OpinionJournal - Peggy Noonan
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Saturday, December 29, 2007
Reasonable Person for President.
Posted by Michael at 12/29/2007 12:30:00 AM PERMALINK 0 comments
Labels: 2008 Election
Friday, December 21, 2007
Senate Report - Over 400 Scientists Dispute Man-Made Global Warming
Slowly, the truth is coming out...
.: U.S. Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works :: Minority Page :.
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Posted by Michael at 12/21/2007 09:58:00 AM PERMALINK 0 comments
Labels: Global Warming, Science
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
What Are the Laws of Nature?
Universe - Laws of Nature - Physics - New York Times
I tend to think the laws of nature are not laws at are, they don't govern or control nature, they just describe it, and predict it.
Please that think the laws of nature actually control the universe are just substituting "Science" in place of "God".
But if you believe God created a structured, consistent, rational universe, then using the tools of science to learn about the universe is both fun and profitable. And it in no way conflicts with Religion. Just because the universe is rational and natural, doesn't mean there isn't anything "supernatural". It just means science can't be used to study or describe or even detect anything supernatural.
Science, by its nature, ASSUMES there is no supernatural forces or events in the universe. So Science cannot be used to prove or disprove God. But many people think it can.
and here is the original op-ed ...
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Posted by Michael at 12/18/2007 02:17:00 PM PERMALINK 0 comments
21 Questions Answered About Mormon Faith
This is not very deep, but interesting and informative none the less...
As I understand it from reading on "BeliefNet" Mormons accept the entire new testament and add their "book of Mormon". The two taken together lead to a slightly (but significant) different understanding of God and Jesus and salvation. They pretty much reject any Catholic and Protestants teaching and interpretation of the New Testament, but not the New Testament itself (at least not the Gospels)
This is understandable. The Bible gives us a set of "dots" and we connect them to form a understanding of God and everything. The Book of Mormon adds more "dots" so it is understandable that the Mormons connected them differently and get a different overall "picture".
I don't know anything about the Book of Mormon so I can't say if their "dots" are right or wrong or agree with or even contradict the "dots" given in the Bible. I think Mormons accept ALL the Bible, but maybe they don't accept certain books or use different translations, but they at least see no contradiction between the two. Which says something. - 21 Questions Answered About Mormon Faith - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News
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Posted by Michael at 12/18/2007 11:18:00 AM PERMALINK 0 comments
Labels: Candidates-R, religion
Monday, December 17, 2007
John McCain in the Home Stretch - The Glenn and Helen Show
If you're into PODcasts, this is great.... - The Glenn and Helen Show: John McCain in the Home Stretch
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Posted by Michael at 12/17/2007 09:42:00 AM PERMALINK 0 comments
Labels: Candidates-R, McCain, Primaries
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Lieberman to endorse McCain
Lieberman to endorse McCain - John McCain News-
Now this IS interesting.... I wonder how a McCain/Liberman ticket would go over....
I think it would be great, assuming the two of them get along and have enough in common to be a team. But talk about an administration that could unite the country...
I don't see how the Democrats could field anything that would compete with this. Of course Liberman would have to "sell his soul" to run on a Republican ticket and I'm not sure anyone would be willing to do that.
But what if McCain does well in the primaries, but doesn't win. Depending on who wins on both the Republicans and Democrat sides, an independent McCain/Lieberman ticket (or even Lieberman/McCain) would be possible.
Talk about shaking things up!!
Of course, I'm probably interested just because it would shake things up... Like Perot, there was no way I really wanted him to win or even come close, but it was great to see the shake up.... but this is different, this is possible.
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Posted by Michael at 12/16/2007 11:38:00 PM PERMALINK 0 comments
Labels: Candidates-R, McCain, Primaries
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
The REAL reason for the Shuttle Launch Delay
The REAL reason for the Shuttle Launch Delay... Monster Spiders!!
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Posted by Michael at 12/12/2007 05:01:00 PM PERMALINK 0 comments
Global-Warming Model May Be Wrong
Say it ain't so Joe....err... Al... - Study: Part of Global-Warming Model May Be Wrong - Science News | Science & Technology | Technology News
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Posted by Michael at 12/12/2007 04:41:00 PM PERMALINK 0 comments
Labels: Global Warming, Science
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Huckabee's Glass Jaw
Tue Dec 11 2007 10:27:53 ET
Democrat party officials are avoiding any and all criticism of Republican presidential contender Mike Huckabee, insiders reveal.
The Democratic National Committee has told staffers to hold all fire, until he secures the party's nomination.
The directive has come down from the highest levels within the party, according to a top source.
Within the DNC, Huckabee is known as the "glass jaw -- and they're just waiting to break it."
In the last three weeks since Huckabee's surge kicked in, the DNC hasn't released a single press release criticizing his rising candidacy.
The last DNC press release critical of Huckabee appeared back on March 2nd.
[DNC Press Release Attack Summary:
Governor Mitt Romney (R-MA) – 37% (99 press releases)
Mayor Rudy Giuliani (R-NY) – 28% (74)
Senator John McCain (R-AZ) – 24% (64)
Senator Fred Thompson (R-TN) – 8% (20)
Governor Mike Huckabee – 2% (4)]
In fact, as the story broke over the weekend that Huckabee said he wanted to isolate AIDS patients back in 1992, the DNC ignored the opportunity to slam the candidate from the left.
"He'll easily be their McGovern, an easy kill," mocked one senior Democrat operative Tuesday morning from Washington.
"His letting out murderers because they shout 'Jesus', his wanting to put 300,000 AIDS patients and Magic Johnson into isolation, ain't even scratching the surface of what we've got on him."
The discipline the Democrats have shown in not engaging Huckabee has earned the praise of one former Republican Party official:
"The Democrats are doing a much better job restraining themselves than the GOP did in 2003 when Howard Dean looked like he was on the brink of winning the nomination."
A close friend to Huckabee explains: "Look, Mike is Hillary Clinton's worst nightmare. They should be squirming."
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Posted by Michael at 12/11/2007 04:55:00 PM PERMALINK 0 comments
Labels: 2008 Election, Candidates-R, Primaries
MP3s From CDs Are Unauthorized
This is ridiculous....
Slashdot | RIAA Argues That MP3s From CDs Are Unauthorized: "'It is undisputed that Defendant possessed unauthorized copies... Virtually all of the sound recordings... are in the '.mp3' format for his and his wife's use... Once Defendant converted Plaintiffs' recordings into the compressed .mp3 format and they are in his shared folder, they are no longer the authorized copies...''"
and makes this all the more scary..
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Posted by Michael at 12/11/2007 08:30:00 AM PERMALINK 0 comments
Labels: copyright
Monday, December 10, 2007
This is starting to come to light.... - Media Coverage of Mall Shooting Fails to Reveal Mall's Gun-Free-Zone Status - Opinion
Let's see, which makes more sense...
- Gun Free Zone - 8 Killed, when done, the gunman killed himself
- Gun's Allowed Church - Only 2 killed, gunman shot by armed church member while the gunman had plenty of ammo left.
Posted by Michael at 12/10/2007 11:00:00 PM PERMALINK 1 comments
Labels: Crime, Gun Control, Media Bias, Rights and Freedoms
Friday, December 07, 2007
Copyright Police
Congress' copyright reform: seize computers, boost penalties, spend money
Before you think this only applies to the "real pirates" who profit from copyright violation, keep in mind that many people think coping a CD to a PC is a copyright violation, and this new law would allow police to take your PC just for that reason.
More Here... Copy That Floppy, Lose Your Computer
Note that you do not have to be found guilty of ANYTHING to permanently loose your PC.
and Here
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Posted by Michael at 12/07/2007 12:05:00 PM PERMALINK 0 comments
Labels: copyright, Goverment Power
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
RV parking rules
Brevard revisits RV parking rules | | Serving Brevard County and Florida’s Space Coast
Our county commissioners have too much time on their hands. Where are people supposed to park their RV's if they can't park them on their own property? What is the point of OWNING property if you can't use it as you want to.
If you want to control your neighbor's property, then BUY it.. otherwise deal with it.
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Posted by Michael at 12/05/2007 10:31:00 AM PERMALINK 0 comments
Labels: Goverment Power, HOA, Rights and Freedoms
Monday, December 03, 2007
All about coal--a necessary evil
FAQ: All about coal--a necessary evil | CNET
Very interesting reading. If we could replace our use of gas with bio-fuels, hybrids, and electric cars, we could eliminate our dependence on oil.
But we would pollute more.
But we can develop ways to capture the pollution and CO2 at power plants. It sounds like there are many options.
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Posted by Michael at 12/03/2007 08:59:00 AM PERMALINK 0 comments
Labels: Alternative Fuels, Energy Policy, Environment, Global Warming