Monday, October 31, 2005

Bush Nominates Alito for Supreme Court - Politics - Bush Nominates Alito for Supreme Court

Now this is more like it... [This Post Continues after the jump...]

Saturday, October 29, 2005

Arizona Court: Embyros Are Not Persons - Politics - Arizona Court: Preserved Embyros Are Not Persons: "Because the terminology surrounding such issues is highly charged, the Court of Appeals said it tried to be neutral by using the term 'pre-embryo' to describe the days-old, lab-preserved fertilized eggs involved in the case. Calling such eggs 'embryos' could imply the egg is a 'person,' the ruling by a three-judge panel said."

How can making up a nonsense term be consididered "neutral"? Using the term "pre-embryo" is necessary to say that the embryo isn't yet a person (isn't yet even an embryo). [This Post Continues after the jump...]

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Miers Withdraws Nomination to Supreme Court - Politics - Miers Withdraws Nomination to Supreme Court: "Miers Withdraws Nomination to Supreme Court" [This Post Continues after the jump...]

Danforth Criticizes Christian Sway in GOP


"Nothing is more dangerous than religion in politics and government when it becomes divisive," he said. "I'll give you examples: Iraq. Northern Ireland. Palestine." [This Post Continues after the jump...]

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Supreme Court nominee -- Harriet Miers

In Speeches From 1990s, Clues About Miers Views

On page 10 of her speech (linked PDF in the WashingPost Story) she says...

"We undeniably still have a justice system that does not provide justice for all as provided by the Pledge of Allegiance".

She seems to be saying that the Pledge or Allegiance is an authoritative SOURCE of rights, that the Pledge was mean to PROVIDE "justice for all". Granted this is just a speech and you sometimes pick words and phrases because they sound good, but she could have easily said "as claimed in" or "as spoken of in".

American's for Better Justice

and another link [This Post Continues after the jump...]

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Reality Vs. Rhetoric in the Abortion Debate - Views - Martin Frost - Reality Vs. Rhetoric in the Abortion Debate: "Reality Vs. Rhetoric in the Abortion Debate" [This Post Continues after the jump...]

Friday, October 21, 2005

Evolutionists seldom question the intelligent design in everyday life

World Magazine - Weekly News | Christian Views: "Evolutionists seldom question the intelligent design in everyday life"

The question is this: Why do so many scientists—people who would never pick up a stranded wristwatch and hypothesize that it occurred by "gradualism"—suspend everyday logic and rules of evidence when it comes to the "big" questions of origins? "There is no publication in the scientific literature . . . that describes how molecular evolution of any real, complex, biochemical system either did occur or even might have occurred. There are assertions . . . , but absolutely none are supported by pertinent experiments or calculations" (Behe, p. 185). [This Post Continues after the jump...]

Thursday, October 13, 2005

U.S. losing competitive edge in science | CNET

Panel: U.S. losing competitive edge in science | CNET [This Post Continues after the jump...]

Demonstrable Science (and Axioms)

I want to make a distinction between "here and now" science and science of the past. I need better terms for these and maybe someone can help me there. But what I call "here and now" science could also be called "demonstrable" science. An example would be mixing chemical A and chemical B to get chemical C which when taken by a person has a positive medical effect. This can be repeated over and over. And even if we don't understand WHY the drug has the effect it does, we can still observe it.

Evolution is different in many ways.

1) The time frame for evolution is thousands or millions of year and this cannot be demonstrated in a lab.
2) Even Biological process that can be demonstrated today are still only "possible" explanations (What COULD have happened) and not conclusive proof of what DID happen.

Even CSI type science (criminal science) can't PROVE what happened last week. It gives evidence of what might have happened, what could have happened, and what could not have happened. But the Science itself doesn't draw a conclusion, the jury does. If science can't prove definitively what happened last week, why do we think it can proof what happened millions of years ago?

Another point I was trying to make is that like religion science also has certain beliefs that are held to be true without proof. These are called AXIOMS.


My point at lunch was not to defend or attack any particular issue or theory, but merely to point out the similarities between some aspects of science (namely science of the past) and some aspects of religion (which is many cases is based on documents or events of the past). [This Post Continues after the jump...]

OK, I finally joined your Blog thing

This is my first test post and I'm figuring out how this all works... [This Post Continues after the jump...]

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

NASA is pretty boring, but people still care about space.

Onward and upward - Glenn Reynolds -
"NASA is pretty boring, but people still care about space." [This Post Continues after the jump...]

Friday, October 07, 2005

Renamed: How can Democrats Win ?

A Real Contract With America?

( )
  1. Crack Down on Corruption:
  2. Make America Safe:
  3. Unleash New Energy for America:
  4. Rebuild America First:
  5. Make Work Pay:
  6. Make Healthcare Affordable for All:
  7. Protect Retirement Security:
  8. Keep the Promise of Opportunity:
  9. Refocus on Real Security for America:

Report Warns Democrats Not to Tilt Too Far Left:

Best Qutoes:
In one of their more potentially controversial findings, the authors argue that the rising numbers and influence of well-educated, socially liberal voters in the Democratic Party are pulling the party further from most Americans.

"liberals espouse views diverging not only from those of other Democrats, but from Americans as a whole

They warn against overreliance on a strategy of solving political problems by "reframing" the language by which they present their ideas, as advocated by linguist George Lakoff of the University of California at Berkeley: "The best rhetoric will fail if the public rejects the substance of a candidate's agenda or entertains doubts about his integrity."

Their basic thesis is that the number of solidly conservative Republican voters is substantially larger that the reliably Democratic liberal voter base

“Sometimes the problem with being a Democrat is being a Democrat,”

-- James Carville (A Democrat)

"...[we] need more narrative like Winnie the Pooh stories"

Al Gore '08 (my attempt at Gogglebombing)
Failure [This Post Continues after the jump...]

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Al Gore's Speech at Media Conference

American democracy is in grave danger
Due to Money effecting News reporting...

BREITBART.COM - Just The News:
"I came here today because I believe that American democracy is in grave danger. It is no longer possible to ignore the strangeness of our public discourse . I know that I am not the only one who feels that something has gone basically and badly wrong in the way America's fabled 'marketplace of ideas' now functions."

I haven't finished reading this yet.. so I don't know how he plans to "fix" this.. but so far it actually pretty good...

Finished reading now...He couldn't resist taking specific (and unfounded) pot shots at President bush and even Rush Limbaugh. And some of his examples from history don't mesh with my rather limited historical knowledge or common sense.

The first part is still good. But the ending is just an ad for his new TV network, the internet (which I think he created), and more Bush-Bashing...

George Clooney chimes in... with some good points. Because he "was determined not to create a piece of anti-Bush propaganda." (Which he did, at least in the interview) [This Post Continues after the jump...]

Senate OKs Terror Suspect Treatment Limits - Politics - Senate OKs Terror Suspect Treatment Limits: "The Republican-controlled Senate voted overwhelmingly Wednesday to impose restrictions on the treatment of terrorism suspects, delivering a rare wartime rebuke to President Bush"

Its good the see the Congress actually doing their JOB and not just deferring to the President all the time.

Thou Shalt Not... [This Post Continues after the jump...]

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Gov. Bush supports oil drilling in eastern Gulf of Mexico

Gov. Bush reverses stance, now supports oil drilling rigs in eastern Gulf of Mexico: South Florida Sun-Sentinel

Interesting.... I don't see what the benefit is for doing this... [This Post Continues after the jump...]

High Court to Hear Assisted-Suicide Case

High Court to Hear Assisted-Suicide Case,2933,171261,00.html

This is one of Robert's first cases and it covers a lot....

Sates Rights
Power of the Federal Government
Etc.. [This Post Continues after the jump...]

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Media Bias


Media Research Center [This Post Continues after the jump...]