Thursday, December 18, 2008

Church Plans to Make a Memeber's Sins Public

This article makes this sound like a horrible thing the church is doing. But is it?
They are following biblical teaching and apparently it was something the tell every member about.

Now, certainly it is weird that the Church is continuing to deal with this after she's left. But even that has a positive side to it, If a friend cuts off your relationship for the wrong reasons, wouldn't you keep pursuing them at least for awhile?

If this woman had a drug problem and was on a binge, should her friends in the church just forget about her? Well, this isn't a physical problem, but it is sin, and her friends aren't giving up on her.

But even that analogy breaks down, there are good ways and bad ways to deal with many different problems. This seems, from this one-sided slanted article, to be a bad way to deal with this. - Florida Woman Says Former Church Plans to Make Her Sins Public - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News