Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Girl Dies After Parents Pray for Healing - Police: Girl Dies After Parents Pray for Healing Instead of Seeking Medical Help - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News

This is obviously an extreme case, but where do you draw the line? I can't help but to think these parents WOULD have gotten medical help IF they had known what was involved and how serious it was. Nothing in this says the parents were adamantly opposed to modern medicine. They just seem to have avoided it.

But what if they were religiously (or otherwise) opposed? Can parents refuse treatment for situation where treatment is possible and effective? (ignoring the cases at the limits of our medical knowledge right now)

I think state involvement to FORCE a limited examination and diagnosis is acceptable in most cases. And I hope that would have been enough in this case (but I have no way of knowing). But treatment cannot (or should not) be forced in my opinion, even to prevent a death like this.

But a senseless and avoidable death of a young child like this is almost enough to make me support or consider supporting more state power to prevent them. I just have to be careful and remember the down side of too much state power.


Anonymous said...

Those who say they are depending on their faith or say the lord will provide for healing seem to miss one very important fact he has, many doctors, nurse, and hospital staff are also people of faith and believe, that is why they are doing their ministry's in the fullest sense in the medical realm. For they have been given the gift of God to bring healing too their fellow believers and the world as a whole. When one refuses that gift one in a sense telling God they know better and want to see him perform for them. When he has provide what they have asked for already. Sometimes one needs to open ones eyes to what is right in front of them.