Saturday, October 27, 2007

The Video Prince Doesn't Want You to See

ABC News: The Video Prince Doesn't Want You to See

THIS is the sort of thing that has to STOP. Prince sung "Let's Go Crazy" and then he actually did go Crazy. The DCMA should make it automatically a crime to falsely demand a take down. But hopefully they will win in their civil case, and win BIG enough to make them think twice before issuing such a bogus take down notice.

If we don't stop things now they will develop technology where your home video camera will "refuse" to record if it hears a copyrighted work being played in the background. You think I'm exaggerating? try connecting a DVD player to your TV/VCR combo set. The TV automatically detects that a "copyrighted DVD" is being played and messes up the picture even if you are just watching it. They prevent you from watching it because it "might" be recorded (as if copying a DVD to VHS is anything anyone would waist there time doing these days..!). Recording devices MUST follow this ridiculous scheme. And the music/movie industry will only increase their control if we let them.

Here's the "offending" video...

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