It's good to see the court view taking a child away from thier parents to be an "extreme" measure only authorized if the children were in immediate danger or when authorized by a court.
Taking all 400 children at once overloaded the system and prevents individual cases from getting the attention they need. It also keeps children waiting way too long.
I'm not defending this cult because I don't know what did or did not happen. But the state abused it's power when it took all the children at once. Only 31 were even thought to be underage teenage girls (only 16 were really underage). So why did the state take all 400 children? Basically because they COULD, and that is wrong. - Texas Appellate Court Rules Officials Did Not Have Right to Seize Polygamist Ranch Children - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News
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Thursday, May 22, 2008
Court Rules Officials Did Not Have Right to Seize Children
Posted by
5/22/2008 04:10:00 PM PERMALINK
Labels: courts, Crime, Rights and Freedoms
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
NBC admits "inadvertent" broadcast flag use
NBC admits "inadvertent" broadcast flag use, still doesn't explain why it actually worked - Engadget HD
This is why this "flag" was a bad idea to begin with. MS should release a patch to disable this.. but they won't...
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Posted by
5/20/2008 12:35:00 PM PERMALINK
Friday, May 16, 2008
Golden State Gay Marriage Ban Struck Down
Pajamas Media » Golden State Gay Marriage Ban Struck Down: "
As a gay man who supports the ideas the institution of marriage embodies, I should be pleased. To some degree, I am grateful that this issue has received the attention it is getting, but I’m also troubled by the decision. To be sure, the court makes some valuable arguments about the merits of recognizing same-sex unions, but I believe those arguments should be made to the citizens of the Golden State, 62% of whom voted in 2000 to define marriage as the union of one man and one woman."
But the court overstepped its bounds in redefining an institution which has long been limited to monogamous relationships between individuals of different genders. In a democracy, the people and their elected representatives should make decisions of this magnitude.
Read on for more great comments... [This Post Continues after the jump...]
Posted by
5/16/2008 11:13:00 AM PERMALINK
Labels: Gay Rights, Marriage
Obama's sniper tale? Nobody clapped?
Obama's sniper tale? When he stood up to Detroit's 'cold' shoulder : Top of the Ticket : Los Angeles Times
He says nobody clapped -- but they did...
(but give me a break, is this really an issue? People were clapping but were they really happy to hear what he said? we're they really agreeing with him, or just being polite?)
[This Post Continues after the jump...]
Posted by
5/16/2008 11:00:00 AM PERMALINK
Labels: 2008 Election, Obama
Thursday, May 15, 2008
GOP could lose 20 more congressional seats
GOP cancer: Party could lose 20 more seats - John F. Harris and Josh Kraushaar -
Well, it's not like we haven't seen this coming. The Republican congress under Bush has been shameful and now they have to pay up...
Hopefully we will be stronger in a couple of years..
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California's Top Court requires gay-marriage - California's Top Court Overturns Same-Sex Marriage Ban - Politics | Republican Party | Democratic Party | Political Spectrum
Four people just change the fundamental structure of our society. In doing so they have overturned the will of the people as expressed through the democratic legislative process. I can all but guarantee you that whatever phrase they used in the California constitution -- it was never intended to allow (rather long "require") gay-marriage and if this use of that phrase were know to the people that wrote it, they would have re-written it or removed it from the constitution.
But the judges know better than WE THE PEOPLE.. don't they? They know what the writers of the constitution REALLY meant.. and what the voters that approved the constitution SHOULD have meant. Right.
No need for reasoned debate. No need to bother with the sometimes slow process of convincing people that you are right. Just get four people to agree with you and you can get your way.
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Monday, May 12, 2008
Pastors to Challenge Ban on Political Activity
TaxProf Blog: Pastors to Challenge Ban on Political Activity by Endorsing Candidates From Pulpit on Sept. 28
Interesting.... right now I support the Ban.. if you are tax-exempt, you can't get political. There should be a little more wiggle room maybe, but without this rule, all sort of "churches" would spring up that would really be political groups.
But am I selling out? I see lifting the Ban as hurting me more than helping me (the the issues I support). So is that the reason I support giving up this "right"? I don't know.
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Ron Paul's forces quietly plot ....
I wonder how true this really is... and how much of this is just the liberal media WANTING it to be true.
I won't put it past the Republicans to go into "self destruct" mode like the Democrats are, but I doubt it will be as bad as the democrats and I doubt Ron Paul can lead squat in the Republican party.
The Media would LOVE something like that... but I doubt anything will come of it...
Ron Paul's forces quietly plot GOP convention revolt against McCain : Top of the Ticket : Los Angeles Times
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Saturday, May 10, 2008
Pope Condemns Contraception, Warns Sex Can Be like a Drug - Pope Condemns Contraception, Warns Sex Can Be a 'Drug' - International News | News of the World | Middle East News | Europe News
I must say I have never understood this teaching. The only reference in the Bible about it is "spilling" your "seed on the ground". But this story seems to be more about a specific case where this was wrong, not that spilling your seed is ALWAYS wrong. Plus I doubt the man in the story (Onan) invented the "withdrawal" technique of contraception on the spot. They seems to already know that doing this would "keep her from having a baby". Onan just took it to an extreme of ALWAYS doing it that way to avoid having a son that was not his heir (see Gen 38).
Verse 10 clearly says "But the LORD considered it a wicked thing for Onan to deny a child to his dead brother. So the LORD took Onan's life...". The sin was clearly "denying a child to his dead brother, not how he did it (spilling his seed).
So I don't see how this restriction can be supported Biblically.
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Thursday, May 08, 2008
Why is the US producing so little energy?
"With the world's largest reserves of coal, after creating the nuclear power industry ex nihilo, and with billions of oil still under our soil and waters, it makes no sense to produce less energy while blaming and taxing those who produce what we have, rather than drilling, digging, and saving, as we find ways to transition to the alternate energies."
Is it really better to pay or enemies and fair-whether "friends" for oil when we really could be independent if we really wanted to?
The Corner on National Review Online
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Wednesday, May 07, 2008
Data recovered from hard drive in Columbia shuttle disaster
Blocks and Files: "Data recovered from Seagate drive in Columbia shuttle disaster" [This Post Continues after the jump...]
Tuesday, May 06, 2008
Newt Gingrich Warns the GOP
You gotta love Newt.... I sure wish congressional republicans would listen to him....
Newt Gingrich Warns the GOP: 'Real Disaster' is Coming - Swampland - TIME
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Monday, May 05, 2008
The Post-American World
Food for thought...
I still haven't read it all and posting it here is not saying I agree with it.
But the first page sounded interesting... I just don't know where it's going...
Excerpt: Fareed Zakaria’s ‘The Post-American World’ | Newsweek International |
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Friday, May 02, 2008
'An Evangelical Manifesto' criticizes politics of faith
This will be interesting to read when it comes out...
'An Evangelical Manifesto' criticizes politics of faith -
more here
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Posted by
5/02/2008 11:34:00 PM PERMALINK