This sounds good... I wonder why this isn't talked about more.
This is technology that is on the road now.. using a fuel that is naturally abundant.
I don't know what the Carbon foot print is and I really don't care. Natural gas is cleaner in regard to real pollutants, cheaper than gasoline, a and if "they" let us, there is lots of natural gas in the gulf of Mexico.
So where is the "down side" that is stopping this? - 2008 Honda Civic GX - FOX Car Report
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Thursday, July 31, 2008
Honda Civic GX - Natural Gas Powered
Posted by
7/31/2008 01:37:00 PM PERMALINK
Labels: Alternative Fuels
Monday, July 28, 2008
Global Warming: Not So Bad?
Yet we keep acting like it IS so bad.
Pollution in general needs to be cleaned up, we need to be more effient and explore alternatives to fossil fuels.
But the doom and gloom of the "global warming" nuts is over blown.
Global Warming: Not So Bad? | Popular Science
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Friday, July 25, 2008
What Bush and Batman Have in Common -
But Batman is a "superhero" and Bush is the "devil" or just hated.
Of course if Batman was a real person, the left would hate him too...
What Bush and Batman Have in Common -
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Thursday, July 24, 2008
The World Is Powering Up While America Powers Down
I think the out-of-control environmentalism is going to destroy this country faster than "Global Warming" ever could.
I was just at a local meeting Tuesday where I learned that 57% of the land in my own country is environmentally protected one way or another. But the county keeps buying more land at inflated prices.
Now, the same people are stopping us from building new power plants. How are we supposed to power our electric cars without them? If they really want to help the environment, they need to allow some kind of new power generations to be built. But now, nothing is safe enough for them, and nothing is clean enough for them.
I'll say it now.
We need to start drilling anywhere there is oil or natural gas.
We need to keep using coal.
We need to keep using Nuclear.
I also think we should invest in and research wind, solar, and wave power. And I think electrical vehicles are the best way to go for personal transportation and even trucking. But that requires MORE power generation, not less.
But we need to become energy independent ASAP. We need to be smart about it, but we need to just ignore the people that want to stop pollution completely. It just won't work.
Morning Bell: The World Is Powering Up While America Powers Down » The Foundry
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Sunday, July 20, 2008
How reliable is DNA in identifying suspects?
I've always wondered about this.
If I were on a jury, how much stock would I put into DNA evidence. On TV and in the News it is offend presented as "iron clad" proof. To me it's a "blackhole" or reather a "blackbox" something that works and I trust, but I can't see "inside" it, I can't see or even understand "how" it works. I just have to trust it.
So it's not really physical evidence, it's "expert" testimony. Physical evident must be something that I, as jury member, can actually see. A fingerprint is a good example. While matching fingerprints isn't always as easy, I could at least see them both and make my own judgement.
But with DNA evidence, there is nothing for a jury to "see". So I've always wonder if DNA alone could make me change my conclusion.
The use of science in the courtroom is great, but it does raise a concern for me. It move the decision away from the jury. The jury is already operating "in the blind" to a large extent. Evidence is suppressed, we are told to "disregard" something we just heard. We can't ask our own questions of witnesses. Now we are asked to just accept scientific evidence that we ourselves cannot understand. Why not just made the decision for us, why ask us to make our own decision in such an isolated mannor?
How reliable is DNA in identifying suspects? - Los Angeles Times
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Posted by
7/20/2008 12:52:00 AM PERMALINK
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Congress's Rules Governing Video is Absurd
Why are the Democrats trying to limit free speech? Do they not use the internet as much? - House Atwitter Over Rules Governing Video, Blog Posts - Politics | Republican Party |
Democratic Party | Political Spectrum
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Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Obama has removed Surge criticism from his website.
Jonathan Martin's Blog: Surge meets purge -
So was he against the Surge before he was for the surge, or what?
Is this the kind of "Change" he's going to do in Washington? Just delete anything that makes him look bad?
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Moonlighting NASA Engineers Say They've Created a Better Rocket
I have mixed emotions on this. NASA certainly should allow better ideas to float to the top and be implemented. But what is "better" is largely a matter of opinion and trade offs between cost, schedule, and capabilities.
It's hard to objectively say one set of trade-offs is definitively "better" than another. - Moonlighting NASA Engineers Say They've Created a Rocket Better Than NASA's - Science News | Science & Technology | Technology News
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Monday, July 14, 2008
Send the ISS to the Moon (and back again?)
Interesting idea... but silly.. it would be easier and less expensive to build a new lunar station than to retrofit the ISS for that purpose. I don't think people realize how uniquely designed space hardware is for a specific mission.
Besides.. what can the ISS do in lunar orbit that it can't do in earth orbit?
It's All Decked Out. Give It Somewhere to Go. -
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Sunday, July 13, 2008
Barack Obama's Christian Journey
An interesting read...
I just can't get over how this journey lead him to the Democratic party. He's campaigning on "Change" meaning he'll somehow change Washington. But I think change needs to start closer to home. If he can't change the position of the Democratic party but rolls with the punches in order to get nominated and then maybe elected President, then I can only assume that Washington DC will withstand his attempts to change it.
But I digress... and I know I shouldn't feel this way, but I just don't like how comfortable he is as a Democrat.
Cover Story: Barack Obama's Christian Journey | Newsweek Politics: Campaign 2008 |
Well, I couldn't stop thinking about this post. I wrote it quickly and it left me with the feeling I was saying one could not be both a Christian and a Democrat at the same time. Religion and politics are not the same thing but they do overlap a lot. There are many fringe political parties out there and I assume that just about anyone could find a party that match their belief 100%. But to really be involved in politics you would need to join one of the major parties, and to do that requires compromise on many of your positions and beliefs.
So neither Democrats nor Republicans are any way close to being a "Christian" party. But the Democrat party has always seemed actually "hostile" towards Christian belief. They embrace a lot of other religions and causes and belief systems, but not Christianity. It's this hostility on the part of the party itself that makes me wonder why any self professing Christian would be a part of it. So again, I wonder how Obama's Christian Journey lead him to the Democrat party? I wonder if Obama can "change" the party of if the party will change him.
He talks a lot about his personal beliefs, but will any of his beliefs be reflected in the party platform? He was able to make Jesse Jackson mad by saying the Black fathers need to stay around throught he tough times and actually help raise their kids. But is he willing to anger the feminist by truthfully saying that women should "stay" pregnant through the tough 9 months and actually give birth to their child? I doubt he's willing to even say that, and he'll never do any to limit "abortion rights". Where's the Christianity in that?
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Posted by
7/13/2008 02:50:00 PM PERMALINK
Labels: 2008 Election, Obama, religion
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Did Jesse Jackson really get "caught"?
This makes more sense..
I mean Jackson was on "FoxNews" for crying out loud, and he doesn't think he has a hot mic?
Either Jackson is an idiot and like Bill Clinton, can't control his temper, which admittedly is an option, or FoxNews got rolled.
Vodkapundit » Conspiracy Theory
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Posted by
7/12/2008 02:25:00 PM PERMALINK
Labels: 2008 Election, Obama
Wednesday, July 09, 2008
Barack Obama: You need to make sure Your Child Can Speak Spanish
Foreigners come to OUR county but WE are the ones that have to change and learn THEIR language.
That's not "Change I can be believe in"
Why is being "bi-lingual" somehow better? Why "must" we do it? If I want to stay in the US and I don't want to move to Mexico, why "must" I learn Spanish? It's a silly statement.
Why is he comparing immigrants (people permanently moving to the US to live and work here) with US tourist (people just visiting) in Europe. It's not a fair comparison and he's smart enough to know that. He just can't pass up an opportunity to "blame Americans". We want to "require" English just because we are too lazy to learn a 2nd language like the rest of the world. Nevermind the simple fact that we have no NEED to learn a 2nd language, we still "must" do it because we have to be the ones in the wrong somehow.
It makes me sick. We are told we must show respect to the culture and language of the people that come here with on respect for our language and culture. It's bass-ackwards if you ask me.
YouTube - Barack Obama: Your Children Should Learn To Speak Spanish
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Posted by
7/09/2008 04:47:00 PM PERMALINK
Labels: 2008 Election, Immigration, Obama
Climate Change Delusion
PSYCHIATRISTS have detected the first case of "climate change delusion" -- And it's NOT Al Gore.
Doomed to a fatal delusion over climate change | Herald Sun
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Posted by
7/09/2008 04:27:00 PM PERMALINK
Labels: Environment, Global Warming
Apparently, one third of us have been copying DVDs
WOW, one third!
I didn't realize it was so high since there is no legal software for doing it. But a lot of th is has to be legitimate DVD copies of legally owned DVDs. I mean do the studios realize what the expected life time of a DVD is in the hands of a 6 year old? Or when left in a hot car for use on the road.
Not using (and not allowing us to make) homemade backup copies of movies in this case is just silly.
Also, my biggest pet peeve is that my bedroom TV is an old VCR/TV comb. I have a DVD connected but the silly Macrovission analog copy protection makes the color and brightness look awful. (as If I would want a VHS copy of a DVD anyways!!!) So I have to make backup copes just to disable that.
So I hope they don't consider this 1/3 number to just be people that copy DVD's they don't really own. Some of us still buy them and just use copies in certain situations to keep them safe.
Apparently, one third of us have been copying DVDs! | Crave, the gadget blog - CNET
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Posted by
7/09/2008 01:05:00 PM PERMALINK
Monday, July 07, 2008
Ghostly Gridlock
I guess it really doesn't matter why a traffic jam occurs, but it is frustrating to know there might not be a "real" reason for the jam. Just people making little mistakes or getting distracted.
No wrecks, so why am I in this traffic jam? --
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Tuesday, July 01, 2008
AT&T’s Text Messages Cost $1,310 per Megabyte
Cooperate Greed at it's finest..
(2nd only to Microsoft charging me for a new OS when my computer died and I built my own replacement. I could reuse the hard-drive, monitor, keyboard, and all my other software but not a perfectly good copy of the OS)
AT&T’s Text Messages Cost $1,310 per Megabyte
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Posted by
7/01/2008 05:02:00 PM PERMALINK
Labels: Consumer Issues, Corperate Power, tech