Friday, October 07, 2005

Renamed: How can Democrats Win ?

A Real Contract With America?

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  1. Crack Down on Corruption:
  2. Make America Safe:
  3. Unleash New Energy for America:
  4. Rebuild America First:
  5. Make Work Pay:
  6. Make Healthcare Affordable for All:
  7. Protect Retirement Security:
  8. Keep the Promise of Opportunity:
  9. Refocus on Real Security for America:

Report Warns Democrats Not to Tilt Too Far Left:

Best Qutoes:
In one of their more potentially controversial findings, the authors argue that the rising numbers and influence of well-educated, socially liberal voters in the Democratic Party are pulling the party further from most Americans.

"liberals espouse views diverging not only from those of other Democrats, but from Americans as a whole

They warn against overreliance on a strategy of solving political problems by "reframing" the language by which they present their ideas, as advocated by linguist George Lakoff of the University of California at Berkeley: "The best rhetoric will fail if the public rejects the substance of a candidate's agenda or entertains doubts about his integrity."

Their basic thesis is that the number of solidly conservative Republican voters is substantially larger that the reliably Democratic liberal voter base

“Sometimes the problem with being a Democrat is being a Democrat,”

-- James Carville (A Democrat)

"...[we] need more narrative like Winnie the Pooh stories"

Al Gore '08 (my attempt at Gogglebombing)