Pajamas Media » New NASA Administrator Will Have His Hands Full
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Sunday, May 31, 2009
New NASA Administrator Will Have His Hands Full
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Couple Ordered to Stop Bible Study at Home Without Permit
Couple Ordered to Stop Holding Bible Study at Home Without Permit
They're backed down... as expected..
County won't force permit on Bible study leaders
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Posted by
5/28/2009 11:45:00 PM PERMALINK
Labels: Goverment Power, religion, Rights and Freedoms
Friday, May 15, 2009
Judge rules family can't refuse chemo for boy
This is wrong on so many levels.
Even if you believe the parents are "killing" their child, isn't that their choice?
His mother could have freely chosen to kill him before he was born, but now she can't?
But that's a silly argument, because (despite what some say) they would not be choosing to kill him, they would be choosing to avoid a medical treatment they disagree with. A medical treatment that has it's own pros and cons, benefits and nasty side-effects.
I now what I would choose, but can I force it onto someone else? If you're pro-choice, I don't see how you have a choice (pardon the pun) in the matter. Even if you're pro-life, isn't a 13 years old, old enough to make home decision for himself? Now, this article implied the kid is 13 but can't even read, so maybe he's mentally much younger, but if he was an average 13 year old, he should be able to make up his own mind.
It would indeed be a tragedy if this child dies. But is it the role of government to stop ALL tragedies? It is worth violating the parents and the child's rights just to keep him alive? Give me Liberty or give me Death! is how the saying goes... meaning that liberty is MORE important than life itself.. I guess we don't believe that anymore. At least this judge doesn't.
Judge rules family can't refuse chemo for boy - Kids and parenting-
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Majority of Americans Are Pro-Life
WOW... what a sea change.. I had given up hope.
It doesn't mean it will happen automatically, but it might one day...
Poll: Majority of Americans Are Pro-Life for the First Time - Presidential Politics | Political News -
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Former fundamentalist
I would like to meet this guy sometime... just to talk..
Former fundamentalist 'debunks' Bible -
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Thursday, May 14, 2009
The Story of Stuff' Is Full of Misleading Numbers
I like "The Story of Stuff" because it makes one think. I don't come any where close to the same conclusions the author wants me to, and it's so bias and one-sided that it's laughable and easy to ignore.
Now it seems like it also lies and exaggerates...
Viral Video 'The Story of Stuff' Is Full of Misleading Numbers - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News -
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Wednesday, May 06, 2009
Maine legalizes same-sex marriage
Maine legalizes same-sex marriage -
It's just a matter of time now... eventually it will be voted in just about everywhere.
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Mom says Patriot Act stripped son of due process
Mom says Patriot Act stripped son of due process ::
Absolute power corrupts.... absolutely...
I don't have a problem with the power for government to act quickly... but it has to work both ways.. they have to act quickly to correct any mistakes they make. I don't know if this is a mistake or not, but it sounds like they are QUICK to act, but slow after they get the person. It shouldn't take them that long to clear or charge this kid..
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Tuesday, May 05, 2009
Breaking: Gay Marriage Opponent Topless Photos Leaked
This is unbelievable.. they should definitely have the TITLE removed over this...
iowahawk: Breaking: Gay Marriage Opponent Topless Photos Leaked
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Monday, May 04, 2009
Creationism is not 'Superstitious Nonsense'
This is incredible.. how a person so hostile to religion can be allowed to teach when a person equally supportive of religion would be fired is beyond explanation. - Student Wins Suit After Teacher Says Creationism 'Superstitious Nonsense' - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News
Other great (but legal) comments by this same teacher:
"when you put on your Jesus glasses, you can't see the truth."
"Conservatives don't want women to avoid pregnancies — that's interfering with God's work"
"When you pray for divine intervention, you're hoping that the spaghetti monster will help you get what you want."
Can you imagine a teacher saying "all truth comes from Jesus" or "divine intervention is a reasonable explanation for things" or anything about God and pregnancies? Such a teacher would be fired very quickly, but this guy is a 20 year veteran.
But I am amazed the court actually called at least one statement of his illegal. I'm sure he'll keep up his work though, as if he were on a mission from his non-God.
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