Friday, August 29, 2008

Obama's confusing blend of left-right economics.

Commentary: Obama's confusing blend of left-right economics -

[Paraphrasing Obama] "Simply put: You have to do what you can for yourself, but that you also have to do for others."

There is the rub: If everyone were to adhere to the first part, there will be no need for the second. Besides, even if we buy the idea that, as Obama said, "I am my brother's keeper, I am my sister's keeper," there is still the question of whether government should do the keeping.

My answer is NO, government is not anyone's keeper. But the democrats fatal flaw is that they think Government should be everyone's keeper.

As far as the confusing "left/right" blend on any subject, what else would you expect. Obama presents himself as the savor of America. How else can he say that unless he says he's do BOTH liberal and conservative things? It doesn't matter that he contradicts himself constantly, people tend to hear what they want to hear. If he says "People should help themselves" that's what some hear. It doesn't matter that later he says essentially that government should help those who ignore this first statement. And that's what others hear. So it's a win-win for Obama but we still have no idea what he will REALLY do once elected.