Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Russian Wisdom

The Russians have some great advice for France and for the US regarding imigrants. I just wonder how many Americans have to die before we put aside our liberal based PC mentality and do what is required:

Also Tuesday, nationalist parliament deputy Dmitry Rogozin urged Russia's interior ministry to increase checks on immigrants and identify "potential instigators" of riots. "The interior ministry should take preventive measures against those who could organise unrest, up to and including detention and deportation," Rogozin said in an interview with the Nezavisimaya Gazeta daily. Rogozin said law enforcement forces should increase checks on diasporas from the Caucasus and Central Asia "with the aim of preventing violent action by illegal immigrants in Moscow and other cities."

My paraphrase: Don't let the people in and if they are in and participating in this type of activity, throw them in Jail for 10 years or deport them (thier choice).


Michael said...

Is there a link to an article on this?

What is the advice expect to deport imigrants that cause trouble. Something I think both countries already do.

The question is what to do with Natrualized citizens that cause trouble, and also birthright citizens that still cling to their parent's culture and values (and not there country of birth)

My respons
1 - illegal immigrant - KICK THEM OUT
1a - 2nd offense illegal immigrant - Hold them for a week, then kick them out.
3rd offense, hold them for a month, and let it increase quickly

2 - legal immigrant convicted of a felony - KICK THEM OUT (maybe hold them first)

3 - Naturalized Citizen convicted of a felony should be treated no differently than any other citizen.

Michael said...

If you do the crime, you should do the time -- and not get out of jail free just for agreeing to leave the country.