Wow, I didn't even know this was "in the works". I don't know all the details yet, but its good to know we can protest abortion in a way that actually gets some attention or slows things down or whatever.
Not that I do that offent (or ever) but its a tactic used by other groups, so why not abortion? - Politics News - Supreme Court Rules in Favor of Abortion Protesters
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Tuesday, February 28, 2006
Supreme Court Rules in Favor of Abortion Protesters
Monday, February 27, 2006
Dear Hillary: Don't Run
Sorry guys, she's runnin'
Seriously, I don't think anyone could turn down such an opportunity.
She'll run, and she might actually win. Depends on who the Republicans counter with.
Dear Hillary: Don't Run:
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Sunday, February 26, 2006
The End of Europe’s Tolerance?
Excellent article. However, the author's tone seems to suggest that what is happening, should not happen, or is some how wrong or foolish.
I think its exactly what needs to happen in Europe and in the US. Immigration SHOULD be the melting pot model, where a person melts into the country he/she is immigrating to. They have a small effect on the whole pot, but the pot has a LARGE effect on them. The "When in Rome" idea of immigrating . Other models like the "salad" model they taught at a NASA multicultural class where people retain their individual culture and just physically "mix" together just doesn't work. The different parts of the salad start fighting and there is no common culture anymore. This is what happened in with the Islamic riots in France last year.
Cartoons: The End of EuropeÃÂÃ’s Tolerance? - Newsweek: International Editions -
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Friday, February 24, 2006
Black Box Voting : 2-23-06: Someone accessed 40 Palm Beach County voting machines Nov 2004
The phrase "told you so" comes to mind. Democrats were so eager to go "electronic" that these machines were forced on us. The results are predictable.
Electronic voting leaves MORE room for debating the results of an election, not less.
Black Box Voting : 2-23-06: Someone accessed 40 Palm Beach County voting machines Nov 2004
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Wednesday, February 22, 2006
Hollywood vs. Your PC: Round 2
My favorite topic, when will people wake up? - Hollywood vs. Your PC: Round 2
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Court Documents: Hospital Gave Lethal Injections to Patients During Hurricane Katrina
This demonstrates a complete lack of a valid "plan"...
I doubt they will ever be able to prove anything. unless someone confesses. People accusing others at this stage will look like they are covering up their own misdeeds or out to frame someone. (assuming they don't already have specific allegations on the record now, but then charges would have already been filed.)
Court Documents: Hospital Gave Lethal Injections to Patients During Hurricane Katrina
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Monday, February 20, 2006
Holocaust Denier Gets Three Years in Jail
Denying the Holocaust is stupid, but is it criminal?
Certainly some of the "facts" will be forever lost to the fog of war, and honest people can argue and disagree on things like how much Hitler actually knew about, how many people were executed versus died from harsh conditions (which is a very minor distinction). Some people could even deny the whole holocaust just to get people to think about it and discuss it.
But I have a big problem with arresting people for merely stating an opinion. What ever happened to "I may disagree with what you say, but I will fight to the death for your right to say it" ??
Holocaust Denier Gets Three Years in Jail
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The Misguided And Cowardly Outrage Of The Press
I love this..
At the same time, the same media outlets that have kept its customers in the dark [about the cartoons.. they] screeched like banshees when Dick Cheney took all of eighteen hours to reveal that he had accidentally shot his hunting partner and friend .... arguing that the story was so important that it could not be trusted to the Corpus Christi local paper to inform the they really DIDN'T wait, just gave it to the local paper, not the White House Pres Corps. What Cry babies.....
In conclusion this article says...
When our media has the testicular fortitude to report on terrorists honestly, then they will have gained the moral authority to lecture any White House on censorship and the responsibility of fully informing the public. Until then, such demonstrations as we saw this week by the White House press corps only stands as a perverse monument to the media's hypocrisy and venality.
Captain's Quarters
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Copyright sings to a different tune
Oh dear!!
When Mickey Mouse was about to loose his copyright protection, Disney persuaded the US congress to extend the time frame.
I suspect the Beatles hold similar power in the UK, so the time limit will probably be extended there too.
BBC NEWS | Technology | Copyright sings to a different tune
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Thursday, February 16, 2006
Independent Online Edition > Environment
From the article:
...So that is what we can look forward to if we don't act soon. None of the current climate and ice models predict this. But I prefer the evidence from the Earth's history and my own eyes.
So instead of the best models "Science" has to offer, this guy is going with his personal views and anecdotal evidence. But Bush is somehow the one that's "anti-Science" on this one...
Independent Online Edition > Environment [This Post Continues after the jump...]
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
In Rare Briefing, China Defends Internet Controls - New York Times
China is getting smarter. They see our heated argument over civil liberties and the Patriot act, and the NSA spying and tie their censorship into.
It might actually work for some people. We go so myopic about our issues that we fail to see that anything the US government is doing is tame compared to what China is doing.
In Rare Briefing, China Defends Internet Controls - New York Times
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White House Toughens Stance on China Trade
Too Little too late?
better than Nothing?
AP Economics Writer
WASHINGTON (AP) -- The Bush administration on Tuesday announced it will step up enforcement of U.S. trade laws governing China, following a top-to-bottom review of America's trading relationship with the Asian giant.
The increased enforcement will be led by a new chief counsel for China trade enforcement within the office of U.S. Trade Representative Rob Portman.
Portman announced a number of steps during a news conference in which he released a 29-page report detailing the findings of a six-month review of America's economic relationship with China.
"The time has come to readjust our trade policy with respect to China," Portman said. "As a mature trading partner, China should be held accountable for its actions and required to live up to its responsibilities, including opening markets and enforcing intellectual property rights."
Portman vowed to "use all options available" to meet this goal.
However, critics said the administration's failure to aggressively prosecute China's unfair trading practices contributed to last year's record $725.8 billion trade deficit. They faulted the administration for not immediately announcing new cases against China before the World Trade Organization.
Portman told reporters during a news conference that the administration will not hesitate to file new cases against Beijing if negotiations fail to resolve various pending disputes.
Sen. Charles Schumer, D-N.Y., faulted the administration's report for failing to deal with what many manufacturing companies see as a major contributor to the trade gap - Chinese policies that keep China's currency undervalued against the U.S. dollar, giving the country huge trade advantages against U.S. producers.
"It is amazing that in a comprehensive 29-page report, the trade representative fails to mention the 800 pound gorilla in the room - how China manipulates its currency," Schumer said in a statement.
The administration's announcement Tuesday followed news last Friday that America's trade deficit with China rose to $201.6 billion, the largest deficit the United States has ever incurred with a single country.
This soaring trade deficit has increased pressure on the administration from lawmakers who want to see a tough crackdown on what they believe are unfair trading practices by China, such as manipulating its currency and copyright piracy.
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Monday, February 13, 2006
A Surplus Of Embryos
Hardly a "balanced" report... but what should I expect from 60 minutes??
CBS News | A Surplus Of Embryos | February 12
And here's something more..
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Audits show millions in Katrina aid wasted
Why we still think doing things like this at the FEDERAL level is somehow "better" is beyond me. The BIGGER the program, the more the Fraud and Waste.
But we are so quick to turn everything over to the feds.
Audits show millions in Katrina aid wasted - Nation/World
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Thank God for Darwin and evolution ?
To me, all intelligent Design did was to point out, in Science class, that our current Science has HOLES in it. Since this is true, I don't understand why Scientist want to HIDE the holes. The HOLES should be taught if for no other reason but to hope that one of the students will one day FILL THE HOLE.
To ignore the HOLES is saying "Trust us SCIENCE can explain EVERYTHING!" which simply is not true. | 02/11/2006 | Thank God for Darwin and evolution
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Islamo-bullies get a free ride from the West
When the Westerb PRESS itself becomes "terrorised" (afraid to print something due to threats of violence) then we are indeed in trouble....
Islamo-bullies get a free ride from the West - Sunday Times - Times Online
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Sunday, February 12, 2006
Thursday, February 09, 2006
Poll: Democrats Make Gains on Issues
I for one do favor "divided government", However, I would only want dems to take control of the House or representatives. The Senate is still too important for judicial nominations.
This seems to be a "national" poll. I wonder how it breaks down in congressional races that are being seriously challenged. 2 years ago there wasn't even a Democrat to vote for in my District. Given a choice, I might actually vote *cough* for a *cough* Democrat - FOX News Polls News - FNC Poll - 02/09/06 FOX News Poll: Democrats Make Gains on Issues
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Bush Details Foiled 2002 Terror Attack
I for one wish more info on this would get out..
It's funny how the "good" stuff doesn't get leaked out. - Politics News - Bush Details Foiled 2002 Terror Attack
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Wednesday, February 08, 2006
Some Democrats Are Sensing Missed Opportunities
At least there is some good news....
Some Democrats Are Sensing Missed Opportunities - New York Times
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Evangelical Leaders Join Global Warming Initiative
I've still don't buy into the "global warming" rhetoric. The history of the planet show NATURAL variations in climate, some very extreme.
However, I've always also supported reducing pollution, especially the foolish or lazy pollution that could easily be stopped, and I think there is still a lot of this type around.
However, I am very suspicious of the "global warming" crowd. The more they predict dire consequences from what humans are doing, the more I fear their "solution" will be extreme and costly.
Evangelical Leaders Join Global Warming Initiative - New York Times
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Monday, February 06, 2006
NASA Chief Backs Agency Openness - New York Times
Although I don't think adding the word "theory" after the words "Big Bang" is all that horrible. I mean it IS a theory afterall...
NASA Chief Backs Agency Openness - New York Times
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Thursday, February 02, 2006
Amy Goodman - US media at 'all-time low'
I've just recently become aware of Amy Goodman. And if this is what she thinks, I'm not too impressed. Correct me if I'm wrong, but she seems to be saying that All US media "bad" and "al-Jazeera" is somehow "good" or starting to fill the spot that US journalism used to hold.
She says -- "If people in the US had a true picture of war - dead babies, women with their legs blown off, dead and dying soldiers - they would say 'no'," she said.
Not to sound gib, but "War is Hell". If everyone saw this stuff during WWII they would have said "No" to war and Hitler would rule Europe. If American's had this information during the Revolutionary War, the USA would not exist. And we would be two countries now if the Civil War didn't happen (and who can know how minorities would be treated in the Confederacy).
THE POINT is that war is sometimes necessary. It's never good, but it can leads to better things. She seems to not realize this.
If the Iraq War is "wrong" then it is not wrong because War is Hell, all wars are hell! And the very freedoms she enjoys rests on the US fighting and winning several wars. The very freedom she enjoys was bought with dead babies, women with their legs blown off, and dead and dying soldiers. Ms Goodman should be a little more grateful for their sacrifice.
Guardian Unlimited | Special reports | US media at 'all-time low'
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The real Bush? by Robert Novak
I for one thought this was only his 2nd worse SOTU address. Last years seemed to have much more spending and bigger government in it. :: Columns :: The real Bush? by Robert Novak - Feb 2, 2006
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Pirates: It Takes One to Know One
Music Industry... heal thyself...
Wired News: Pirates: It Takes One to Know One
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An Energy Revolution
Skip down to "THE ALCOHOL SOLUTION" section.
I for one would support this... with what I know now.
I wonder what the engergy cost for making Enthanol is.
(its probably in here somewhere...)
The American Enterprise: An Energy Revolution
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Wednesday, February 01, 2006
Transcript: Democrats Respond
WOW, I wished I had watched this now. This is Great.
If this is what Democrats actually stand for, then I might actually switch parties. SERIOUSLY.
Read it here.
(I might add it as a comment since I don't know how long it will stay online) - Politics News - Transcript: Democrats Respond
Just about EVERY thing the Democrats say Bush is doing wrong can be corrected or done BETTER at the STATE LEVEL. Hallelujah! ANY party that would seriously recommend that this many issues can be dealt with at the STATE level rather than at the Federal level would have my whole hearted support.
If it were only true!!
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End of the Spear Actor is Gay.
I'm glad I didn't know this before I saw the movie. The movie was great. Knowing this now is great. It proves my position that it really doesn't matter. It's when an actor or others make an issue of their offscreen life that it can ruin a good movie.
Is it possible to find a good hollywood actor these days that measure up to the Christian ideal in every way? Maybe. But you would have to look hard and then be stuck with only a handful of stars to be in every Christian themed movie.
Religion: Love the Film, Hate the Sin? Christians Debate. - Newsweek Periscope -
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