thier choice). [This Post Continues after the jump...]

China jails three for illegally printing Bibles

China jails three for illegally printing Bibles

The conviction of house church minister Cai Zhuohua, 34, and his family by the Beijing People's Intermediate Court came days before U.S. President George W. Bush arrives for a state visit.

I wonder if Bush will bring this up? [This Post Continues after the jump...]

Monday, November 07, 2005

Evolution in the bible, says Vatican

Evolution in the bible, says Vatican - The Other Side - Breaking News 24/7 - NEWS.com.au: "'The fundamentalists want to give a scientific meaning to words that had no scientific aim,' "

1. Did the Vatican say Evolution is "in the Bible" or just "compatible with the Bible" ?

2. Did the Vatican "reject" intelligent design or was that just how this reporter interpreted it? [This Post Continues after the jump...]

Friday, November 04, 2005

Dirty tricks at the CIA

Rule can head off dirty tricks at CIA | ajc.com:

"To the media, it doesn't matter that the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence says Wilson lied about what he did and with whom he met while investigating Iraqi attempts to purchase 'yellowcake' uranium.

To the media, it doesn't matter that the CIA says what Wilson did actually find supported that Iraq was attempting to buy the uranium — a direct contradiction to Wilson's public claims."

Seriously, what do you do when someone is lying about what they did or didn't do "undercover"? Especially when the lie is meant to hurt you politically? Do you just take it? Do you tell the truth and thereby "blow their undercover status"? You loose eitherway. [This Post Continues after the jump...]

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Reining in Google - Commentary

Reining in Google - Commentary - The Washington Times, America's Newspaper:

"..nor has Google defined what a 'snippet' is: a paragraph? A page? A chapter? A whole book?"

So why not wait until Google defines this before panicing? Or better yet, state if it matters to you? Did you ever think that knowing that your book contains certain information might actually lead more people to BUY the book. Or they might just check it out of the library and you wouldn't get squat, so I guess libraries are robbing you too!!

The sad thing is that previous members of Congress can be so SHORT SIGHTED. [This Post Continues after the jump...]

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

CIA holds terror suspects in secret prisons

CIA holds terror suspects in secret prisons - washingtonpost.com Highlights - MSNBC.com

The existence and locations of the facilities -- referred to as "black sites" in classified White House, CIA, Justice Department and congressional documents -- are known to only a handful of officials in the United States and, usually, only to the president and a few top intelligence officers in each host country.

And now to the Washington Post knows... can't the CIA keep a secret?

I can't help to think that this is going to come back to haunt the U.S. I agree that some of this is necessary, but it seems like there are too many people being kept like this... [This Post Continues after the jump...]