Wednesday, February 06, 2008

McCain's Team America

How McCain Beats the Dem Nominee: The Team America Strategy - - Scott Ott

Here's TEAM AMERICA that can win in November (at least according to Scott Ott, whoever he is..)

  • John McCain - President and "Commander in Chief"
  • Fred Thompson - Vice President and "Constitutional conscience of the administration"
  • Mitt Romney - Director of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB)
  • Rudy Giuliani - Director of the Department of Homeland Security
  • Mike Huckabee - Senate Chaplain (obviously a joke, he must not like the guy...) Personally I think Huckabee would be a good choice for IRS Director...


drken said...

I think Scott might be onto something. If McCain is smart about his running mate and cabinet choices he'll be much more palatable. I think he should make Ron Paul the head of the IRS (which Paul would like to abolish). Wait! John Bolton and head of the State Department! I'd even campaign for McCain!