Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Scientists: Gore Goes Too Far in 'An Inconvenient Truth'

FOXNews.com - Scientists: Gore Goes Too Far in 'An Inconvenient Truth' - Science News | Current Articles

Several experts on climate change, including both proponents and skeptics of the man-made global warming theory, question former Vice President Al Gore's assertions in his Academy Award-winning documentary film "An Inconvenient Truth."

"I don't want to pick on Al Gore," said Don J. Easterbrook, a geologist at Western Washington University, told an annual meeting of the Geological Society of America, according to a report in The New York Times. "But there are a lot of inaccuracies in the statements we are seeing, and we have to temper that with real data."

Now the NYT is also calling for Gore to Cool it ...
From a Rapt Audience, a Call to Cool the Hype