Monday, May 04, 2009

Creationism is not 'Superstitious Nonsense'

This is incredible.. how a person so hostile to religion can be allowed to teach when a person equally supportive of religion would be fired is beyond explanation. - Student Wins Suit After Teacher Says Creationism 'Superstitious Nonsense' - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News

Other great (but legal) comments by this same teacher:

"when you put on your Jesus glasses, you can't see the truth."

"Conservatives don't want women to avoid pregnancies — that's interfering with God's work"

"When you pray for divine intervention, you're hoping that the spaghetti monster will help you get what you want."

Can you imagine a teacher saying "all truth comes from Jesus" or "divine intervention is a reasonable explanation for things" or anything about God and pregnancies? Such a teacher would be fired very quickly, but this guy is a 20 year veteran.

But I am amazed the court actually called at least one statement of his illegal. I'm sure he'll keep up his work though, as if he were on a mission from his non-God.


Anonymous said...

Don't be so quick to defend evolution just because the wingnuts hate it. Darwin led to the worst colonial, militarist, attrocity and stock market abuses in history. Lamarkian inhertiance and mitochondrial DNA show that Darwin was not all he is crackered up to be. So don't defend him! These angry white talk radio males need universal health care so they can finally see a psychistrist. We also need to psychiatrically regulate the preachers and teachers who influenced such creatures. That is what homeland security is really about.