Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Civilization as we know it is over

In case you missed it, ABC News correspondent Bill Blakemore, has declared that "civilization as we know it is over" (or at leasts that's what scientist tell him.)

Global warming story hits critical mass:


"Sean Paige, the only panelist who wasn't prepared to jump wholeheartedly on the global warming bandwagon, said a decade of sensationalistic coverage of environmental issues has resulted in a cry-wolf syndrome.

'Maybe the wolf is at the door now,' Paige said, referring to global warming. 'But the public has tuned out. We (journalists) haven't been skeptical enough of the environmental anxiety industry,' he said.

Imagine that, Journalist are supposed to be skeptics...
'And nothing focuses the mind like an impending tidal wave of regulation,' said Paige, referring to the potential for top-down federal rules to regulate greenhouse gases from a Democractic Congress."

"What can be done and what will it cost?" Paige asked. Journalists should be asking whether it's really wise at this point to pour massive resources into prevention when the money might be better spent on adaptive measures. Paige said it's not clear that capping greenhouse gas emissions, for example, will make a meaningful difference in curbing the warming trend.
Imagine that, someone asking "what will it cost?" And "should we spend money to deal with it instead of wasting money trying to hold back the tide of natural (or man-made) climate change.

And Finally, a reporter supporting the right of people to express dissenting opinions. Imagine a reporter doing that!! He must be being paid by the oil industry!! read on...

Paige also said he sees a form of eco-McCarthyism on the rise, with the fixation on "consensus" leading to a muzzling of dissenting voices.

"Let's silence everybody who doesn't agree," Paige said, characterizing the mood as he perceives it and claiming that there are legitimate scientists out there who have valid questions about the state of global warming science. But those voices are not being heard, he said, expressing concern about the potential loss of civil liberties in the rush to find a solution to the problem.