Saturday, May 10, 2008

Pope Condemns Contraception, Warns Sex Can Be like a Drug - Pope Condemns Contraception, Warns Sex Can Be a 'Drug' - International News | News of the World | Middle East News | Europe News

I must say I have never understood this teaching. The only reference in the Bible about it is "spilling" your "seed on the ground". But this story seems to be more about a specific case where this was wrong, not that spilling your seed is ALWAYS wrong. Plus I doubt the man in the story (Onan) invented the "withdrawal" technique of contraception on the spot. They seems to already know that doing this would "keep her from having a baby". Onan just took it to an extreme of ALWAYS doing it that way to avoid having a son that was not his heir (see Gen 38).

Verse 10 clearly says "But the LORD considered it a wicked thing for Onan to deny a child to his dead brother. So the LORD took Onan's life...". The sin was clearly "denying a child to his dead brother, not how he did it (spilling his seed).

So I don't see how this restriction can be supported Biblically.


Michael said...

I disagree with the teach and see no biblical basis for it, but it's not "promoting child abuse and negligent parents". If people choose to disobey the moral and biblical laws for providing for their children, that's their choice and their sin. It would be silly for them to obey the rules on not using contraception and then do the much more egregious sin of child abuse. They may do it, but there is no cause and effect between the two.

And give me a break, Linking the church's teaching on condoms and the spread of AIDS is lame. It's an easy excuse for attacking a church people already disagree with. People don't use condoms because they don't like the way they feel. If they were really afraid of God's punishment, they wouldn't be having sex with multiple partners to begin with.

If the church merely changed it's teaching on condoms, I doubt anything would change.

I don't think the rules on the use of contraception are evil, they are just useless. Most people ignore them and they only serve to make people feel guilty and undermine the authority of the chuch.