Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Huckabee runs out of gas!

Literally, a van carrying reporters to the Airport for Huckabee's flight to Little Rock actually RAN OUT OF GAS..

I wonder if this has any metaphorical implications for his campaign.

CNN Political Ticker: All politics, all the time Blog Archive - Huckabee press pool runs out of gas « - Blogs from CNN.com

And if anyone is wondering, I'm GLAD Huckabee is staying in the Race. It keeps the Republican's and McCain in the news, and he is building his name recognition for 2012 or maybe a position in a McCain administration. I have to admit I had NEVER heard of him before the first of the year, and then I was unfortunately tainted by the media's habit of calling him "Huckabee-the-former-baptist-minister". I think he will be in a good position in 2012 (McCain might not seek a 2nd term, and we'll all be sick of Clinton or Obama...)