Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Woman who plays music to horses told to get licence

This is absurd. You can't listen the radio at "work"? What if she bought and paid for CD?

It's crap like this that is bringing down the music industry. They want to keep making money off of (someone else's) past work. It's BS and I wish this lady could challenge it in court, or at least the court of public opinion.

I see little difference in these incensing fees and the bonuses paid to the AIG executives, and there should be a similar public outcry over getting paid forever for "owning" a song. Notice I said owner, not writer or performer.. they probably sold it long ago and even if they didn't, how much of this license fee would they actually see? How would this company know WHICH songs were played so the right performers could get the money? It's a scam and should be shutdown!!

Woman who plays classical music to soothe horses told to get licence - Telegraph [This Post Continues after the jump...]

Thursday, March 26, 2009

So Much for Obama's Promise of Unity

So Much for Obama's Promise of Unity and us all coming together as a nation. Of course this is the fastest way for us the see the mistake we've made in electing so many Democrats to office. I just hope the damage can be undone later.

Reid Leaves Open Option for Extreme Maneuver on Health Care, Energy Overhauls - First 100 Days of Presidency - Politics FOXNews.com [This Post Continues after the jump...]

Obama's Attack on Charitable Giving

Charities Skeptical About Obama's Proposed Tax Change - First 100 Days of Presidency - Politics FOXNews.com:

"Ironically, Obama's proposal to change tax policy is intended to help raise hundreds of billions of dollars for expanding health care -- but Hillman said in the near-term, the tweak to charitable donations policy could put more strain on hospitals that rely heavily on philanthropy."

This is incredible stupid. Someone willing gives money to an objective "good cause" (ie an approved charity) and in the past the Government gives a tax break to the person giving the money. The tax break isn't extra money, or less taxes on the rest of their money, it just a simple deal - If you give money away to help others, the government won't make you pay taxes on that money.

You give $100 to a worthy charity of you choice
You don't pay taxes on that money.

New plan (with correct math - it's very complecaited!)
You give $100 to a worthy charity of your choice
You also give $7 to the government (to fund some atrocity like medical experiments on human embryos)
for a total of $107

or more likely...
You pay $7 in taxes on the $100 of income if you give it away
If you keep it, you pay $35 (and only "keep" $65)
So for every $100 you make, you can keep $65 or give $93 away
Where as before, you could give away the whole $100

This is a stupid plan, and it's SO Stupid I think it's a distraction and I question the real reason behind it... which I think will be to re-categorize what is and isn't an "approved charity"....more on that later. [This Post Continues after the jump...]

'Cold Fusion' Rediscovered

FOXNews.com - Navy Chemist May Have Rediscovered 'Cold Fusion' - Science News | Science & Technology | Technology News

Man, I hope this is true..

Hyper-drive, transporters and Anti-gravity can't be far behind... (seriously. things have to start somewhere, cheap clean power will open up a world of other discoveries...) [This Post Continues after the jump...]

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

FACT CHECK: Obama Having It Both Ways

Some things NEVER CHANGE... Obama is saying one thing, and writing another in his budget.

FACT CHECK: Obama Having It Both Ways on Economy? - First 100 Days of Presidency - Politics FOXNews.com [This Post Continues after the jump...]

Texas School Board Set to Vote on Evolution

Texas School Board Set to Vote on Challenge to Evolution - WSJ.com

Wow... maybe there is hope after all... [This Post Continues after the jump...]

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

An American's Creed - Dean Alfange

It is my right to be uncommon ... if I can;
I seek opportunity ... not security.
I do not wish to be a kept citizen, humbled and dulled by having the state look after me.
I want to take the calculated risk; to dream and to build, to fail and to succeed.

I refuse to barter incentive for a dole. I prefer the challenges of life to the guaranteed existence; the thrill of fulfillment to the stole calm of utopia.

I will not trade freedom for beneficence nor my dignity for a handout.
I will never cower before any master nor bend to any threat.

It is my heritage to stand erect, proud, and unafraid; to think and act for myself; enjoy the benefits of my creations and to face the world boldly and say, ‘This I have done, and this is what it means to be an American

This is from Dean Alfange, the FOUNDER of the LIBERAL party of New York...
I guess liberal meant something different in 1942 [This Post Continues after the jump...]

New Test Can Detect Early Alzheimer's

I wonder how soon I should start having this....

and what can be done if the tests are positive....

FOXNews.com - New Test Can Detect Early Alzheimer's, Study Finds - Health News | Current Health News | Medical News

[This Post Continues after the jump...]

Thursday, March 12, 2009

An Astronaut's Advice

Retire the Space Shuttle by 2010

Use the International Space Station

Send Explorers Beyond the ISS—Soon

Reaffirm America's Place in Space

Unleash the Commercial Space Industry

Inspire the Next Generation of Space Explorers

An Astronaut's Advice for President Obama - NASA's Space Shuttle, Exploration and Getting Back to the Moon - Popular Mechanics: "n"

[This Post Continues after the jump...]

Monday, March 09, 2009

More Americans say they have no religion

Fifteen percent of respondents said they had no religion, an increase from 14.2 percent in 2001 and 8.2 percent in 1990, according to the American Religious Identification Survey.
The Associated Press: More Americans say they have no religion

I just realized this is from the AP... Now I wonder how accurate the reporting on this study is... [This Post Continues after the jump...]

Monday, March 02, 2009

Barack Got Enemy

Ouch, this would hurt!

Obama is masterful! He says "lobbyists" won't like his budget, but that's silly. Tons of lobbyists LOVE his budget because they're getting lots of pork, and they're going to keep quiet about it.

The ones that got nothing are going to complain, but then everyone will think they are the evil lobbyists that Obama warned them about. So now, only people that oppose this budget are "lobbyists" as if all the special interest group that are rolling in the money now have some how risen above the dreaded "lobbyist" label.

It's brilliant, and I'm afraid it's going to work.

Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion: Barack Got Enemy [This Post Continues after the jump...]