Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Gore: Eavesdropping Program Threatens Structure of Government

FOXNews.com - Politics - Gore: Eavesdropping Program Threatens Structure of Government

And to think that this guy was a few votes away from being PRESIDENT at the time of the 9/11 attacks. It's easy to attack what other people do to fight terrorism, but what would he do? Allow Al Queda to call anyone in the US, and then rush to get a warrent before they hangup? It just wouldn't work.

He admits he doesn't know all the details, but that sure doesn't stop him from drawing some harsh CONCLUSIONS about what he doesn't know.

At a time of WAR, it is not "unresonable" for international calls or emails to be considered "non-private". All the Consitution protects against is "unreasonable searches and seizures". Anyone that thinks what has been publicly disclosed is "unreasonable" are not qualified to be our leaders. Anyone speculating about what hasn't been disclosed needs to choose their words better.