This is an important topic. This guy video taped a public demonstration and sold some of the footage to news organizations. The Government has subpoena the whole tape, which Mr. Wolf will not give them, so he's in jail. They also want him to testify.
I can understand (but not necessarily agree with) not testifying about what people told him as a reporter, but I don't understand not turning over the tape. Its evidence of what actually happened that day, anyone standing in this public place would have seen the same thing, there is nothing "private" about it, nothing "confidential" about it. The people in the video did not ask for confidentiality when what they were doing was a PUBLIC demonstration. So why protect it?
As I understand it, If I see a crime, I have to report it. As a citizen I have no right to refuse to testify about what I see or hear or know (unless it incriminated myself). So why do "reporters" claim this right? What makes them special? The internet is making more and more people into "amateur reporters" so the distinction is becoming harder to make. Soon there will be no one left that can be subpoenaed.
I think everyone has a responsibility to truthfully testify about what they see, hear, or know if there is reasonable reason to think they know something useful. Without the power to force people to testify, our court system, and indeed our society will slowly breakdown.
I don't think its fair when Journalist talk about the dangers of loosing the rights of Journalist not to testify when they fail to acknowledge the dangers on the other side of the issue. The more people who are "exempt" for testifying about what they know, the more Dangerous our society becomes, I also think it's DANGEROUS for the government to recognize two classes of citizens, Journalist and non-journalist, we should all have the same rights, and we should all be required to testify when needed. These Dangers must be balance with the dangers of a police state or 1984-type government.
Democracy Now! | EXCLUSIVE: Imprisoned Journalist Josh Wolf Speaks Out From Jail After Over 170 Days Behind Bars
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