Monday, February 20, 2006

The Misguided And Cowardly Outrage Of The Press

I love this..

At the same time, the same media outlets that have kept its customers in the dark [about the cartoons.. they] screeched like banshees when Dick Cheney took all of eighteen hours to reveal that he had accidentally shot his hunting partner and friend .... arguing that the story was so important that it could not be trusted to the Corpus Christi local paper to inform the nation.

so they really DIDN'T wait, just gave it to the local paper, not the White House Pres Corps. What Cry babies.....

In conclusion this article says...
When our media has the testicular fortitude to report on terrorists honestly, then they will have gained the moral authority to lecture any White House on censorship and the responsibility of fully informing the public. Until then, such demonstrations as we saw this week by the White House press corps only stands as a perverse monument to the media's hypocrisy and venality.

Captain's Quarters